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'''Hexslinger & Gun-Doc'''<br>
''"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."'' <br>
''"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."'' <br>
- Jules Winnfield, ''Pulp Fiction''
- Jules Winnfield, ''Pulp Fiction''
A wandering hexslinger and gun-doc, Itinerant (or just "Ten" for short) is a wandering spellslinger- and armorer-for-hire.
==Character Record==
==Character Record==
'''Metatype:''' X; '''Ethnicity:''' X; '''Age:''' X; '''Sex:''' X; '''Height:''' X; '''Weight:''' X<br>
* '''Attributes (200 BP + 30 Karma):''' Body 4, Agility 4, Reaction 4, Strength 2; Charisma 4, Intuition 2, Logic 2, Will 4; Magic 5; Edge 3, Essence 6, Initiative X/X; '''Condition Monitor Boxes:''' Physical X, Stun X
'''Street Cred:''' 0; '''Notoriety:''' 0<br>
* '''Active Skills (164 BP):''' Armorer 5, Assensing 2, Astral Combat 3, Clubs 3, Counterspelling 4, Dodge 3, Etiquette 4, Intimidation 3, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pistols 2, Spellcasting 5, Summoning 3, Survival 2, Tracking 2
* '''Attributes:''' Body x, Agility x, Reaction x, Strength x, Charisma x, Intuition x, Logic x, Willpower 5, Edge 1, Essence 6, Magic 5, Initiative 5, Astral Initiative 6
* '''Knowledge Skills:''' Agriculture 2, Bandit Gangs 2, Firearms Designs 4, Religion (Christianity) 2
* '''Language Skills:''' English N, Spanish 2
* '''Qualities (5 BP):''' Code of Conduct (5), Guts (5), Juryrigger (10), Magician (15), Mentor Spirit (5 - Dragonslayer); Distinctive Style (-15; Gunslinger Fashion, Extremely Clean-Cut, Impeccable Manners), Geas (Incantation: Biblical Quotes; -10), Wanted (-10)
* '''Gear (7 BP):''' Power Focus (4), Spellcasting (Combat Spells; 3)
* '''Spells (24 BP + 10 Karma):''' 8
** ''Combat Spells:'' Demolish Guns, Powerbolt
** ''Detection Spells:'' Combat Sense, Enhance Aim, Spatial Sense (Extended)
** ''Health Spells:'' Heal, Increase Reflexes
** ''Illusion Spells:'' -
** ''Manipulation Spells:'' Armor, Deflection, Magic Fingers
* '''Initiation (24 Karma):''' Grade 2; ''Initiate Powers:'' Quickening, Shielding; ''Ordeals Performed:'' Asceticism (40 days and nights in the desert), Metaplanar Quest
* '''Quickened Spells (20 Karma):''' Combat Sense (4), Spatial Sense - Extended (3), Increase Reflexes (4), Armor (5), Deflection (4)
** ''Spell Effects:'' +4 to Reaction for initiative and defending against ranged and melee attacks; Spatial sensing out to 150 m.; +3 Initiative/+3 IPs; +5 B/P armor; +4 against ranged attacks
===Magical Style===
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'''Christian Theurgy'''<br>
* ''Combat:'' Fire
* ''Detection:'' Water
* ''Health:'' Air
* ''Illusion:'' Earth
* ''Manipulation:'' Guidance
* ''Drain:'' Willpower + Charisma
Code of Conduct: Gunslinger's Code
Advantages: Well respected by those he helps, and gets a quick reputation. With respect to the gunslinger, those who are in need of help or generally life lawful lives are considered Friendly when dealing with Social Modifiers. Additionally, the character receives a bonus die on all Intimidation tests against those who are threatening, abusing, exploiting or otherwise antagonistic toward lawful folk.
Disadvantages: Gunslingers don't deal well with those who are antagonistic towards lawful folk. When dealing with them, the gunslinger must make a Composure (3) Test in order to avoid treating them with open contempt and hostility. He also gains a point of Notoriety everytime he walks away from a situation where someone needs help.
Demolish Guns: And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. - Isaiah 2:4
Powerbolt: The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies. - Nahum 1:2
Combat Sense
Enhance Aim
* '''Skills:''' Conjuring Group (Banishing (MA), Binding (MA), Summoning (MA)) 4, Counterspelling (MA) 5, Ritual Spellcasting (MA) 2, Spellcasting (MA) 5, Assensing (IN) 1, Astral Combat (WI) 1, Dodge 1 (??), Con 2 (CH), Etiquette 1 (CH), Leadership 1 (CH), Negotiation 2 (CH)
Spatial Sense (Extended)
* '''Specialties:''' Spellcasting (Manipulation spells)
* '''Knowledges:''' Magical Theory 2, Safe Houses 2, Fashion 2, Spirits 3, Local Area Knowledge 2
* '''Languages:''' English (native), Orzet 2, Japanese 2
* '''Positive Qualities:''' Magician (shaman), Astral Chameleon, Focused Concentration (rank 2), Mentor Spirit (Raven), Low-light Vision, Ogre Stomach, First Impression
Increase Reflexes
* '''Negative Qualities:''' Gremlins (rank 2), Couch Potato (infirm), Mild Sunlight Allergy
* '''Physical Damage Track:''' 10 boxes
Armor: Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. - Ephesians 6:13
* '''Stud Damage Track:''' 11 boxes
* '''Attacks'''
** ''Staff:'' Damage Str/2+2
* '''Armor'''
** ''Lined Coat:'' Ballistic 6, Impact 4, +4 fire resistance rating, -2 concealment modifier
* '''Nuyen:''' 6,851
Magic Fingers
* '''Carried Possessions:''' Erika Elite commlink (w/Isis Orb OS; Analyze 3, Browse 3, Command 1, Edit 3), Customized Collar Sony Emperor comlink w/ Renraku Ichi OS (response 2, signal 3, system 2, firewall 2), contact lenses (r4) w/ imagelink, earbuds (r1), neural-net, fake SIN (r2), fake license (r4), credstick,
** ''Foci:'' Sustaining Focus Rating 2
* '''Athletic Measurements'''
** ''Walking Rate (m/turn):'' x
** ''Running Rate (m/turn):'' x
** ''Swimming Rate (m/turn):'' x
** ''Lift w/out test (kg):'' x
** ''Overhead Lift w/out test (kg):'' x
** '''Stunbolt (Combat)'''; (Direct/Single Target) Type: M • Range: LOS • Damage: S • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) – 1
** '''Stunball (Combat)'''; (Direct, Area) Type: M • Range: LOS (A) • Damage: S • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 1
*** These spells channel magical energy directly into the target, causing Stun damage. They are often referred to as “sleep” spells because they can render targets unconscious.
** '''Flamethrower (Combat)'''; (Indirect, Elemental/Single Target) Type: P • Range: LOS • Damage: P • Duration: I • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 3
*** These spells create an explosion of flames that flash into existence and scorch the target(s). These spells deal Fire damage (p. 164). These flames burn out after striking the target, but their secondary effects may ignite flammable materials that will continue to burn after the spell is exhausted.
** '''Heal (Health)'''; Type: M • Range: T • Duration: P • DV: (Damage Value) – 2
*** Heal repairs physical injuries. It heals a number of boxes of Physical damage equal to the spell’s hits from the Spellcasting Test. Hits can also be used to reduce the base time for the spell to become permanent; each hit spent this way shaves off 1 Combat Turn (hits can be split between healing and reducing time as the caster desires). A character can only be magically healed once for any single set of injuries.
** '''Control Emotions (Manipulation)'''; (Mental/Single Target) Type: M • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2)
*** The target feels an overwhelming emotion chosen by the spellcaster (such as love, hate, fear, joy, sorrow, and so forth). The target believes the emotion wholeheartedly, but not mindlessly. A target who acts in accordance with the emotion (for example, fighting while filled with anger or hate) suffers no penalty. If the target takes action not relevant to the emotion (trying to drive while laughing hysterically), she suffers a –2 dice pool modifier for the distraction. The caster may switch emotions with a Simple Action.
** '''Influence (Manipulation)'''; (Mental) Type: M • Range: LOS • Duration: P • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 1
*** This spell implants a single suggestion in the victim’s mind, like a powerful post-hypnotic command. The subject will carry out this suggestion as if it were her own idea and it will then fade. If confronted with the wrongness of the suggestion, the subject can make a Willpower Test to overcome it as described under Mental Manipulations, p. 210. The caster can also withdraw the suggestion at any time.
** '''Shapechange (Manipulation)'''; (Physical) Type: P • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 2
*** Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the subject retains human consciousness. The subject can only assume the form of a critter whose base Body rating is 2 points greater or less than her own. Consult the Critters section, p. 292, for the subject’s Physical attributes while in critter form. Add 1 to the critter’s Base attribute Ratings for every hit the caster generates. Her Mental attributes remain unchanged. This spell does not transform clothing and equipment. Magicians in critter form can still cast spells, but cannot perform other tasks requiring speech.
** '''Alter Memory (Manipulation)'''; (Mental) Type: M • Range: LOS • Duration: P • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 2
*** This spell allows the caster to add, alter, or erase a single memory. The net hits scored by the caster determine how detailed and complex the affected memory can be. Every (Force) months—or anytime a character is presented with evidence that the memory is false (gamemaster’s discretion)—the victim may roll a Willpower (only) Test; each hit reduces the hits on the caster’s original Spellcasting Test. If the spellcaster’s net hits are reduced to 0, the spell no longer affects the target and the memory returns.
** '''Deflection (Manipulation)'''; (Physical) Type: P • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 1
*** Deflection protects the target by turning aside ranged combat attacks. Every hit scored gives the target a +1 dice pool modifier for defending against ranged physical attacks. The effects of this spell are subtle enough to be discounted as a missed shot or poor aim (at least at first).
** '''Fashion (Manipulation)'''; (Physical) Type: P • Range: T • Duration: P • DV: (F ÷ 2)
*** This spell instantly tailors clothing, transforming garments into any fashion the caster wishes. The hits measure the degree of style in the tailoring. The spell cannot change clothing’s protective value, only its cut, color, pattern, and fit. The weight of the clothing does not change, and it must cover approximately the same amount of area (a jump suit can’t be converted into a bikini). The caster must touch the clothing.
** '''Increase Reflexes (Health)'''; Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 2
*** This spell increases the reflexes (Initiative and Initiative Passes) of a voluntary subject. Each level of increase adds +1 Initiative and +1 Initiative Pass. The caster must achieve a certain threshold for each level:
*** Threshold 2: +1 Initiative, + 1 Initiative Pass
*** Threshold 3: +2 Initiative, + 2 Initiative Passes
*** Threshold 4 (max.): +3 Initiative, + 3 Initiative Passes
*** A character can only be affected by a single Increase Reflexes spell at a time; the maximum IPs any character can have is 4.
== Contacts ==
* '''Mama Sylvie:''' Mama Sylvie is a cigar-smoking dwarf of Caribbean extraction, and is pleasantly rotund. She wears her frizzy hair pulled and pinned back with a dozen different barettes and clips, and the whole covered with a white headcloth. Likewise, she wears immaculately white skirts and sleeveless tops.<br>  Mama Sylvie is a talismonger who found her way to the Plastic Jungle many years ago as a young mambo seeking to understand why Le Gran Bois, the great forest loa would lead her to the heart of the Barrens. She settled in and has become the defacto healer and care-taker of the Plastic Jungles in her own way. She has staked a claim to a large swathe of area she uses as a garden and enchanting workshop, filled with all manner of impressive plant and animal life. '''(loyalty 2, connection 3)'''
* '''Devin Cargyle:''' Devin grew up in Redmond, living with her mother who fled an abusive wageslave husband to the Barrens. She fell in love with the glitz and glamour of Touristville when she was fifteen, and obsessed over it. She took up blogging about its trends and basically came to live there, providing an insider's point of view. As a result, her writing took off, and she eventually began to sell her articles and vlog entries to a variety of publication sites.<br>  Devin is now an up-and-coming young fashion journalist, and considered the foremost expert on the party life of Touristville. Nobody is as "in" as she is with the chic freaks of the district, and that's the way she likes it. For her part, she doesn't pretend to be anything but someone in love with its charms, and that rich, infectious adoration comes through in her reporting, making her a fan favorite. She has begun to expand her offerings into other chic, shadowy nightlife areas of Seattle as well. '''(loyalty 4, connection 3)'''

Revision as of 01:53, 24 April 2013

Hexslinger & Gun-Doc


"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
- Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction


A wandering hexslinger and gun-doc, Itinerant (or just "Ten" for short) is a wandering spellslinger- and armorer-for-hire.



Character Record

  • Attributes (200 BP + 30 Karma): Body 4, Agility 4, Reaction 4, Strength 2; Charisma 4, Intuition 2, Logic 2, Will 4; Magic 5; Edge 3, Essence 6, Initiative X/X; Condition Monitor Boxes: Physical X, Stun X
  • Active Skills (164 BP): Armorer 5, Assensing 2, Astral Combat 3, Clubs 3, Counterspelling 4, Dodge 3, Etiquette 4, Intimidation 3, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pistols 2, Spellcasting 5, Summoning 3, Survival 2, Tracking 2
  • Knowledge Skills: Agriculture 2, Bandit Gangs 2, Firearms Designs 4, Religion (Christianity) 2
  • Language Skills: English N, Spanish 2
  • Qualities (5 BP): Code of Conduct (5), Guts (5), Juryrigger (10), Magician (15), Mentor Spirit (5 - Dragonslayer); Distinctive Style (-15; Gunslinger Fashion, Extremely Clean-Cut, Impeccable Manners), Geas (Incantation: Biblical Quotes; -10), Wanted (-10)
  • Gear (7 BP): Power Focus (4), Spellcasting (Combat Spells; 3)
  • Spells (24 BP + 10 Karma): 8
    • Combat Spells: Demolish Guns, Powerbolt
    • Detection Spells: Combat Sense, Enhance Aim, Spatial Sense (Extended)
    • Health Spells: Heal, Increase Reflexes
    • Illusion Spells: -
    • Manipulation Spells: Armor, Deflection, Magic Fingers
  • Initiation (24 Karma): Grade 2; Initiate Powers: Quickening, Shielding; Ordeals Performed: Asceticism (40 days and nights in the desert), Metaplanar Quest
  • Quickened Spells (20 Karma): Combat Sense (4), Spatial Sense - Extended (3), Increase Reflexes (4), Armor (5), Deflection (4)
    • Spell Effects: +4 to Reaction for initiative and defending against ranged and melee attacks; Spatial sensing out to 150 m.; +3 Initiative/+3 IPs; +5 B/P armor; +4 against ranged attacks

Magical Style

Christian Theurgy

  • Combat: Fire
  • Detection: Water
  • Health: Air
  • Illusion: Earth
  • Manipulation: Guidance
  • Drain: Willpower + Charisma

Code of Conduct: Gunslinger's Code


Advantages: Well respected by those he helps, and gets a quick reputation. With respect to the gunslinger, those who are in need of help or generally life lawful lives are considered Friendly when dealing with Social Modifiers. Additionally, the character receives a bonus die on all Intimidation tests against those who are threatening, abusing, exploiting or otherwise antagonistic toward lawful folk.

Disadvantages: Gunslingers don't deal well with those who are antagonistic towards lawful folk. When dealing with them, the gunslinger must make a Composure (3) Test in order to avoid treating them with open contempt and hostility. He also gains a point of Notoriety everytime he walks away from a situation where someone needs help.

Demolish Guns: And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. - Isaiah 2:4

Powerbolt: The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies. - Nahum 1:2

Combat Sense

Enhance Aim

Spatial Sense (Extended)


Increase Reflexes

Armor: Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. - Ephesians 6:13


Magic Fingers


Description goes here.

  • Comfort: Low (+2);
  • Entertainment: Squatter (+1);
  • Necessities: Low (+2);
  • Neighborhood: Street (0);
  • Security: Low (+2);
    • Perfect Roommate (+2);
    • Friendly Neighbors (+1);
    • Workplace (+1);
    • Crash Pad (-1);
    • Green Plan (-1);
    • Living with Parents (-2);
  • Total LP: 7 = 1,100 +30% (parents+sister) = 1,430 -20% (ogres) = 1,144/4 = 286/month
  • Other Lifestyle Notes:
    • Shamanic Lodge: Force 1
    • Rent: 1 month pre-paid


Total Earned: 20

    • 6.12.12 Session: 5
    • 6.19.12 Session: 3
    • 6.26.12 Session: 4
    • 7.6.12 Session: 8

Spent: 5; Unspent: 15

    • Purchased spell formulae (Increase Reflexes) for 500ny +5 karma