House Cassalanter

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House Cassalanter
Matriarch: Ammalia Cassalanter
Consort: Victoro Cassalanter
Heir: Osvaldo Cassalanter (firstborn son)
Membership (Nobles): xxx
Predominant Faith: Waukeen
Faction Details
Common Descriptors: xxx
Primary Classes: xxx
Alignments: CG, NG, CN, N
Faction Ranks
Favored: Rank 1. You are a favored member of the House. If you are a scion of the House, you have pleased the patriarch sufficiently to gain his notice. If you are an agent or retainer of the House, your efforts to aid the House have gone well-noted.

Lynchpin: Rank 3. You are given a position of some responsibility in the House's operations. If you are a scion of the House, the patriarch considers you one of the favored scions of the House, and consults with you on matters of House importance. If you are an agent or retainer, your contributions and skills in service of the House have won you a position of no small regard and respect in the patriarch's eyes - although that may earn you the jealousy of his blood kin who are less favored than you.
Matriarch/Patriarch: Rank 10. You are the acknowledged and legal head of the household.

Trade & Interests: Banking, moneylending, information gathering, rumor-mongering
Holdings: Waterdeep
Ethnicity: Tethyrian
Founded: 1248 DR
Previous Eras: 1354 DR

Very influential since Caladorn's Open Lordship



Members of the Family

  • Ammalia Cassalanter: A well-mannered, well-read, well-traveled and exceptionally shrewd wizard. She is known for driving a hard bargain, and her hobby is lepidopterology, and keeps a butterfly garden.
  • Victoro Cassalanter: Devilishly handsome half-elf fond of coin and power. He is well-schooled, suave, slow to anger, and blessed with good health, long life, and an immunity to disease. He dresses in the latest fashions and walks with a ruby-tipped cane, though clearly not because he needs to.
  • Osvaldo Cassalanter: The heir has been somewhat more reclusive of late.
  • xxx: Xatriarch (Rank 10) • xx years. xxx
  • xxx: Consort (Rank xx) • xx years. xxx
  • xxx: Heir (Rank xx) • xx years. xxx
  • xxx: xxx (Rank xx) • xx years. xxx



Rumors About House Cassalanter






Goals and Philosophy




Quests undertaken by agents of House Cassalanter might include the following:

  • x


Scions and agents of House Cassalanter in good standing might receive the following benefits:

  • xxx: Rank xxx. x