Kellas-Ford Warm Hearth

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Southeast Bank • Kella's Ford

Proprietors & Staff

  • Belith Relee: A human woman in her 40s who runs the establishment. She oversees the management of the place and does most of the cooking. No-nonsense; married to Kord and Aimia.
  • Kord Relee: A human man in his 40s who tends to the upkeep and general behind-the-scenes of the Warm Hearth, occasionally helping with the cooking. A quiet, but friendly man; married to Belith and Amia.
  • Amia Relee: A human woman in her 40s who sees to the front of house, and does the household brewing. A sweet-natured, matronly woman; married to Belith and Kord.
  • Geldyr Relee: A human man in his early 20s; Belith's oldest son. Frequently assists his father around the inn.
  • Borody Relee: A human adolescent boy of 15 years; Amia's oldest son. Apprenticed to a coster trader, so often away from Kella's Ford.
  • Anja Relee: A human adolescent laevvel girl of 14 years; Belith's daughter. Apprenticed to a seamstress, but lives with her family.
  • Shryn Telfa: A human woman in her 50s who acts as the head housekeeper.
  • Rhilvin Telfa: A human man of 19 years; Shryn's son and Geldyr's friend. Frequently helps serve in the taproom on busy nights.
  • Klorvos Anett: A human man of 18 years; stablehand.