Waterdhavian Gangs

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Dock Ward

  • Apprentices: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Blinders: Dock Ward. A gang that claims they get their name from some tactic or technique they employ to "blind the Eye," a reference to the Xanathar. They have a street reputation as having refused and even fought the Xanathar's agents before.
  • Bloody Bosuns: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Krakens: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Mootkings: Dock Ward (+ South Ward). x
  • Pressbow Boys: Dock Ward. A gang based out of the Pressbow neighborhood in the Dock Ward

South Ward

  • Black Scimitars: South Ward. xxx
  • Courtiers: South Ward. xxx

Castle Ward

  • Drunkard's Own: Castle Ward. xxx
  • Old Temple Crew: Castle Ward. xxx
  • Pinions: Castle Ward. xx
  • Squires: Castle Ward (+ Dock Ward and South Ward). A gang that has made as its headquarters the buildings at the feet of the Honorable Knight, one of the Walking Statues. Though they claim to have formed to protect their neighborhood from the predation of other gangs, they still take protection money and certain other gang rackets. They're certainly nowhere near as bad as most street gangs, however.

Trades Ward

  • Arulembar's Shields: Trades Ward + Castle Ward. xxx
  • Auld Hornies: Trades Ward (+ South Ward). xxx
  • Griffins: Trades Ward (+ Sea Ward) Supposedly founded thirty years ago by a pair of bored nobles, the Griffins are a gang who focus their efforts on giving folk the illegal things they want, rather than victimizing folk. They deal drugs, fence, sell smuggled goods, and arrange for illegal gambling dens, all with the aim of thrilling rich folk and parting them from their coin. The Griffins maintain the northernmost territory of any other gang.
  • Redwatch: Trades Ward (+ South Ward). Hard pressed between the Squires and the Auld Hornies, the Redwatch is rapidly losing both territory and members to injury and defection. Even their allies, the Courtiers, seem to have abandoned them.

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