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Revision as of 10:57, 19 June 2015

Legal Name: Ronald Tagerson
Metatype: Human, Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 26, Sex: Male, Height: 6'2", Weight: 185 lb
Street Cred: 4, Notoriety: 0, Public Awareness: 0
Karma: 0, Total Karma: 48
Primary Lifestyle: Low
Nuyen: ¥3274
Licenses: Ronald Autrey (Cryo 3, Rocuronium 3, Parasol Dart Pistol 5, Narcoject 3), Gabriel Calice (Bounty hunter license 6, Cavalier Deputy 4, Reg Ammo 3, Tracker Ammo 3, Flare Ammo 3, SCK Model 100 6, FN HAR 6)
Other Identities: Ronald Autrey (SIN 6; contract EMT worker), Gabriel Calice (SIN 6; bounty hunter), John Donaldson (SIN 6; unemployed)
Combat Info
Armor: Armor Jacket (AR 12/15)
Ranged: Automatics 10, Pistols 8
Melee: Unarmed Combat 8
Condition Monitors Physical: 9 Stun: 9 Overflow: 3
Body: 3, Agility: 5, Reaction: 3 (4), Strength: 3
Willpower: 2, Logic: 4, Intuition: 2, Charisma: 2
Edge: 5, Essence: .95, Magic: -, Resonance: -
Initiative: 5 (6) +2d6, Matrix Initiative: 6+2d6 (AR), 7+3d6 (Cold VR), 7+4d6 (Hot VR), Astral Initiative: -
Composure: 4, Judge Intentions: 4, Memory: 6, Lift/Carry: 6, Movement: Walk 10, Run 20, Sprint +2m/hit
Physical Limit: 5, MentalLimit: 4, SocialLimit: 3
Active Skills: Groups: Biotech 5 (Cybertechnology, First Aid, Medicine)
Agility: Automatics 5, Gymnastics 2, Pistols 3, Sneaking 3, Unarmed Combat 3
Reaction: Pilot Aircraft 1, Pilot Ground Craft 4
Strength: Running 2
Charisma: Etiquette 2, Leadership 2, Negotiation 3
Intuition: Navigation 1, Perception 4
Logic: Automotive Mechanic 1, Biotechnology 1, Computer 2, Electronic Warfare 1
Knowledge Skills:
Academic (Log): Biology 2, Chemistry 1, Medicine 3
Interests (Int): Urban Brawl 2
Professional (Log): Small Unit Tactics 2
Street (Int): Gang Identification 1, Fixers 1
Languages: English (N), Japanese 1, Aztlander Spanish 1
Positive: Agile Defender (3), Gifted Healer (2, Stabilization), Home Ground (10 - The Transporter)
Negative Qualities: Code of Honor (+15 - Hippocratic Oath, innocent bystanders), Dependents (6 - Kincaid, 13 y/o orphan), Records on File (+2 - DocWagon, plus Other)
Control Rig 1, Skilljack 3, Cybereyes 2 (Smartlink, flare comp, low-light, thermo), Wired Reflexes 1, Cyberarm (Agility +3, Strength +3, Biomonitor, Vasotech Autoinjection Gun, GE Statscan, Gyromount 3)
Fixer (2/2), Mechanic (2/2)
Commlink or Cyberdeck
Proteus Poseidon Rigger Command Console: Rating 5, Data Processing 5, Firewall 6; Common Programs: Encryption, Signal Scrub, Toolbox, Virtual Machine; Hacking Programs: Armor, Biofeedback Filter, Guard, Shell, Sneak, Wrapper
GMC Bulldog Van: Hand 3/3, Spd 3, Accel 1, Body 16, Armor 12, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 6, Rigger interface, satellite link
Biotech Gear
Medkit 6: Rigger adapted, IV infusion, gas administration, body fluid analysis
Drug Stores: Crash (10d), Cryo (5d), Hemosynth (5d), Nanoscan (10d), Ondansetron (5d), Sugammadex (10d), Rocuronium (20d)

Martial Arts

  • Capoeira: Brazilian style featuring elbow slams, leg strikes, and head butts. (Other Techniques: Called Shot [Feint], Sweep, Tricking)
    • Bending of the Reed: +1 die bonus to Defense Tests when using Dodge Interrupt Action.
    • Kick Attack: +1 Reach to basic Unarmed Combat Actions.
    • Kip-Up: Simple Action. Agility + Gymnastics [PL] (3) test to rise from Prone and make an immediate Close Combat Attack against a foe within Reach.

Combat Gear


  • Armored Black Jumpsuits (2): ¥900
  • Armor Jacket: ¥1000

Unarmed Weapons

  • Hardliner Boots: Acc 5 (PhysLimit), Reach -, Dam (Str+1)P, AP -, ¥100

Automatic Weapons

  • SCK Model 100: Acc 5 (7), DV 8P, AP -, Mode SA/BF, RC (1), Ammo 30c, ¥2990, 6R
    • Features: smartgun, internal folding stock; sling, 20 clips
    • Ammo: Regular (1000)
  • FN HAR: Acc 5 (6), DV 10P, AP -2, Mode SA/BF/FA, RC 2, Ammo 35c, ¥3600, 8R
    • Features: Laser sight, Gas Vent 2; 20 clips
    • Ammo: Regular (1000)

Pistol Weapons

  • Parashield Dart Pistol (2): Acc 5, DV as toxin, AP -, Mode SA, RC -, Ammo 5c, ¥3900, 4R
    • Features: Smartgun (internal)
    • Ammo: Injection darts (200)
  • Cavalier Deputy (2): Acc 6, DV 7P, AP -1, Mode SA, RC -, Ammo 7cy, ¥7020, 3R
    • Features: concealed quick-draw holsters, imaging scopes, 10 speed loaders
    • Ammo: Regular (100), Tracker (50), Flare (10)



  • Control Rig (1): Ess 1, ¥43,000
  • Cybereyes (2): Ess 0.3, Capacity 8, ¥6000
    • Smartlink: Capacity 3, ¥4000
    • Flare Comp: Capacity 1, ¥1000
    • Low Light: Capacity 2, ¥1500
    • Thermographic: Capacity 2, ¥1500
  • Wired Reflexes (1): Ess 2, ¥39,000
  • Cyberarm (Full, Obvious, Customized Agility +3): Ess 1, Capacity 15, ¥30,000
    • Strength Enhancement (3): Capacity 3, ¥19,500
    • Implanted Devices (Biomonitor, Vasotech Autoinjection Gun): Capacity 2, ¥2000
    • Implanted GE STATscan: Capacity 2, ¥2500
    • Cyberarm Gyromount: Capacity 8, ¥6000


  • Orthoskin (3): Ess 0.75, ¥18,000

Biotech Gear

Medkits & Autodocs

  • Medkit 6: (Rating 4, but upgraded by double expenditure to +2 rating, per p.18) ¥2800

Medical Drugs

  • Narcoject (20) - ¥50 per dose, 8R
  • Crash (10) - ¥800 per dose, 8R
  • Cryo (5) - ¥1000 per dose; Infuser
  • Hemosynth (5) - ¥2000 per dose; Infuser
  • Nanoscan (10) - ¥500 per dose
  • Neostigmine (5) - ¥100 per dose
  • Ondansetron (5) - ¥50 per dose
  • Sugammadex (10) - ¥100 per dose


  • Rocuronium (20) - ¥50 per dose, 6R

Slap Patches

  • Antidote Patch 5 (10) - ¥250 per patch
  • Chem Patch (20) - ¥200 per patch
  • Stim Patch 5 (10) - ¥125 per patch
  • Tranq Patch 10 (5) - ¥200 per patch
  • Trauma Patch (5) - ¥500 per patch

Rigging Gear

Remote Command Console

  • Proteus Poseidon Command Console: Rating 5, Data Processing 5, Firewall 6, ¥80,800
    • Common Programs: Encryption, Signal Scrub, Toolbox, Virtual Machine
    • Hacking Programs: Armor, Biofeedback Filter, Guard, Shell, Sneak, Wrapper
    • Autosofts (RCC Native): Clearsight 3, Electronic Warfare 3, Microskimmer Evasion 3, Microskimmer Maneuvering 3, Microskimmer Stealth 3, Doberman Evasion 3, Doberman Maneuvering 3


  • GMC Bulldog Van: Hand 3/3, Spd 3, Accel 1, Body 16, Armor 12, Pilot 1, Sensor 2, Seats 6, ¥36,500 • Rigger interface, satellite link • Autosofts: 1 max • Sensors: Motion sensor, Radio signal scanner


  • Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer: Hand 3, Spd 3, Accl 1, Bod 0, Arm 0, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, ¥1000 • Autosofts: 2 max • Sensors: Camera, Laser microphone, Vision magnification
  • GM-Nissan Doberman: Hand 5, Spd 3, Accl 1, Bod 4, Arm 4, Pilot 3, Sensor 3, ¥5000 • Autosofts: 2 max • Sensors: Cyberware scanner, MAD scanner, Radio signal scanner

Lifestyle & Identity

  • Low: 4 months (¥9816) • Comforts & Necessities 2/3, Security 2/3, Neighborhood 2, Points 4, ¥2045 per month (¥2454 due to Dependent Negative Quality)
    • Local Bar Patron (1), Private Room (1) • Obscure/Difficult to Find (+1)


  • Basic Black Jumpsuits (10): ¥300


  • Transys Avalon Commlink (6): ¥5000

SINs - 69,300

  • Ronald Autrey: Fake SIN (6); contract EMT worker - day to day transactions, medical stuff ¥17,800
    • Licenses: Cryo drug (3), Rocuronium toxin (3), Parasol Dart Pistol (5), Narcoject (3)
    • Credit:
  • Gabriel Calice: Fake SIN (6); bounty hunter - shadier transactions ¥21,200
    • Licenses: Bounty Hunter License (6), Cavalier Deputy (4), Regular Ammo (3), Tracker Ammo (3), Flare Ammo (3), SCK Model 100 (6), FN HAR (6)
  • John Donaldson: Fake SIN (6) - emergency use ¥15,000
  • Martin Weldon (Kinkaid): Fake SIN (6); high school student ¥15,000
  • Credsticks: Silver x5, Gold x2 - ¥300



  • Grew up in Seattle, the son of Dane Tagerson, a low-level A-class corp salaryman and his wife Justine, a nurse who worked infrequently due to her illness.
    • He grew up attending public school, though he didn't make many friends in it, as he spent as much of his time taking care of her as possible.
    • She taught him a great deal about nursing - above and beyond what he needed to take care of her - and instilled in him a desire to be a doctor.
  • His mother died when he was seventeen, a blow to the young man.
    • His father quickly remarried a woman named Violet, who worked at the same corp as he did.
    • Violet and Ronald didn't get along, so he made the effort to get early enrollment in a pre-med program at the University of Seattle.


  • His father died when he was 22, and he couldn't pay for school anymore, as his widow Violet objected to her husband's dispersal of funds in the will and took Ronald to court, ending up getting all of it, leaving him with nothing for schooling.
  • In order to continue his education, Ronald took a job with DocWagon as an assistant clinic nurse.
    • He quickly proved his ability, and DocWagon paid for him to get his EMT training to get him a place with their LTR divisions.
    • Still, this didn't quite pay enough to let him do more than take occasional night-classes, but he became aware that their HTR teams were given funds to pay for increasing education.
  • He signed up for the HTR program, spending six weeks learning tactics, firearms, and the other basic tests intended to weed out those unsuitable for HTR team-members. He succeeded at the top of his class, and was offered a position in the actual training program, which he accepted.
    • The HTR training was a six-month program, training him in combat as much as medicine, and he even accepted the offer to have cyber-augmentations installed, to ensure him a better pay grade and placement upon graduation.
  • He went to work in an armored ambulance, working first as an EMT and back-up rigger (rigging mainly medical drones and overwatch systems).

The Shadows

  • He was 26 when he was involved in the job that would change his life (though he had no way of knowing that). It was a routine medical extraction that turned ugly, and the rescue team witnessed XXXXX while rescuing a [CORP] executive.
    • His team was given danger leave, the standard three-day period of leave after very violent rescue ops.
    • While they were on leave, his teammates began dying. One caught a bullet in a bar-fight that went bad, another was poisoned while out partying, another was hit by a car.
  • Ronald figured out what was going on just shy of too late. He recognized the signs of breaking-and-entering into his apartment at the last moment and was half-way out the door when the explosive device detonated.
    • The explosion almost totally obliterated his apartment, and collapsed the apartment adjacent to his.
    • As he was trying to escape, he heard someone calling for help, and stopped to save them from the debris.
    • This was the kid of his neighbors, the Kinkaids.
  • Realizing that [CORP] was trying to kill him, he fled and found a safe place to hide in his parent's old apartment, which Violet still owned but hadn't visited in years (she was trying, without success, to sell it).
    • He contacted DocWagon to tell them what was going on while he patched up the Kinkaid kid.
    • A short while later, two thugs showed up with violent intent, and Ronald killed them in self defense.
    • Realizing that DocWagon was in on his demise, he vanished into the Barrens.
    • He quickly nuked the trackers on his van and worked to clumsily erase his presence.
  • Once the Kinkaid kid was better, he offered to take the kid to relatives, but he didn't have any.
    • Though Ronald wasn't sure about being able to take care of a teenager, the kid (who he just calls Kinkaid) insisted on staying with him - it would be better than ending up an orphan in the Seattle Child Services system.
  • Once in the Barrens, he quickly found some work at a shadow clinic, helping stitch folks up where he could.
    • When some gangers broke into the clinic looking to off a fixer who was on the operating table, it was Ronald who fought them, though the street doc was killed in the process.
    • The fixer who was on the table offered to get him set up with a couple of jobs, and that's how he entered the shadows.
  • Now he's got a small place in YYYY, with enough to eat for both himself and Kinkaid.
    • He's teaching Kinkaid some of his medical skills, and generally doing his best to raise the kid the best he can.
  • Current Age: 27


  • Thirteen years old.
  • Caduceus tries to parent him as best he can, but their relationship is really more like that of siblings.
  • He's lived with Cad for a year now, and doesn't seem as frightened of the neighborhood they live in anymore, much to Caduceus' chagrin.
    • He's made one or two friends, but Cad is concerned about the local gangs trying to recruit the kid.
    • So far, Kinkaid's made intelligent choices when it comes to involvement with the local gangs, but Cad knows that once a friend or two of yours get involved, it seems much more tempting.
  • Cad has arranged for decent schooling with a former high school teacher, who Cad helps out with ongoing medical treatment for emphysema, which he wouldn't otherwise have.


Metatype: D (Human, 3) • Attributes: C (16) • Magic/Resonance: E (None) • Skills: B (36/5) • Resources: A (450,000¥)

  • Clothing & Armor: ¥2300
  • Electronics: ¥85,500
  • Vehicles: ¥36,500
  • Drones: ¥6000
  • Cyberware: ¥156,000
  • Bioware: ¥18,000
  • Weapons: ¥17,510
  • Biotech: ¥45,800
  • Lifestyle: ¥9816
  • Identity: ¥69,300