House V'neef

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Mon of House V'neef

Heads of Household


Wood AspectV'neef Wing, Imperial Palace, Imperial City, Blessed Isle
V’neef herself, the youngest (and some have suggested favored) daughter of the Empress heads up this youngest and smallest of the Great Houses. Subtle and non-confrontational, V’neef manages her family more with carrots than sticks. The Empress conceived V’neef specifically as an experiment in blood purity. V’neef’s father had the purest Dragon-Blooded pedigree of any of the Empress’s husbands, and with the Empress’s strong blood, that gives V’neef the purest blood in the Dynasty. Thus far, all of her children who are old enough to Exalt have, and with numbers like that, V’neef’s House could grow to be as popular as Mnemon’s for breeding purposes. As the Great House that bears her name grows, V’neef will inevitably find it more difficult to keep a direct hand in all operations, but she is set on doing so for as long as possible. V’neef herself is only 60, and the entirety of House V’neef is smaller than a single household of some of the older Houses. V’neef has seven children (all fathered by her husband, one of the wealthier and less decadent Cynis), six of whom have Exalted thus far.

V'neef Chosul

Wood AspectThe Vineyards, Qishi Prefecture, Blessed Isle
Handsome, and considered somewhat conservative in his pleasures by his birth family, House Cynis, Chosul is the loving spouse of V'neef, chosen for her by the Scarlet Empress. Though the Empress' choice was fostered far more by the extreme purity of Chosul's blood rather than his temperament, he has turned out to be the perfect mate for V'neef: quietly supportive where she is gregarious, pragmatic where she can be idealistic and a loving father to their children, when the necessities of political life frequently call V'neef herself away from her household. Chosul prefers to live in the House's Vineyards estate, in Qishi Prefecture, away from the expectations of alliance that his birth House lays on him when he journeys to the Imperial City.

The Children of V'neef

The Healer & the Vintner

  • V'neef Mesara (Wood Aspect • V'neef Wing, Imperial City, Blessed Isle): An extremely skilled healer and sorceress, Mesara graduated from the Heptagram with flying colors. Though she won't have anything to do with demons, she does have a very strong affinity with elemental spirits, and has an extensive collection of elemental court connections willing and ready to answer her smallest summons. Mesara's marriage to Jegan is a contented one, though it can't really be said to be happy, per se - Mesara is the oldest of V'neef's children, and her duties are far, far too many to let herself love. She is a very contented mother, however, loving her children dearly. Mesara is about 40 years old, the oldest of V'neef's children.
  • V'neef Jegan (Earth Aspect • V'neef Estate outside Kirigast, Harborhead, the South): Born into House Tepet, Jegan was considered an embarrassment - all he wanted to do was retire to a vineyard and make wine. Eventually, he was effectively banished from his family's estates on the Blessed Isle, forcing him to set up a new operation in Harborhead, some thirty years before V'neef was even born. As a young woman, V'neef studied wine-making with Jegan, by then the acknowledged master of the art among the Dragon-blooded. So, when the Scarlet Empress elevated V'neef and her household to Great House status, V'neef immediately provided her oldest daughter as a wife for her esteemed mentor, and he gladly joined the house's eldership. At this time, he is over 300 years old, and a powerhouse within the House - although he still insists on tending to his vineyards, refusing to even return to the Blessed Isle and its onerous politics.


  • Possible Older PC (Second-born Son or Daughter): X
  • Possible Older PC (Spouse): X

Lords of the Waves

  • Possible PC (Third-born Daughter): X
  • V'neef Ririon (Water Aspect • Merchant Fleet Headquarters, Arjuf, Arjuf Dominion, Blessed Isle): When the Merchant Fleet was taken from House Peleps and given to House V'neef, the young matriarch was ready. She'd already identified the Peleps man with skill at doing what she needed done, but without the social graces and connections to get him there. So, she approached him as the Peleps were pulling out of the Merchant Navy operations and introduced one of her daughters to the eligible Merchant Fleet officer, inviting him to join her house as Fleet Admiral. Predictably, he accepted, and has been loyal to V'neef ever since.

The Wastrel

  • V'neef Celtis (Wood Aspect • Cherak, the North): A skilled musician and song-writer, Celtis found himself in one form of trouble after another all throughout his years in formal schooling. His talents made themselves apparent early, and he Exalted while still in primary school, in the middle of a performance mocking the administration of his school. He's only gotten worse since then, eventually forced to flee the Blessed Isle for the relative safety of the North, where he can pen biting satires lobbed at everyone who draws his ire in the Great Houses. He is quite the partier, too, and though his mother would love nothing more than to see him turn his talents to "something useful," he is quite determined to continue his wastrel life.

Younger Children

  • Possible Younger PC (Fifth-born Son or Daughter): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Sixth-born Son or Daughter): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X

The Baby of the Family

  • V'neef Imiros (Un-Exalted • Vineyards, Qishi Prefecture, Blessed Isle): A small boy of seven, Imiros never leaves his father's side - unless he is riding his beloved horses. Though not yet old enough to Exalt, he shows the same marks that his six older siblings have, and his parents know it's just a matter of time and opportunity before he Exalts. Primary schools from around the Blessed Isle are already clamoring to enroll the young boy next year, though Chosul jokes that they'll have to find a way to peel him off the horses at the Vineyards long enough to get him to go to school.

The Grandchildren of V'neef

Mesara & Jegan's Children

  • V'neef Mahina (Wood Aspect • Traveling in the North): A compassionate young woman who takes the testament of Sextes Jyles very seriously - much to the delight of her grandmother - Mahina is a traveler. Though she graduated from the Cloister of Wisdom several years ago, she is traveling the Threshold, soul-searching and seeking to better understand her role as one of the Princes of the Earth, and endeavor that her parents would rather she gave up in favor of something of use to the house, but V'neef is so impressed with Mahina's spiritual urge that she's ordered they give her the time she needs. Until recently, Mahina was betrothed to a Tepet scion. Mahina is 19 years old.
  • V'neef Takaro (Wood Aspect • House of Bells): Newly Exalted within the past couple of years, Takaro is a young man of very serious demeanor. His sisters are his role models, and though his mother and grandmother scare him somewhat, he quite loves his father, and wishes he were allowed to go and visit him more often than once every couple of years. Takaro has some measure of martial aptitude, enough to impress the dominie of the House of Bells, where he was just accepted for schooling. Takaro is 16 years old.
  • V'neef Aliset (Wood Aspect • Primary School in Chanos, Chanos Prefecture): A dynamic young woman of superb breeding, V'neef Aliset is an expert strategist as well as being charismatic. She has plans on attending the Heptagram and is the most elegable bachleorette in House V'neef, and she knows she should marry soon and well. Aliset is 14 years old.

XXX's Children

  • Possible Younger PC (Older Child): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Younger Child): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X

Lords of the Waves' Children

  • Possible Younger PC (Older Child): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Younger Child): X
  • Possible Younger PC (Spouse): X

Lost Eggs of the House

In the Palace

  • V'neef Shar (Air Aspect • V'neef Wing, Imperial Palace, Imperial City, Blessed Isle): A tall young well-muscled man with white-blonde hair, Shar grew up and Exalted in the Icewalker tribes of the North. When his elemental powers manifested, he accidentally killed two of his tribemates, and the rest of his tribe drove him out and into the port-town of Cherak, where Dragon-Blooded were known to frequent. There, he was taken into custody, but it was the compassion and kindness of V'neef Mahina (visiting her uncle Celtis) who calmed him down and made him aware of the greatness of the legacy he'd just inherited. He accepted the offer to be adopted into the House and attend schooling in the Blessed Isle, and proved to have the aptitude to attend the Spiral Academy, which he recently graduated from. V'neef works to find him a good wife, but marrying off what the rest of the Great Houses consider a savage from the North isn't exactly easy. What she doesn't know is that he is well and truly in love with Mahina already.

In the Merchant Fleet

  • V'neef Odessa (Water Aspect • Various locations with Merchant Fleet): An Exalt of some fifty years of age, Odessa was found by a sworn brotherhood of adventuresome Dynasts - including V'neef herself in one of the rare moments she could escape her mother's scrutiny - as a child. Rescued from a tribe of beastmen pirates, the child showed the signs of strong Terrestrial blood, and when V'neef returned to the Imperial City, she did so with a child in arms. Odessa grew to adulthood following V'neef around the Imperial Palace, and when her idol was made the founder of a new House, Odessa immediately applied for membership, even before she'd Exalted. To this day, the V'neef have all grown up around "Aunt Odessa," who is fiercely protective of her nieces and nephews. Though she currently serves in the Merchant Fleet, Odessa returns to V'neef holdings frequently.