Sorcerous Arcana

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The spells sorcerers use are all invocations of magical power that draw upon extradimensional entities. In some cases, these entities are known to the earthly realm: gods, spirits, and other archetypes. In many instances, however, they are entities wholly unknown to mortal historians and theologians, their names and invocations revealed only to those with the magic to plumb the depths of the multiverse and discover them.

The Lords Telluric

The Lords Telluric is a name used by sorcerers to describe entities known to have had some historical influence on Earthly cultures, even in some small ways. Whether the culture knew the entity and then sorcerers learned to invoke them, or whether sorcerers discovered the entities and then introduced them to their cultures is irrelevant: to some degree or another, these entities are familiar to Earthly cultures, and wrapped up in them in some way.

  • Lord Aion: The Hellenic deity Aion, seen as a personification of cyclical time as well as fate and destiny. Aion's daughters are the horae, goddesses of the seasons, and he is encircled by the zodiac. Aionic sorcerers demonstrate mastery of temporal and fate-based magics.