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Revision as of 21:02, 16 July 2014

Daniel Frost
Daniel Frost pic.jpg
Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2;
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2;
Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
Mental: Academics 1, Crafts 1, Medicine 2 (Asset Skill), Politics 1

Physical: Athletics 4 (+1 Gymnastics, Asset Skill), Brawl 1, Larceny 1, Stealth 1 (+1 Urban), Weaponry 1
Social: Empathy 1, Expression 2 (+1 Dance), Persuasion 1, Socialize 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2

Fame 1, Parkour 4, Professional Training 2 (contacts in Sports World, and Corporate)
Health: 7, Willpower: 4, Size: 5, Speed: 11, Defense: 7 (Armor: xxx), Initiative: 5
Current Conditions


Born: July 4, 1991

A former Olympic Hopeful gymnast. He had to give up his dream to help keep his family afloat. His father, Alexander, who had been a foreman at a local factory, was injured on the job some years back. The company had been paying him a pension. After all, he worked for them over 20 years. Unfortunately, the company, in order to keep from going under, declared bankruptcy and Alexander's pension was included in the bankruptcy. His mother, who has never had a job in her life, now works at McDonalds and Daniel works as a courier, using his parkour skills to get to and fro quickly. Keeping his teenage siblings fed is getting increasingly difficult, and the mortgage payments are getting further and further behind. The eviction notice is especially unsettling.


"Hey did you hear about Daniel?"
"Who, Frost?"
"Yeah, I hear he got disqualified for the American team for being a drug dealer, or taking drugs or something."
"You're an idiot. He dropped out to help his family cause his dad's pensions gone. Stock market you know."
"Yeah, but he's a courier. That's all but code for "dealer"."
"Not exactly. You ever notice that rich, older women and Executives with trophy wives, but no sex drive tend to hire his services the most?"
"No Way, He's a gigolo?"
"'Fraid so. Not a bad cover, though."


  • Virtue: Loyal - Your character is loyal to a group, possibly the other player’s characters. His loyalty isn’t blind — he’s capable of seeing the flaws in whatever cause he’s signed up to — but once given it’s unshakable. Regain Willpower when he puts himself in danger by refusing to act against the group’s interests.
  • Vice: Machismo - Suck it up and walk it off. I'm not crying, I've got something in my eye... Recover willpower when refusing to show weakness causes risk to self
  • Aspirations: List three short-to-medium term goals for your character. These may be in any arena of his life she considers important.
    • I need to get caught up on bills. I hate seeing those red notices from the bank all the time.
    • The only way to really make it in life is an education. I need to take some classes and work toward a degree. Problem is, that takes money.
    • I need to get laid. Though something more than that would be nice too.
  • Integrity: 7
  • Breaking Points:
    • Breaking my Word: When I was 13, I told my mom I would watch Greg and Sam while she and my dad went out to dinner and a movie. I thought it would be a great time for Mike to come over and play Tekken, even though I promised I wouldn't have anyone over. I had him on the ropes, when I heard a scream coming from outside. I ran outside to see my 4 year old sister crying while the neighbors pitbull had her by the leg, shaking her like his favorite new chew toy. I don't really remember how we got the dog off her, but I do remember the scars on her leg. That is what happens of breaking your word. That cannot, will not happen again.
    • Not putting family first: Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I hadn't come home. Would I have won the gold? Would my face be on Wheaties boxes everywhere? I might have tons of money from endorsements, making a good living as a coach. My family living on the street, not knowing where their next meal is coming from. It shames me that it's even tempting. Fame, fortune, it's just not worth it. Your family knows you from the beginning, and when everyone else forgets you, they're the ones baking your birthday cake.
    • Witnessing Someone Intentionally causing harm for pleasure: There's something I learned about myself when I was in school. I never had a problem learning about wars. The idea of people killing each other never really bothered me. Maybe it's growing up in Detroit. I mean, that stuff happens every day, and while I haven't had any interest in taking part, it's just kinda part of life, you know? But the tales of torture, like from World War II, totally wigs my shit out. I don't know what I would do if I ever actually saw something like that.
    • Encountering Furry Monsters: Daniel arrived at the factory early after school one day. The factory was empty, the cars were gone. He saw a streak of something brown and big and furry leaving the factory. He dodged the furry freight train and hit his head on the pavement. When he came to, he found out about his father's accident. He doesn't remember arriving early.
    • Betrayal by those I trust: I was walking home one day when I saw a number of the guys from my gymnastics team come out of a bar. I remembered them saying something about getting some fake IDs but didn't think anymore of it. That's when I saw Joe with them. I'd always kind of had a thing for her, not that I'd ever tell her, mind you, but I tend to notice when she's around. Well, she was, and not walking too steady. I started toward them to see if she needed any help, but stopped to avoid a car while crossing the street. By the time the car passed, the whole group was gone. I heard an excited voice say "hurry up" and looked into the alley. It was then that I saw the guys from my team, all working to strip Joe of her clothes. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what was going on, especially as Joe wasn't exactly helping them. I didn't know what to do. I picked up a rock, screamed out "RAPE" and hucked the rock at one of my teammates. I hit him on the shoulder. At this point, they forgot about Joe and started chasing me. I ran, they caught me. I came to in the hospital, four cracked ribs a broken leg, a concussion, a broken clavicle, and a fractured scapula, to say nothing of the various scrapes and bruising that accompanied the more serious injuries. The doctors were unsure if I would ever regain full range of motion in my shoulder. Well, I did, and have since made a full recovery, though it took a couple of years all together. Muscle just has to be retrained after something like that.
    • Being Cornered:


  • Possessions: A Backpack, A Pocketknife, A Cell phone.
  • Weapons: Pocketknife Damage :0(L), Initiative -1, Size 1, Strength 1, +1 to some Crafts rolls*
  • Other Notes: X


  • Flaw: Family man - You help family, it's just what you do.

Merit Details

Professional Training: Athlete
  • • Networking: At the first level of Professional Training, your character builds connections within her chosen field. Take two dots of Contacts relating to that field.
  • •• Continuing Education: With repeated efforts in her field of choice, your character tends toward greater successes. When making a roll with her Asset Skills, she benefits from the 9-again quality.
    • Athletics
    • Medicine

Your character is a trained and proficient free-runner. Free-running is the art of moving fluidly through urban environments with complex leaps, bounds, running tricks, and vaulting. This is the type of sport popularized in modern action films, where characters are unhindered by fences, walls, construction equipment, cars, or anything else the city puts in their ways.

  • Flow (•): Your character reacts instinctively to any ob- stacles with leaps, jumps, and scaling techniques. When in a foot chase, subtract your Parkour from the successes needed to pursue or evade. Ignore environmental penalties to Athletics rolls equal to your Parkour rating.
  • Cat Leap (••): Your character falls with outstanding grace. When using a Dexterity + Athletics roll to mitigate damage from falling (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 179), your character gains one automatic success. Addition- ally, add your Parkour rating to the threshold of damage that can be removed through this roll. Parkour will not mitigate damage from a terminal velocity fall.
  • Wall Run (•••): When climbing, your character can run upward for some distance before having to traditionally climb. Without rolling, your character scaled 10 feet + five feet per dot of Athletics as an instant action, rather than the normal 10 feet.
  • Expert Traceur (••••): Parkour has become second nature for your character. By spending a Willpower point, you may designate one Athletics roll to run, jump, or climb as a rote action (reroll all failed dice once). On any turn you use this ability, you may not apply your character’s Defense to oncoming attacks.
Fame (•)

Effect: Your character is recognized within a certain sphere for a certain skill, or because of some past action, or just a stroke of luck. This can mean favors and attention, but it can also mean negative attention and scrutiny. When choosing the Merit, define what your character is known for. As a rule of thumb, one dot means local recognition or reputation within a confined subculture. Two dots means regional recognition by a wide swath of people. Three dots means worldwide recognition to anyone who might have been exposed to the source of the fame. Each dot adds a die to any Social rolls among those who are impressed by your character’s celebrity. Drawback: Any rolls to find or identify the character enjoy a +1 bonus per dot of the Merit. If the character has Alternate Identity, she can mitigate this drawback. A character with Fame cannot have the Anonymity Merit.

Friends and Family


  • Alexander: Father, born January 5th, 1963, a former foreman at an industrial Machine Shop. After his "accident" both his legs were amputated at the knee. He has massive scars on his left leg and his belly. Being a man of his hands, he is has been unable to cope with with his change in fortune well, and has turned to his friends, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam, to get him through the days. As such, his wife is careful to keep the family cash away from him.
  • Edith: Mother, born June 21, 1967, The daughter of an architect, she fell in love with Alexander in high school. Her father was not happy when she agreed to marry an unschooled man. Neverthe less, he doted on his daughter and made sure she knew he would be there when his son-in-law failed. He died 10 years ago, leaving enough for Edith's Stepmother to live on, but not, apparently, enough to share.
  • Greggory: Brother, born April 29th, 1997: Like his father, Greggory is a man of his hands. While he us unworried about getting dirty, he finds himself uninterested in industrial manufacturing. Greggory is a fantastic cook. In fact, he wants, more than anything else, to be a chef.
  • Samantha: Sister, born August 10th, 2000: Samantha is a bit different from her brothers. She enjoys sports, but does not seem to have any specific talent for it. Nor is she an artist. She is, however, a math wiz and has dreams of going to MIT and becoming an engineer.
Alexander Frost
Alexander Frost.jpg
Edith Frost
Edith Frost.jpg
Greggory Frost
Greggory Frost.jpg
Samantha Frost
Samantha Frost.jpg


  • Michael Cooper: Childhood friend Michael was in the same grade in school as Daniel. He was there for the mishap with Samantha all those years ago. He was a wrestler in high school, but didn't really go anywhere afterward. He worked as a video game tester for a while, but when his parents moved out of town, he stuck around. He found something that could actually pay the bills. Drugs. He's got some new friends now, he eats well, and has offered to help "Danny" out a few times. While Daniel trusts Michael, he can't help thinking that this help might come with a few strings attached from his gang.
  • Georgia Brown: Ex Girlfriend Georgia and Daniel were high school sweet hearts. One of the beautiful couples at school. She was a cheerleader and loved that she had a boyfriend who could actually help give her an edge on the squad. Everything was perfect too, until "her man Dan" ended up in the hospital. She tried to be supportive, but he was just so damn surly all the time. They broke up about 2 months after his "fight". It's taken a while, but they've actually gotten to be friends again, though the old flame is completely gone.
  • Leroy Brown: Ex Future Brother in Law Leroy is Georgia's twin brother. Him Mike and Dan used to be tight back in the day. Dan was always pretty cool. He got to be a bit a bitch after his beat down, but Leroy can understand that. 'Course nobody around would even think of doin' something like that to Leroy. Wouldn't work out well for 'em. He just wishes Georgia would stop datin' all these losers. Dan has recovered and is still pretty cool, maybe they could get back together.


  • Grace Beaumont: Boss. Grace, age 30, runs the Relay messenger service. A Bike enthusiast, she makes sure to go biking whenever she gets a chance. She keeps fit and while single, her generally sweet disposition has no shortage of male suitors. Daniel has no idea how she can stay so upbeat in the middle of Detroit.
  • Andrew Berring: Rival Courier Andy, age 24, has been working at the Relay messenger service since he got out of high school. He is the one who originally turned Daniel on to free running. Daniel and Andrew share a good natured rivalry, comparing times for different delivery routes.
  • George Hayworth: Company Sphincter George, age 27, is the longest employed courier at Relay messenger service. Although the company is small and does not, as of yet, really have supervisors for the couriers, George sees himself in this role. He also took an instant dislike to Daniel. Possibly because he has designs on Grace and sees the young twerp as competition. Never mind that Grace has never shown any interest in either of them.


A description of your characters day to day life.

  • Money: Money is for people whose bills are paid. Daniel fervently hopes to have money some day.
  • Clothing & Jewelry: When Daniel awoke in the hospital he found a necklace with two medallions on it. One of St. Agnes and one of St George. He found out that St. Agnes is the patron saint of Chastity, Girl Scouts and Rape. St. George, is the patron saint of England, Soldiers and Chivalry. It was quite obvious that someone was mocking him, but he decided to keep them. These medallions are kept underneath his shirt. He is not religious, but he has still found meaning for this necklace. His everyday wear is Jeans and T-shirt with a black Hoodie to keep his muscles warm. He also has a good pair of running shoes that he replaces frequently. This is his one major personal expense.
  • Communication: Daniel has a smartphone, mostly because he was required to get a phone for work. He wasn't really able to find one in his price range, but Mike found him a pretty good phone and all he had to do was activate it.
  • Food: Daniel eats well. He knows about nutrition and makes sure that his siblings have good food in their bellies. His mother is good cook, and if she isn't able to make dinner, Daniel makes it himself. He's not too bad a cook himself. Between the two of them, and his siblings, everything is fresh. They make their own bread, Chop their own veggies, some of which is grown at home in the right season, and make their own sauces. Recently, Greggory has been putting in a lot of time in the kitchen. His creations sometimes leave the family feeling as if they went to a restaurant. No body asks his father to cook. It's much cheaper that way.
  • Housing: Daniel lives in a nice 4 bedroom house with a tidy little backyard. These days, the backyard is mostly taken up with a truck garden. In a neighborhood of once great houses, this one alone is not falling into disrepair. This is mostly due to the expertise of Alexander, who while unable to do much of the heavy lifting these days, is fully capable of teaching his children how to do the many maintenance tasks needed, just as his wife teaches them to cook.
  • Days: Daniel wakes about 5 am. He makes breakfast for himself and his family. He makes sure his siblings get up and makes lunches for his family. About 6:30 am he heads out to the garage for his weight training. By 7:30 am he is dressed showered and running to work. He takes his first package around 8 am. His workdays are about 6 hours long, give or take a little depending on the number of deliveries (which is coordinated by phone). About 2 pm, he stops by the Gym to practice his gymnastics (paid for by the gym getting to use his name and picture). By 4 pm he is home cleaning or making repairs to the house and making preparations for dinner.
  • Evenings: After dinner, Daniel's time is his own. His mother really wishes he would date, but most nights he just reads a book, or plays some old video games and goes to sleep. Every once in a while his friend Mike will show up to take him out on the town. This upsets his mother more than the fact he's not dating.


  • Total Experiences: 0; Experiences Spent: 0; Beats: 2
XP Purchases
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats

Purcashed Advandces

  • X: X Experiences
  • X: X Experiences
  • X: X Experiences
Character Experiences
Current Beats: 2
Unspent Experiences: 0
Spent Experiences: 0
Experiences Earned
• DATE: 7/2/14 2 beats