Silver Ladder

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Atlantean Caste

Vox Draconis, the Voice of the Dragon.


The Silver Ladder are often described as priest-kings, but they do not somehow hold a "religious" function for the Awakened. Like priest-kings, though, they mediate between the most ancient and sacred of traditions, conventions and laws, and the needs of those they serve. In this regards, they are the keepers of culture, upholding the Lex Magica and the traditions of Consilium, acting as judges of the proper way of doing things. As such, they often hold positions of leadership, but (at least in theory) it isn't because they crave the power - it's because they know the lore and society, and the Awakened come to them for it.

Philosophy: The Elemental Precepts

The philosophy of the Silver Ladder has long-ago been codified into the Elemental Precepts, an interlocking set of occult and social philosophies, using the symbolism of the "Supernal Elements" - pure and/or powerful versions of the Platonic elements.


The Awakened are One Nation
The Precept of Supernal Earth. The Awakened are the inheritors to the legacy of Atlantis, and that legacy is not one of hubris, laziness and corruption - those are the stories the Awakened tell to justify their own failings. The legacy of Atlantis is Unity, first and foremost.

  • Hierarconis: The seers and prophets of the Silver Ladder have foreseen the rise of Hieraconis. If Atlantis was the Awakened equivalent of early city-state civilization, Hieraconis will be a massive nation. It is the nation that will arrive when the Supernal and the Fallen are united once more, and when humanity takes on its rightful inheritance.
  • Enemies of Unity: Those who stand against unity are traitors not just to the Awakened, but to all of humanity as well. These enemies must be fought at every turn, and include the Seers of the Throne (who utterly oppose the uplifting of humanity) and many Left-Handed Legacies.


Imperium is the Right of Humanity
The Precept of Supernal Air. Humanity deserves the power of magic. Though Sleepers endanger the Mysteries, it is because of the broken world in which they live, not because of some inherent flaw or unworthiness in them. It is the duty of the Awakened to lead Sleepers to Awakening any and everywhere possible. Humanity is to be regarded with compassion, not contempt.

  • The Stag, the Lion & the Sage: Human spirituality can be divided into three categories:
    • The Stag symbolizes the emphasis on restraint, humility, self-sacrifice and other similar "virtues." It abhors violence, but appreciates its pageantry. It is the moral vehicle most people identify with piety and enlightenment, wherein one avoids harming others in order to avoid behind harmed. It is a spirituality in which the postulant is unworthy, and is thankful for the tiny miracles he finds.
    • The Lion is the Stag's opposite. Fearless, strong, ruthless and taking prey as his right, the Lion symbolizes the human drive and willingness to use others to his benefit. It is selfish, although not always (necessarily) evil. Humanity tolerates predators in its midst - indeed, it elevates them to positions of leadership and governance, where they lay down the law for Stags and then indulge the very same desires they've denied others.
    • The Sage is a bodhisattva, a culture hero - the mage who loves power, because power will set the multitudes free. It is a balance between the power of the Lion and the compassion of the Stag. The Sage is what is best in humanity - friend to the world, neither master nor slave.
  • Inspiring Power: It isn't enough for the thearch to believe in Thunder - he must encourage others to believe. This often results in a dangerous game, where the Silver Ladder uses bribery, blackmail, love and hate in order to inspire Imperium in humanity, or in those who can grant it to humanity.
    • Empowerment: Mages of the Silver Ladder believe in empowering others to do for themselves. They prefer not to fish for others, but to teach them to fish for themselves, as the saying goes. Thus, thearchs are often at the heart of programs and organizations looking to help and empower people, and much recognition in the Order is based on what the magus does to empower humanity around him.
  • The Path of Thunder: Empowerment isn't just about others. Those with power may accomplish what those who have none may, and so the thearch seeks occult and temporal power hungrily. Yes, it means that the power-hungry blend in well in the Order, sometimes, but the thearchs are good at spotting those who use power and those who hoard it.


The Silver Ladder is the Path to Victory.
The Precept of Supernal Fire. The Star is the flame at the top of each Watchtower, which guides the mortal soul to Awakening. In the same capacity, the Silver Ladder guides the Awakened ever onward to rejoining the Supernal and Fallen.

  • Propriety in Rule: Thearchs teach that if a Consilium does not have a Silver Ladder either in the position of leadership or in a position to advise the leader, that Consilium is not guided by the Diamond and Thunder precepts. It becomes nothing more than a conspiracy of selfish mages who contribute nothing to the world's liberation. The Silver Ladder is the glue that holds Awakened society together.
  • Spirituality: While the Ladder will use any means possible to accomplish their lofty goals, they prefer cooperation and unity in purpose to blackmail and political maneuvering. Other Awakened must understand the importance of the Elemental Precepts; as such, many Silver Ladders tend to be somewhat evangelistic.
    • Succor: Part of the thearch's method is an understanding that many of the Awakened fall into deep melancholy after their Awakening. They sometimes need someone to care for them, to provide comfort and safety while the magus finds his feet, all the while preparing him to pursue the loftiest of goals: the uplifting of humanity.
  • Law & Justice: When a people know what to expect from one another, customs develop. When customs become the proper way of interacting, so that failure to adhere to them becomes punishable within that culture, customs become law. The laws of the Awakened are in place to maintain peace and to allow the heirs of Atlantis to work together powerfully and in unity.
    • Arbitrators & Mediators: The Silver Ladder takes it upon itself to know and defend the Laws of the Awakened, and so rise to positions of leadership, whose natural purpose is to defend law. They arbitrate and mediate between the magi of their Consilium, and discuss such efforts with one another, adhering closely to the Lex Magica.
  • Government: As arbitrators of law, the Silver Ladder are also the source of governmental traditions among the Awakened. This is part of unity, and ultimately supports the eventual goal of Hieraconis. Thearchs will use whatever it takes to accomplish their goals of unity: blackmail, underhanded influence peddling, stirring speeches and every means that mortal governments over the centuries have used.


The Sleepers Follow.
The Precept of Supernal Water.

  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X


X Rote Specialties: Expression, Persuasion, Subterfuge.

  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X




X o Neophyte (–): Unknown, o Neophyte (•): Known to a small part of Order; considered to have "taken the mantle" as a full member of the Order; may be made Acolyte. o Famulus (••): Known to majority of Order in region; assumed to have taken positions of personal or administrative leadership in community; expected to mentor at least a single neophyte; may be made Lictor. o Famulus Superior (•••): Known to majority of Order in nearby regions; assumed to have taken positions of public leadership in Consilium; may be made Claviger. o Magister (••••): Known to majority of Order in country; assumed to have positions of influence and leadership over large areas; may be made Deacon. o Greater or Grand Magister (•••••): Exemplar of Order ideals; assumed to be the masters of the Order.

The Caucus


  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
  • X: X
