Moto Ren

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Moto Ren
Clan: Unicorn     Family: Moto
School: Moto Conqueror (Bushi)     Rank: 1
Titles: Emerald Magistrate
Earth: 2      Air: 1
Water: 3      Fire: 2
      Void: 2
Ninjō: There is no justice without truth & compassion.
Giri: xxx
Endurance: 8
Composure: 10
Focus: 3     Vigilance: 2
Honor: 45     Glory: 50     Status: 30
Artisan Skills: Aesthetics 1
Martial Skills: Fitness 1, Melee 2, Unarmed 1, Meditation 1, Tactics 1
Scholar Skills:
Social Skills: Command 2, Games 1
Trade Skills: Survival 2
Advantages and Disadvantages
Distinctions: Bishamon's Blessing
Adversities: Bluntness
Passions: Ikebana
Anxieties: Painfully Honest
School Abilities
Swirling Desert Wind (School Ability)
Kata: Striking as Water
Shuji: Slippery Maneuvers, All in Jest
Traveling clothes, concealed armor, scimitar & wakizashi, yumi, quiver of arrows, 2 knives, traveling pack, Shin'yū (Unicorn warhorse), Shogi set, 6 Koku

Twenty Questions

1. What clan does your character belong to?

  • Unicorn
    • +Water
    • +Survival
    • Status: 30

2. What family does your character belong to?

  • Moto
    • +Earth
    • +Command & Survival
    • Glory: 40
    • Starting Wealth: 6 koku

3. What is your character's school & what roles does that school fall into?"

  • Moto Conqueror (Bushi)
    • +Fire & Water
    • +Command, Fitness, Melee, Unarmed, Tactics
    • Honor: 35
    • Techniques Available: Kata, Rituals & Shuji
    • Starting Techniques: Slippery Maneuvers & All in Jest
    • School Ability: Swirling Desert Wind
    • Starting Outfit: travel clothes, concealed armor, daisho (scimitar & wakizashi), yumi, quiver of arrows, 2x knife, travel pack, Unicorn warhorse

4. How does your character stand out within their school?

  • Friendliness
    • +Void (in place of Water)

5. Who is your lord and what is your character's duty to them?

  • Giri: x

6. What does your character long for, and how might this impede their duty?

  • Ninjo: There is no justice without truth and compassion.

7. What is your character's relationship with their clan?

  • Moto Ren is well loved by his family and clan and is upheld an an exemplar young Unicorn samurai.
    • Glory +5

8. What does your character thing of Bushido?

  • Compassion & righteousness are the most important tenants of Bushido, while Courtesy's importance is overrated and often an obstruction to the code.
    • Honor +10

9. What is your character's greatest accomplishment so far?

  • There was a mine collapse and he got into the thick of things, where he persisted and kept working, never stopping even when others had given up. His determination and tirelessness allowed him to save the miners that had become trapped within.
    • Distinction: Bishamon's Blessing

10. What holds your character back the most in life?

  • No matter how much he triest, providing the perfect gift, performing great deeds, his works are often unmade as soon as he opens his mouth in polite company.
    • Adversity: Bluntness

11. What activity most makes your character feel at peace?

  • Ikebana. To lose oneself in the art, the fragrances, colors and feel of the perfect beauty of flowers and their arrangements. This bliss is what best represents the poetry of my heart, far better than clumsy words every could.
    • Ikebana


Rank & Experience


  • Moto Conqueror: 1; 7 of 20
  • Emerald Magistrate: 1; 7 of 30


  • Total: 10
  • Spent: 7
  • Saved: 3
    • Kata - Striking as Water (3xp)
    • Raised Melee from 1 to 2 (4xp)