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'''Best Birthday''' - With so many great birthdays to choose from, It's hard to choose a favorite. However, at the risk of sounding cliche, I'm going to have to go with my 13th birthday. I was one of those lucky individuals to come from a family with slightly more than moderate means, so my Bar Mitzvah was a large one. I got writers cramp some weeks beforehand, both writing a speach, and invitations, but when the big day arrived, and everyone was there and I got to read from the Torah, for the first time. I actually chanted, and for a wonder, my voice didn't squeek or crack. Afterward, when I was complimented on my speech, and overall conducting of the service, I felt 10 ft tall, well not quite, but I'm not sure how to describe the feeling other than the afterglow of a job well done after a lot of effort. Yeah, that was good.
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'''Worst Birthday''' - December 7th, 1996. I was in my 2nd and final year in the active Israeli Army. In fact I was weeks away from reserve status. My girlfriend of a year had dumped me, I had a cold, and I was hit by a raid. That's right bullets flying, lots of bullets, dust clogging my already moist nostrils, more noise than I care to remember, and here comes this crazy asshole carrying his grenade, pin already pulled. Luckily the Sergeant was one hell of a shot, our would be destroyer was stopped a good 10 yards short and we were able to take cover. The action didn't take long, but I was left with clay in my nose and some fatigues full of holes. I should have got rid of them, but I kept em. Oh yeah, did I mention that Hanukah was only about a week away at this point?  Yeah, that one sucked.
Jacob Rosen was born in Portland, OR. The son of reasonably successful attourney Isaac Rosen and Librarian Sarah Rosen nee Weiner. Needless to say education was important in his family, and great preasure was put on young Jacob to excell. After high school, he decided to take advantage of his heritage and took a trip to Israel, where he then claimed dual citizenship with the United States. As a result, he then spent the next two years of his life in the Israeli armed forces. This was followed by college, in Israel, and Rabinic school at the Reform college in Jerusalem. His life seemed to be looking up and he was enjoying his spiritual exploration, including meditation and the teachings of Kabbalah. It was then that he made some startling realizations about the world, more specifically about the supernatural, or the existence thereof. He of course wanted to share this revelation with his fellows, and informed them of his meditations, his reasoning and his findings. Needless to say, nobody believed him having all come from the same educated, sceptical background as he. Quietly, he let the subject drop, but his approach to the world of the supernatural became more open minded. In the midst of his discovery and rejection, Jacob recieved word of his father's death. Flying home for funeral and the mutual comfort of loved ones. Jacob decided to stay in Portland where he again took up residence in his parents house. It was here that he first heard of the Janus foundation, heard they were open minded as he was. And, as Portland did not seem in need of another Rabbi, decided to apply. Needless to say this decision has caused some tension with his mother.

Latest revision as of 10:31, 25 June 2008


Jacob Rosen was born in Portland, OR. The son of reasonably successful attourney Isaac Rosen and Librarian Sarah Rosen nee Weiner. Needless to say education was important in his family, and great preasure was put on young Jacob to excell. After high school, he decided to take advantage of his heritage and took a trip to Israel, where he then claimed dual citizenship with the United States. As a result, he then spent the next two years of his life in the Israeli armed forces. This was followed by college, in Israel, and Rabinic school at the Reform college in Jerusalem. His life seemed to be looking up and he was enjoying his spiritual exploration, including meditation and the teachings of Kabbalah. It was then that he made some startling realizations about the world, more specifically about the supernatural, or the existence thereof. He of course wanted to share this revelation with his fellows, and informed them of his meditations, his reasoning and his findings. Needless to say, nobody believed him having all come from the same educated, sceptical background as he. Quietly, he let the subject drop, but his approach to the world of the supernatural became more open minded. In the midst of his discovery and rejection, Jacob recieved word of his father's death. Flying home for funeral and the mutual comfort of loved ones. Jacob decided to stay in Portland where he again took up residence in his parents house. It was here that he first heard of the Janus foundation, heard they were open minded as he was. And, as Portland did not seem in need of another Rabbi, decided to apply. Needless to say this decision has caused some tension with his mother.