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Henry Sebastian Mulgrew
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 2;
Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3;
Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
Mental: Academics 2, Computer 1, Crafts 2 (automotive), Medical 1

Physical: Athletics 3, Brawl 3 (grappling), Drive 2
Social: Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 2 (charming), Social 2, Subterfuge 1

Mental: None

Physical: Iron Stamina 1
Social: Allies 1 (college fraternities), Resources 1, Striking Looks 1
Fighting: Grappling Style 3
Supernatural: None

Health: 8, Willpower: 4, Size: 5, Speed: 10, Defense: 2 (Armor: None), Initiative: 4
Current Conditions
Addicted (Persistent)
Addicted to a substance. Must indulge regularly, accepting the Intoxicated Condition or become Deprived.
Possible Sources: alcoholism, substance abuse.
Resolution: Regain a dot of Integrity, lose another dot of Integrity, or achieve an exceptional success on a breaking point.
Beat: Your character chooses to get a fix rather than fulfill an obligation, or accepts the Intoxicated Condition before attempting them.


Born: November 24, 1992

Henry grew up in Raleigh, NC where his parents and sister remain. After graduating high school he moved to College Station, TX and attended the Texas A&M University on a partial rugby scholarship for two years while working at Home Depot. When he was offered a full scholarship by the University of Astoria's new rugby team he did not hesitate in accepting and made the move to Oregon.
Henry works part time as a waiter at the Wet Dog Cafe. He is a member and resident of the ATO fraternity house. His major is in mass communications with a minor in philosophy. When he's not attending to school, sports or at the gym, he is either hanging out with friends or can be found nestled in his bean bag playing video games or watching anime. In addition to rugby and wrestling, Henry also plays tennis, rides a Harley, knows how to repair it himself and plays the saxophone. He has a cat named R2.
Henry came out as gay during his first year of college. Other than a few dates and casual encounters he hasn't ever been in a relationship.
Henry is intent on enjoying his college years to the fullest, but while he loves to socialize and party, he is dedicated and passionate about rugby and by extension his schoolwork that he is required to maintain in order to continue playing on the team.



  • Virtue: Valorous
    Some things need doing, even if the odds are not in your favor, they still need doing and you don't have time to sit around and hope someone else comes around to do it for you. Scary or not, if people need you, they need you now. This has gotten me in trouble a number of times, even landed me in the hospital once, but it's ALWAYS been worth it.
  • Vice: Poor Anger Management
    I try to be a patient man and I always want to do good, be the upstanding citizen and do the right thing. I try and hide it, but it's so easy for people or situations to just push me too far and all I really want to do is smash something or punch someone. My hand may be sore, and I hate to admit it, but I always feel better when something or someone is broken or bleeding. I generally try and channel that energy into more productive things, which is how I got into rugby and wrestling. After four broken mobile phones, three suspensions due to fights, a restraining order and a wrecked car (his looked worse), my shrink suggested I find a more productive means for channeling my anger. It works on most days.
  • Aspirations:
    • Make new friends.
    • Trounce a bully.
    • Become captain of the wrestling team.
  • Integrity: 7

Breaking Points

  • Losing control and causing serious injury.
    • Q) What is the worst thing your character has ever done?
      A) The Burger King manager made inappropriate comments about one of his friends. He punched the guy. He taunted Henry by continuing the line of inappropriate comments, so Henry kept beating on the guy and put him in the hospital. Henry also lost his job.
  • breaking point goes here.
    • Q) What is the worst thing your character can imagine himself doing?
      A) Intentionally killing someone. In the heat of the red rage, he can see it - so easy, it would be so fulfilling to just go a little further, make them stop whatever they were doing forever... But that would be terrible and inhuman. So he stops.
  • Murder.
    • Q) What is the worst thing your character can imagine someone else doing?
      A) You simply do not take the lives of others without a very good reason. Maybe you're a solider in a war or maybe you're defending your life, but I've not been either of those things - so I cannot imagine being in such shoes. I can imagine doing it, I do it all the time in games. The part I just can't imagine having to deal with is what comes after.
  • Vehicular collisions.
    • Q) What has the character forgotten?
      A) He doesn't remember it all, but he was told that he drove off with his mom's SUV while he was drunk and angry and drove it into an Arby's. He was in a coma for nearly two weeks. What he doesn't remember is the monster in front of the Arby's that he was aiming the SUV at after having flung it off the vehicle.
  • Losing something due to his temper.
    • Q) What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to the character?
      A) His temper nearly cost him his entire future. After his third suspension (he punched a teacher - they genuinely deserved it) followed with a restraining order, he was nearly expelled, which would have cost him any chance of a scholarship and jeopardized his future dreams. Fortunately the principal, also his wrestling coach, was fond of him and a rugby fan, so he was barely able to charm his way out of it.


  • Possessions:
    • Carried: wallet, keys, pocket knife, smartphone, wireless headphones, sometimes a backpack with papers, supplies, textbooks and his tablet.
    • Home: laptop, a plethora of console systems, television,
  • Weapons: A small, rather unalarming pocket knife.
  • Other Notes: X


  • Flaw: x

Merit Details

  • Iron Stamina (1): In contact sports, you gotta be able to take a few beatings and keep on going.
  • Allies (1): ATO are his brothers, but all college fraternities are kin.
  • Resources (1): Part time waiter at the Wet Dog Cafe.
  • Grappling Style (3): Moves you learn to employ when playing rough contact sports.
  • Striking Looks (1): What can I say? You would think MTV had cast me for a tv show.

Friends and Family


Henry mom.jpg
Melissa Haddock Mulgrew
Melissa works in customer support at an AT&T call center. She reads a great deal and has always allowed her children to pretty much do whatever they wanted to as long as they didn't get into serious trouble and left her alone when she got home from work. Her older sister Mary is frequently over with a bottle of bourbon for them to share and cackle like mad witches on the back deck.
Henry dad.jpg
Ronald "Ron" Muldrew
Ron is a environmental remediation specialist for BP Global and is usually only home for about one week every two or three months. When he is home, he usually watches the news and reads about tennis.
Henry sis.jpg
Christina Mulgrew
Chris is Henry's vegan, lesbian band and drama geek little sister. She is still in high school and has dreams that frequently shift between Hollywood and politics.


Renee "Snips" McDonnell
The Padawan
Poor girl has no confidence in herself. Found myself playing the role of her knight in flannel and cargo shorts when she was being bullied by two skateboarding morons. She had a Rebel Alliance patch on her backpack, which immediately endeared me to help her in her plight. We've hung out since then and she's actually pretty amazing, she just can't seem to see it in herself. I call her Snips after Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars.
Mama J
The Den Mother
The Den Mother of the ATO fraternity house. She's extraordinarily chill, invested in the well being of the fraternity and its members and pragmatic. She knows boys are going to be boys, so she does what she can to make sure everyone will be safe in doing so, such as supplying us with quality drugs and booze rather than us endangering ourselves by pursuing it from questionable sources. She's the favorite aunt and best friends mom you always wished you had.
The Hookup & Lab Partner
Jace and I met just before term started and enjoyed each others company pretty thoroughly. When I ran into him again, he didn't seem the least bit interested, so I dismissed it as a one time thing (and initially him as a potential jerk). When we were assigned together as lab partners for a class, I was concerned that it was going to be awkward, but he's been pretty cool, so I'm content to leave our back story as a brief, but enjoyable anecdote and just be buddies.


Carter Smythe
The Rival
He thinks he's got what it takes to be captain of the wrestling team. He's good, but he's not as good as I am. Member of the ATO, involved in wrestling and rugby.


A description of your characters day to day life.

  • Money: His scholarship pays for all of his tuition, his housing and meal plans. He works part time in order to have extra money for things like beer, pot and video games.
  • Clothing & Jewelry: When it's warm he usually wears cargo or gym shorts with sport jerseys, tank tops or tee shirts and flip-flops. When it's cold, he usually wears jeans or sweats instead of shorts with a hoodie or jacket and shoes. As for jewelry, he wears a heavy gold chain around his neck, his class ring, bright red Swatch watch, fitbit and a Naruto silicon bracelet. He has a Sagittarius sign tattoo on his right forearm.
  • Communication: He prefers text messages over calling, his family back home are the same.
  • Food: He primarily lives off of coffee, protein shakes, beer, pizza and beef jerky.
  • Housing: A small room to himself at the ATO fraternity house that he has liberally decorated with anime, video game, tennis and rugby posters and paraphernalia. His only furniture is a futon, bean bag chair, entertainment stand crammed full of console systems, his television and a rather large and elaborate cat tower.
  • Days: A typical weekday usually goes something like this: breakfast, class, jog, class, lunch, class, gym or tennis, rugby/wrestling practice (depending on season). Swap out class for tv and video games or going out on weekends. He has no classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays freeing up that time for other pursuits (or lack of them as the case may be).
  • Evenings: On a typical weekday evening he either works and does homework when he gets home before crashing, otherwise it's beer, homework, bong, dinner with beer, more beer plus tv and video games or time with friends until he crashes. Weekend evenings follow similar routines depending on whether or not he's working.


  • Total Experiences: 0; Experiences Spent: 0; Beats: 0
XP Purchases
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats
  • Purchase # Cost: # experience Spent: 0 experience 0 beats

Purcashed Advandces

  • X: X Experiences
  • X: X Experiences
  • X: X Experiences