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Episode Two: Bonfire


Friday, Sept 28th - Saturday, Sept 29th

Session Three: 07/23/2014

Harris Clayton
Tommy Halloran
DJ Prometheus
Trip, a firespinner
Trisha, a firespinner
Lysa Godfrey, Harris' party girlfriend
Bethany Tanner, the girl with the Molly
Ares, Davis Monk's service wolfdog
Grace, the partier who grabbed Thomas
Gabe, who hung out with Thomas and Teresa

Friday, September 28th

  • The episode opens with Dr. Elaine Litchfield still dealing with the fallout of her terrifying encounter last night. When she returns to her office for work, she notices some subtle damage to the wall nearby. Further examination reveals they are something like scratch marks, and their particular pattern sparks recognition.
  • Elaine returns home to examine a creepy, inhuman skeletal arm that she has somehow managed to keep in her home and still sleep every night. It does make her problem with nightmares more understandable. She determines that the claw marks on campus were almost certainly made by the same sort of creature and, descending one step further into Lovecraftian madness, spends the rest of the afternoon setting up a personal lab with which to peer deeper into the abyss. She also buys a camera to tote around with her. It's too bad she wasn't in the Girl Scouts, or she would probably already have one.
  • Henry Mulgrew awakens to a series of texts from the least dependable of his frat brothers, Reese Tavis. Very predictably, Reese has to bail on the party and dumps the remaining responsibilities for the party in Henry's lap. Fortunately, there isn't much remaining save for the news that DJ Prometheus has broken down in what could be a set up for a late series crossover event when ratings are flagging: Eureka, CA. Still, Reese promises that Prometheus should still arrive in time for the party. No amount of emoticons can make up for Reese's character flaws, sorry.
  • Happily for Stella Jalo, however, Reese's absence is explained when his uncle Volk arrives at ATO with the offhand intel that he and Reese are going out of town for the weekend, but first, Volk simply must take Stella out on a date. Shocked and stuttering, Stella agrees to be taken out to Astoria's heretofore unknown Bosnian restaurant. Deacon Alders is absolutely unimpressed that this will be Stella's first date since she was a teenager.
  • Elaine is pulled from her lab setup by a text from cross country coach Vanya Simonson wondering if she'll attend practice today. She does, and Henry and Warner Pelt are on hand to witness Linda Dennison display herself on the running course for Elaine's benefit. In the locker room after practice, Linda asks Elaine out to the Bonfire Party, and, finally sniffing what Linda is laying down, Elaine tells the girl that she intends to go with Avery Wendley. Not certain what to make of this, Linda simply says she'll see Elaine at the party.
  • Jace Evans is studying with Harris Clayton when Tommy Halloran emerges from Jace's shower clad only in a towel, much to Harris's disdain. Tommy asks Jace if tonight's session met expectations and also if he can get paid a little early to get ready for the great Bonfire Party he's heard of this weekend. Jace affirms that the session was good and scolds Tommy that forward pay is against policy. In the end, though, he agrees to pay a little cash up front as long as it's not expected regularly.
  • Teresa Cantu asks for Thomas Michael Craig's coaching in breaking into Phi Kappa Alpha's basement to lift some booze for the Bonfire Party. Proving an able teacher in the illicit arts, Thomas gets them through the heist with no complications.
  • An anxious Stella phones Elaine for help with her date tonight, and finding the frat house wardrobe of no particular help, the two raid Stella's little seen house for an 80's wardrobe that can pass as acceptable by today's standards. In the process, they affirm that only about half of our main characters own much of anything from this century.
  • Speaking of old fashioned, Uncle Volk proves to be a relic from a bygone age as well, playing the suave gentleman of the evening. The date goes well, especially since Stella's Scandinavian heritage (more on that later) more than steels her for any pitfalls Bosnian food has to offer. Stella's night ends with a chaste but smoldering kiss.
  • The night really ends with Thomas finally checking in on DJ Prometheus and his situation in Eureka. Prometheus is holed up in a motel room with two others from Thomas's crew: Thomas's ex-girlfriend Trip and her current girlfriend Trisha. Thomas proves to be an inconstant Switzerland when he advises Prometheus to give the girls what they want, namely a bed to themselves.
  • Thomas asks Warner if he can host the trio once they get into town, also confessing that the trio is likely to at least triple in size. Warner reluctantly agrees as long as they steer clear of the developing chemicals (!!) under his sink, but he offers to provide more veggie trays (!!!) as host. Behind Thomas's back, Warner also redecorates the loft with a spiritual surprise (!!!!) for his weekend guests.
  • Mad Chemist + Vegetarian Diet + Passive Aggressive Proselytizing = Serial Killer in the Making

Saturday, September 29th, The Bonfire Party

  • Stella calls her drug dealer and newly revealed fuck bud Dane Ryerman to set some time to meet. It takes a surprising amount of dialogue to achieve this. Stella is concerned that Dane might take the news of her newly dating poorly, but really, he's a drug dealer who samples his own stock, so he's pretty chill about the whole thing. The most important takeaway from their conversation, though, is Stella's revelation that lutefisk is a joke that Scandinavians only consume to disturb others. Expect the Scandinavian assassins to show up any moment now.
  • As the set up for the Bonfire Party is well underway, Thomas's crew arrives on campus. Teresa tries to play it cool and succeeds for all of ten minutes before gushing fandom all over DJ Prometheus, much to the others' amusement.
  • As everyone filters to the Bonfire Party, a few TPA girls halfheartedly help with set up, mostly arranging cups and handing out party favors.
  • Warner, naturally, has set up the bonfire lighting as a dramatic affair that also manages to be perfectly safe and by the book. The Boy Scout also takes note that GSA member Zane Connley is being thrown shade by ATO brothers Kaleb Jackson and Dan Montoya, confirming that the frat does have a problem with homophobes. Warner calls them out for their behavior, implying that they're a couple themselves, and the frat brothers wander off instead of pressing their attack.
  • Jace arrives well after the bonfire lighting to discover Harris lusting after one of the TPA girls, and he elects to play wingman. He isn't really sure who is who in the TPA trio, but judging from Miranda Barnes's hostile reaction to his approach and lack of acknowledgement, she's probably the one who gave him a handjob last week. Fortunately, Harris, with a later wingman assist from Thomas, scores with Lisa Godfrey.
  • Meanwhile, Warner hangs with Carter Smythe and hears Carter's determination to be the wrestling team's captain this year. Deacon joins them and asks Warner if he can take photo duty for the party, but really, he'll need to use Deacon's modern, internet-capable camera instead of his usual 19th century Leica technology. Displaying a worrisome amount of passive aggression (see above), Warner agrees to take the photos as long as he gets 3 benjamins (coincidentally contemporaneous with his values set) for his work only because he finds Deacon's face so punchable. These two have never met before, btw.
  • Deacon also deigns to ask Stella her opinion of Henry and Reese. She's fairly understanding of both, but Deacon is disappointed by Reese's recent flakiness. But really, who isn't?
  • Trish gives Thomas some mushrooms, but she does take the time to inquire about Teresa's experience level in these areas. Thomas is more than capable of guiding her on this path, even agreeing to take Jace on the picnic since Teresa seems so intent on his inclusion.
  • As the trio head into the woods, they notice Davis Monk and a huge dog hovering around the edges of the party. While Thomas engages in a cuddle session with the wolfhound Ares, a service dog in training for PTSD sufferers, Jace notes that Davis, as an ex-military student, really seems to take care of himself. Jace has been looking for a workout partner, so he very innocently invites Davis to join him at the gym and gets his number. Thomas finds this mindblowing but is quickly distracted by the more esoteric implications of asking someone to be their workout partner.
  • Elaine, who along with Stella, has been needlessly checking student IDs for most of the evening, is approached by Linda for a dance. She casts aside her Avery shield for a moment and agrees, but as Linda shamelessly grinds all up on her, Elaine notices beady crow eyes watching over the party. Linda's softness and warmth is wiped away by terror, and Elaine seeks Avery's comfort, telling him what she saw. As only someone who has played Wesley Wyndam-Pryce could do, Avery asserts that she couldn't possibly have seen what she thinks she saw, but because this is a show celebrating female achievement, Elaine tells him he's full of shit and she knows damn well what she's talking about. Still, there's no sign of crows any more.
  • Back in college drama, Teresa, high on her first shrooms, adds fire to her love list alongside Jace. Harris tells Jace that he may have lost his phone, and too high and distracted to realize the implications of this, Jace shrugs it off with his usual detachment but at least wanders over to Henry to tell him to keep an eye out for lost phones in the morning. Critics mention that Jace is curiously intimate with Henry despite claiming to not even remember his name just a week ago. Teresa expresses some jealousy from afar while this episode's bare torso counter finally amps up after a little Tommy action when Jace sheds his shirt under her gaze.
  • Warner's friends Danny Marin and Jerome Tate show up to the party, and when Danny asks for alcohol, Warner of course already has two drinks in hand that he's been ignoring up until now. When Jerome expresses interest in Henry's protege Renee McDonnall (hey, I wonder what her account of Thursday night is), Warner decides to implement an ice cream social minus the ice cream but plus humiliation. He all but tells Renee that Jerome is interested in her--actually, scratch that, he flat out tells Renee that Jerome is interested in her--and hilarity ensues. He also claims to have some trained open throat skills learned around the campfire, which earns his first point of admiration from Jace. He will later lose this point by trying to chug a beer and ending up spilling almost all of it on his shirt, but in an important takeaway, Warner, Henry, and Jace are all shirtless by the end of the scene.
  • Returning to adult drama, Stella has gotten drunk enough that she mistakes Dane for Deacon (evoking a new ship going forward?), and forces Dane and his circle of pot smoking students into the woods to share a few bowls with her. Only then does she realize that she hasn't been rendering a disciplinary MILF hand to Deacon through all this scene. It's really up to the fandom if this develops any further, right?
  • Most of the night's humor evaporates when Warner decides to check the quality of the photos he's taken with the modern camera (without the need for a darkroom) and finds a pair of amber, wolf-like eyes in one frame. Uncertain what he's seen, Warner secures the Eagle Scout second opinion with Carter, who scoffs at the too high placement of the eyes to be a wolf or anything real. Fade as the camera refocuses on the eyes gleaming from the dark still frame.

Session Four: 08/06/2014

Saturday, September 29th, The Bonfire Party

  • Fade in from commercial with Renee McDonnall approaching Henry Mulgrew for advice on making out, since she thinks her newly forged relationship with Jerome Tate might be going this way. Instead of blindfolding her and forcing her to try to kiss a floating ball of robot lips, Henry advises her to go with her instincts. That's code for "Use the Force," right?
  • Jerome, meanwhile, approaches Warner Pelt for condoms, since he thinks his newly forged relationship with Renee is going that way. Instead of pointing out to his friend that it's been all of fifteen minutes since they met, Warner offers a slew of condom options, finally giving some indication that he might be using his Boy Scout powers for evil. Superman does not approve.
  • Thomas Michael Craig has been flirting with partier Grace Caldwell and lifts her phone to be certain his number is in it. The partying and drugs are starting to catch up to Teresa Cantu, though, so Thomas takes her into the woods so she can be sick. There they bump into student Gabe having just completed this important milestone himself, and he also had the foresight to bring some saltines and water along, which he offers to Thomas.
  • Back at the bonfire, Jace Evans concludes he has put in enough face time, so it's time to be seen leaving the party with some sexy person in tow. He goes back to Bethany Tanner for the pick up and is doing well using his body as a lure when Miranda Barnes arrives to bitch at Jace and pull Bethany away. Jace goes looking for a new target, figuring the notch up in his notoriety is just a bonus.
  • Dr. Elaine Litchfield spots two guys taking a barely conscious girl off into the woods, and when she follows to investigate, crows in the trees caw at her approach. Unsettled, Elaine recruits a nearby Henry to go with her after the trio. Henry readily agrees, and, once in the woods, they discover that one of the guys is none other than Henry's frat brother Kaleb Jackson when he stops their pursuit. Kaleb barely has a chance to ask Henry what his problem is before Henry pushes past him without a word to rescue the girl. Kaleb and his partner (was this guy ever identified?) think better of making a scene here and take off into the woods. Once back at the campfire, Elaine asks Perla Ramirez and Zane Connley to take the girl back to campus.
  • Danny Marin cozies up to Henry to tell him he's thinking of joining the wrestling team but wants to know what hazing he'll have to endure. Henry possibly disappoints the young fellow when he tells him there is no hazing; the only hazing he's been involved in were for ATO and the Glee club. Sadly, this isn't an actual musical episode, so Henry doesn't communicate this in song, and Danny doesn't break out his stellar dance moves. Danny does, however, invite Henry to hang out at Warner's loft for some play time, but Henry tells Danny that he has a broader range of toys back at his room in ATO. Danny is intrigued and envious.
  • The good times come to an end when Renee runs screaming and bloody from the woods, followed quickly by a number of huge wolves who set upon the party goers. The party dissolves into chaos as some try to escape and many others have no idea what's happening.
  • Jace catches sight of Miranda knocked to the ground with a wolf hulking over her. Harris Clayton is fleeing from her side. Jace grabs a brand from the bonfire and rushes to her defense. Karma, amiright?
  • At the edge of the woods, Thomas, Teresa, and Gabe are menaced by one of the wolves and also see the mysterious red head Alice emerge from the woods. She sheds her dress and her human form to transform into a wolf. Thomas starts the night's condition cascade when he is shaken by the sight.
  • The bonfire collapses into a smoking wreck, obscuring the scene and poisoning many.
  • Henry muscles his way to Renee's side and drags her away from the clearing, where they find a wolf feasting on frat brother Dan Montoya. The wolf attacks the duo, and in fending it off, Henry gets bitten in the arm. Warner, who is nearby, is about to throw a rock at the beast but notices a second wolf nearby. He also spots a hulking man with amber eyes and a full wolf partner who emerge from the woods and kill the second wolf.
  • Elaine, who is clear of the smoke, is menaced by a green eyed wolf, but once the wolf gets a good look at her, it flees. An ex, perhaps? Obsessed with proving her suspicions that this wolf attack is related to the creepy skeletal trophy she lives with, Elaine chooses to take photos to document the attack rather than help anyone.
  • Jace is lost in the smoke, but he manages to reach Miranda and tries to poke the wolf with a burning stick with disastrous results. The brand shatters, and Jace tumbles to the ground before the wolf. Miranda takes the opportunity to crawl off into the smoke without even thanking Jace. That's so Miranda. Jace is saved when a huge dog leaps on the wolf through the smoke and drives it away. Thank Ares. Davis Monk emerges from the smoke carrying a military grade bayonet and pursues the wolf. He returns with an injured Ares to help Jace to his feet and get them away from the clearing.
  • Stella Jalo, who is still off in the woods instructing students in the proper way to get high with the help of her drug dealer Dane Ryerman, is drawn back toward the party by all the commotion. On the trail back, though, a smoke gray wolf with strange markings attacks and bites her. Thomas sees the attack and, having put two and two together, creates some makeshift silver knuckles with his necklace and comes to her defense. He ends up punching Stella instead, and the wolf runs off, laughing inside.
  • Warner, meanwhile, joins the fight against the wolf attacking Henry and Renee and gets a bite on the leg for his trouble. The wolf is about to come in for the kill, but it sees something behind Warner and flees.
  • Elaine, still photographing the horror, finds a disemboweled wolf that changes to a naked man before her eyes. She recognizes Cecil Eversley, the Crossroads bartender. She also finds Grace lying on the ground with a broken leg and helps her away.
  • By now, it has become evident to some of the bystanders that some of the wolves are attacking other wolves and driving them off, and soon the remains of the party are free of ravenous animals.
  • Stella, Elaine, Warner, and Henry help evacuate survivors back to campus, where EMTs, police, and campus security are starting to mobilize. Henry, Stella, and Warner black out from their injuries somewhere along the way while Elaine checks her camera to find the lens has been cracked. She stows the film from the camera hoping it at least is undamaged.
  • Thomas, worried about the fate of his missing friends from California, finds Danny and a wolf-bitten Jerome in the woods and brings them back to campus. He later finds that his friends have returned to their van to spend the night.
  • Jace and Davis emerge on campus, but Davis is reluctant to approach the law officials with a military bayonet in hand. He opts to sneak home instead. Jace tells him that they can be workout partners, no question, and offers to pay for Ares's vet bills to patch up his wounds. He might even have slapped Davis on the ass as he left, off the record.

Sunday, September 30th, The Aftermath

  • The following day, news reports begin to pour in attempting to make sense of the disastrous party. The official record states that a large pack of wolves was attracted by the sights and sounds of the party when someone threw a chemical into the bonfire provoking them to attack. Despite the fact that this explanation flies in the face of scientific rationale, it is lost among all the other news reports that defy reason and science that day. Cecil is among those reported dead.
  • A number of victims are also reported in the ICU, some of them dying over the next few days. An investigation of the wolves is launched to discover why the injuries they inflicted have proven so dangerous.
  • The University of Astoria announces that no more bonfire parties will be condoned by the administration.
  • Henry awakens in his bed at ATO with a shoulder sore from being dislocated but no sign of any other injuries from the night before. None other than flaky Reese Tavis enters his room from their shared bathroom, cheerfully exclaiming he has heard not a peep about any troubles the night before. He claims Henry arrived at ATO feverish and raving but eventually passed out. Reese is no doubt ecstatic that someone else at ATO now has to pass off questions surrounding mysterious injuries, but he hides it beneath a veneer of concern. Sure, Reese, sure. Henry is more concerned that Mama J is missing.
  • Stella, in fact, awakens that morning in the garden of her own house, her injuries also mysteriously healed. She is disturbed because almost no one knows where she actually lives, and she has no idea how she got there.
  • Warner also awakens that morning with no sign of injury from the night before. He, however, is in a ravine in the woods. Distant sounds of a search party draw him into the open, and he hails their aid. Nope, no werewolves to be seen in any of the last few points. None at all.
  • In non-werewolf news, Elaine also awakens in the woods with no recollection of how she got there. She never received any bites to discover missing now (just her sanity), but the trees around her are filled with watchful crows. They stare into your soul with beady eyes as credits roll.

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