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"Fell deeds await... Now for Wrath... Now for Ruin... and the Red Dawn..." - the Rohirrim at The Battle of Helm's Deep

Hi. My name is Aapo and I'm an alcoholic and a murderer. So drink up, there's lots of people that need killin, so we best not waste more time gabbin.

My ma was a wealthy merchants daughter from Crystal in the North. My da was a slave from Paragon in the South that belonged to ma's dad. Well, from what I understand they got it on with each other and ma got me planted in her belly. The two of them fled south to Great Forks where I was born and spent most of my youth. Great Forks is great and all, always an excuse to party and beat some heads in late at night, but it's not the most lucrative place. So I said see ya to the parents and relocated to Nexus where I got a job as a Guild goon. Did that for a few years and they moved me up in the world and put me on caravan guard duty. Sweet job, good pay. Life was good.

Then all this crap happened...


Rise, my child, and look upon the blood-drenched horizon. As the sun rises, its flames steep the land in red. You must become this dawn. Rise up, and lay hands on ancient weapons - take up the Sword of War, and the Banner of Ages. The world is vile and unclean in my sight. I charge you with this task, then: Go forth, and with steel and fire remake it anew. With the new dawn comes hope and purification, and you must be that dawn. Henceforth, you shall carry a piece of that dawn in your soul, and on your brow, and when its radiance drenches mortal men in blood-red, let them fall to their knees in my name. In the name of the Unconquered Sun!

Aapo the Red Dawn of Nexus

Caste/Aspect: Dawn; Concept: Borderline Sociopath Battlerager Thug; Anima: X; Motivation: X; Experience Points: 5

  • Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3; Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
  • Abilities: Melee 5, Thrown 3, War 3, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Dodge 4, Integrity 3, Resistance 3, Survival 1, Linguistics 1 ([Riverspeak], [Guild Cant]), Ride 1, Medicine 1, Melee Specialty (great axe) 2
  • Backgrounds: Backing (Guild) 1, Familiar 3 (Kanji), Resources 3
  • Excellencies
    • Essence Overwhelming: 1m/die; Instant; Reflexive; adds +1 die to Ability dice pool, to a max. of Attribute + Ability; Applies to: Thrown, Presence, Dodge, and Bureaucracy
  • Melee Charms:
    • Call the Blade;
    • Hungry Tiger Technique;
    • First Melee Excellency;
    • Summoning the Loyal Steel;
    • Iron Raptor Technique;
    • Dipping Swallow Defense;
  • Resistance Charms:
    • Ox-Body Technique; Permanent. Gives an additional -1 health level and two additional -2 health levels
    • Durability of Oak Meditation;
  • War Charms:
    • Mob Dispersing Rebuke;
  • Athletics Charms:
    • Increasing Strength Exercise;
  • Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, Valor 4; Virtue Flaw: Berserk Anger
  • Willpower: 7; Essence: 3; Personal Essence: 16; Peripheral Essence: 37; Anima Power:

Kanji the Mighty, Fire of the Desert, Scourge of All Who Oppose Him


Squeak squeak squeakum! Squeak!!

/translation/ "Fear me! Oh, do you have any fish?"