Mitchell Flavel

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Wrightley Flavel's grandson. A gay college student, though not out to his family, who dropped out of school after having been blackmailed, assaulted & his friend killed by Wai Chi & Sofia Warren in their pursuit to claim the Hotel Regina as their property. He helped the Fivefold Vigil get their hands on the Journal of Gamayun & paperwork that would help lead them to the deed for the hotel.


  • Eos was able to discern via his unusual aura that Mitchell was a little more than you average mortal. He is a rare specimen that is naturally resistant to mental tampering.
  • Autumn wants his bod.
  • Mitchell thinks Malachite is a hottie
  • Eos has recruited Mitchell into working to help her in establishing a satellite office for Cascade Projects Unlimited in Astoria.
  • Mitchell seems to be constantly drawn into the cabal affairs, though not a sleepwalker. Autumn & others in the cabal think he can handle the truth, possibly pushing him towards being a sleepwalker. Issa is concerned his mind may not be able to handle it & that they could potentially damage him instead.
  • Mitchell and Autumn are totally doing it now.
  • Mitchell died. Kinda... Now he's a sorta-not-dead person merged with the gunman geist that was terrorizing Malachite.
  • The geist and/or Mitchell is Malachite's legacy mentor.