Dame Martinique

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Dame Martinique
Race: Human, Class: Paladin 3rd • Cleric 2nd of Lathander (7553 xp/14,000 xp)
Background: Acolyte, Alignment: Lawful Good
Patron Deity: Lathander
Factions: {{{Factions}}}
Ability Scores
Strength 16 (+3), Dexterity 9 (-1), Constitution 16 (+3);
Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 13 (+1), Charisma 19 (+4)
Bonus: +3
Saving Throws: Wisdom & Charisma
Skills: Athletics (Str), Insight (Wis), Persuasion (Cha), Religion (Int)
Tools: None
Languages: Threxantran (Local Common), Astridir (Fey Common), Celestial
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Acolyte: Shelter of the Faithful
Paladin: Divine Sense (5/day), Lay on Hands (15 pts/day), Fighting Style (Defense), Divine Smite, Divine Health, Oath of the Ancients (Oath Spells, Nature's Wrath, Turn the Faithless)
Cleric: Light Domain, Warding Flare (1/day), Ritual Casting, Channel Divinity (1/rest)
Attacks: {{{Attacks}}}
Armor Class: 19, Initiative: -1, Speed: 25
Hit Points: 45, Hit Dice: 3d10 • 2d8
Personality Traits: {{{Personality}}}
Ideals: A rural morality is superior to urban sophistication, everyone should be well-fed, loved, safe and warm
Bonds: Law, pastoral settings, her family
Flaws: Stunning naivete, obnoxiously faithful

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • Born at the edge of the Daltes, in an agricultural community.
  • When she was 12, as the Ascension War came to a close, she found the site of a skirmish. She was drawn to it by the sounds of something shrieking in pain. She discovered that it was a beautiful courser, terribly injured in battle, and its rider - the famed paladin Sir Eratain of the Dawn - dead.
  • Martinique cared for the horse, bringing it back to health despite her fellow villagers insisting that it ought to be killed. Fortunately, she was altogether too stubborn to give up on the animal, who turned out to be a Valexi, with a long history of serving as a mount for Lathandran paladins. Indeed, he himself is one of the faithful.
  • For some odd reason, the horse stayed with her, eventually guiding her into a vocation with the church of Lathander.
  • When she took her oaths to the church, Gloaming stayed with her, much to the interest of the church's elders. In time, she became a knight-chaplain of the church of Lathander.



  • Maximum # of Prepared Spells: 5 paladin, 3 cleric
  • Spells per Day: 1st: 4 • 2nd: 2
  • Magic Ability: Charisma (Paladin), Wisdom (Cleric)
  • Saving Throw DC Total: Paladin: 16 • Cleric: 12
  • Spell Attack Modifier: Paladin: +6 • Cleric: +4

Prepared Spells

  • Oath: 1st - ensnaring strike, speak with animals*
  • Paladin: 1st - compelled duel, divine favor, protection from evil and good, shield of faith
  • Domain: Cantrips - light; 1st - burning hands, faerie fire
  • Cleric: Cantrips - guidance, spare the dying, sacred flame; 1st - bless, cure wounds, detect magic*

Acolyte Traits

  • Shelter of the Faithful: Called upon to offer ceremonies and services at a temple or shrine, may call upon faith for aid, can receive free healing, care and religious services.

Paladin Traits

  • Divine Sense: Know location of any celestial, fiend or undead, and presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated w/i 60'; may use (Cha bonus +1 per day)
  • Lay on Hands: Gain a pool of [Paladin Level x5] points. Heal by touch, spending 1pt/hit point. Spend 5 pts to cure disease or neutralize poison. Does not affect undead or constructs.
  • Fighting Style: Defense: +1 AC when in armor
  • Divine Smite: When striking a creature, may expend a spell slot to inflict 2d8 radiant damage + 1d8 radiant damage for each spell level above 1st. Add +1d8 if target is undead or fiendish.
  • Divine Health: Immune to disease.
  • Oath Spells: ensnaring strike, speak with animals

Cleric Traits

  • Light Domain Spells: Cantrips (light); 1st (burning hands, faerie fire)
  • Warding Flare: As a reaction, may impose disadvantage on an attacker with a flash of light. Creatures that cannot be blinded are immune. Can be used (Wis mod) times per day.
  • Ritual Casting: Can cast prepared clerical spells ritually if they have the ritual tag.
  • Channel Divinity: May use a Channel Divinity effect 1/rest.

Channel Divinity

May use a Channel Divinity Effect 1/rest

  • Nature's Wrath: An an action, cause spectral vines to spring up and reach for a creature within 10' that you can see. Creature must make a Strength or Dexterity save or be restrained. While restrained, may repeat save each turn; breaks free on a success.
  • Radiance of the Dawn: As an action, present holy symbol. Dispels any magical darkness within 30'. Each hostile creature within 30' must make a Constitution save or take 2d10 + (cleric level) radiant damage (save for half). A creature with total cover is protected.
  • Turn the Faithless: Utter ancient words that are painful for fey and fiends to hear. Each fey and fiend within 30' must make a Wisdom save. If it fails, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. Must spend its turns trying to escape, can't willingly move to a space within 30'. Will use Dash actions to escape, or Dodge actions if it can't go any further. Additionally, if the creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting or other effects, its true form is revealed while it is turned.
  • Turn Undead: As an action, present holy symbol. Each undead within 30' must make a Wisdom save. If it fails, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. Must spend its turns trying to escape, can't willingly move to a space within 30'. Will use Dash actions to escape, or Dodge actions if it can't go any further.


Tenets of the Ancient Oath
  • Kindle the Light: Through your acts of mercy, kindness and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.
  • Shelter the Light: Where there is good, beauty, love and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
  • Preserve Your Own Light: Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die within your own heart, how can you preserve it in the world?
  • Be the Light: Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.


  • Armor Class: 19 (Chain Mail: 16 + Shield: 2 + Defense Fighting Style +1)
    • Armor Worn: Chain Mail, AC: 16, Weight: 55lb, -5 Speed, Stealth Disadvantage


  • Lance: Bonus: +6; Damage & Effects: 1d12+3 piercing; Mounted, Reach; Weight: 8 lb
  • Longsword: Bonus: +6; Damage & Effects: 1d8+3 slashing; Versatile (1d10); Weight: 4 lb
  • Crystal Battleaxe +1: Bonus: +7; Damage & Effects: 1d8+4 slashing; Versatile (1d10); Weight: 4 lb
  • Dagger (3): Bonus: +6; Damage & Effects: 1d4+3 piercing; Finesse, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60); Weight: 1 lb ea
  • Heavy Crossbow: Bonus: +2; Damage & Effects: 1d10 piercing; Ammunition (Range 100/400), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed; Weight: 19 lb


  • Coinage: 16 copper, 42 silver, 14 electrum, 5 gold
    • Stored: 200gp, 180 cp
  • Gems: 1 ornamental gem (10g ea)
  • Magic Items: x


  • Carried: Adventurer's kit, bedroll, travelers' clothes (x3), holy symbol of Lathander (given by elder in faith, blue/yellow stone), potion of healing (x2), potion of climbing, Quarrels (40) in case
  • Stored: x


Modest (25 gp/month).

Gloaming (Mount)


Large beast, lawful good

  • Armor Class: 11
  • Hit Points: 19 (3d10 + 3)
  • Speed: 60 ft

Str 18 (+4) Dex 12 (+1) Con (13 (+1) Int 8 (-1) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 7 (-2)

  • Senses: Passive Perception 11
  • Languages: -
  • Challenge: 1/2 (100 xp)

  • Paladin's Mount: Gloaming can use the thaumaturgy cantrip.
  • Trampling Charge: If Gloaming moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature right before hitting it with a hooves attack, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the horse can take a bonus action to make another attack with its hooves against the target.


  • Hooves: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
    • Hit: 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage

Experience Points

1220 (2250 for next level)

Earned: #xp

  • 06/09/2014: 60
  • 06/22/2014: 120
  • Session DATE: #xp
  • Session DATE: #xp