Imperial Heraldry Colors

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Air Aspected Houses

  • Ledaal: Blue & Red. Ledaal's blues are dark, contrasting elegantly with the deep burgundy and brick reds they favor.
  • Tepet: Blue & White. Pale colors predominate in the Tepet banners and House garb.

Earth Aspected Houses

  • Mnemon: White & Purple. The pale colors of Mnemon stand out against the gem-tones so many of the other Houses favor. Even the purple they wear tends towards a pale, dusky violet.
  • Ragara: White & Black. Starkly contrasting, the scions of House Ragara stand out on the battlefield and Deliberative floor alike.

Fire Aspected Houses

  • Cathak: Red & Orange. Cathak's fiery red and dark, burnt-umber oranges evoke the power of the inferno.
  • Sesus: Red & White. The elemental red and brilliant, bleached white of the Sesus mark many an Imperial Legion banner.

Water Aspected Houses

  • Iselsi: Black & Purple. Though it has been many a year since anyone wore the colors of House Iselsi in public, the Great Houses yet remember their dark colors, in pure black and rich, shadowy purples.
  • Peleps: Black & Blue. The colors of House Peleps intentionally evoke the deepest ocean waters, with dark elemental black and aquamarine and blue-greens.

Wood Aspected Houses

  • Cynis: Green & Black. House Cynis uses deep emerald greens, and black (that tends more towards greys).
  • V'neef: Green & Purple. The deep, verdant greens and deep wine-purple of House V'neef evoke the House's affinity for grape vineyards and wine.

Non-Aspected Houses

  • Nellens: Saffron & Brown. As a House without an elemental Aspect, Nellens is forbidden from using any of the colors associated with the Five Elements.