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(New page: {| align="right" | http://lh5.ggpht.com/_TaoaO397RkM/TJD0ZC30cnI/AAAAAAAAC9Q/hSNigHpxTko/s800/jerrysokoloski.jpg |} Rai Kihara is a Japanese-American native of Tokyo, Japan. After the de...)
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* she can eat four pizzas a day & gain no weight
* she can eat four pizzas a day & gain no weight
* Rai plays World of Warcraft seemingly as a career, reads fantasy & plays D&D every Saturday & Warhammer every Sunday.  This plus work pretty much defines her life.
* Rai plays World of Warcraft seemingly as a career, reads fantasy & plays D&D every Saturday & Warhammer every Sunday.  This plus work pretty much defines her life.
* she finds Harold's new nickname that he & Jelani use, "Issa" to be retarded & refuses to call him anything other than Harold, "giant dumbass", "teabag" or "fatty".

Latest revision as of 08:57, 14 November 2011


Rai Kihara is a Japanese-American native of Tokyo, Japan. After the death of her mother she moved to the US to attend college in New York and start a new life for herself far away from her abusive father. It was at college that she met her closest friends, Harold Tourblanc and Jelani Obi. Rai & Issa conspired and got legally married in order to establish permanent citizenship for Rai. Shortly after Harold & Jelani moved to Africa she completed her degree in child psychology and opened up a pizzeria. Rai has seen very little of Harold & Jelani since they had moved. Harold has visited a couple of times and they talk every few weeks and she still talks to Jelani on a nearly daily basis on the phone. Unlike Jelani, she is largely unaware of any of the strangeness in Harold's life, though she does find it a bit strange that Harold if often at Jelani's place when she calls, though he lives in Oregon.


  • Rai is quick to anger & overly fond of throwing things when in this state - she also has a very good aim
  • she has nine cats
  • she lives on the floor above her pizzeria - she often says that she opened the place just in order to supply her with breakfast, lunch & dinner in order to sustain her gaming lifestyle
  • she's never been able to make her mind up if she prefers men or women more & is constantly changing her mind regarding which gender is the dumber of the two
  • she can eat four pizzas a day & gain no weight
  • Rai plays World of Warcraft seemingly as a career, reads fantasy & plays D&D every Saturday & Warhammer every Sunday. This plus work pretty much defines her life.
  • she finds Harold's new nickname that he & Jelani use, "Issa" to be retarded & refuses to call him anything other than Harold, "giant dumbass", "teabag" or "fatty".