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(New page: ==Cal Darga== '''Capital City''' * King lives and rules from here in Castle Beldred, where the Mithril Throne and Temple of Moradin are located. * Crownhammer Estate is here, managed by Lo...)
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Revision as of 20:05, 2 September 2015

Cal Darga

Capital City

  • King lives and rules from here in Castle Beldred, where the Mithril Throne and Temple of Moradin are located.
  • Crownhammer Estate is here, managed by Lord Balil

Most of Cal Darga is built inside the mountain, many sections of it dating back for millennia, having survived the Wrath largely intact, though there are some regions deemed too hazardous, which have become slums.

    • There is an entire neighborhood built upon a massive balcony outside the mountain much higher up.
    • There is almost an entire town that has grown up outside the gates on the surface where most of the non-dwarves prefer to live.
  • Access to Stone Road
  • Access to Iron Road



  • Governed by House Golemwright.
  • Largest city in Nakaltia
  • About half of the city is built inside the mountain.
  • The Golem Forge is located somewhere beneath the city. Only House Golemwright is permitted to enter.
  • Not surprisingly, there are more golems in Ulsteg than in other locations.
  • The new Sentinel golems, built from wood, steel and ceramics, with a much greater capacity for processing information and responses, have been released by Lady Shama in order to bolster and assist the city watch and guardians.
  • Larger gnome population than most cities
  • The Northoll Academy and Tower of Innovation is located in Ulsteg, where dreamers, engineers and inventors can explore and learn the gnomish art of tinkering, creating wonders with gears, cogs and steam rather than through barbaric explosives and unwholesome alchemies.
  • Access to Iron Road
  • Access to Stone Road


Lake Town

  • Governed by House Bearking
  • Lots of fishing and lots of farming
  • Access to Iron Road
  • The underground neighborhood is called the "Basement" (or Ulsten Basement).
  • Bearking Ranch is located here, where the finest riding and war bears are bred and trained.
  • Ulsten has one of the more varied racial population in Nakaltia.
    • In addition to a bustling community of humans, dwarves, gnomes, ilian and cathian, there is a hobbit butcher and his family, some tolar (hill dwarves), a group of young bullywug ranch hands and a sethi elf couple that craft fine musical instruments that they sell in the capitol.
  • Trade with Deroth, Fising and Algolgol in Valexys on the southern shore of Lake Bard
    • Deroth is a town of ilian, cathian and threxen (and a few hobbits)
    • Fishing is a small fishing village, mostly ilian
    • Algolgol is a village of, oddly enough, bullywugs built around an ancient dwarven tower.

Cal Beron


  • Governed by House Kneebitter
  • Access to Iron Road
  • Smack in the middle of the warfront between Gahn and Tarik Keep
  • Cal Beron has "deep roots"
  • The "Pit Fiend" is a massive war machine, an array of large canons that fire iron spheres that burst into green alchemical flame as they fly through the air and explode on impact, spreading the green liquid flames all over the battlefield. This monstrosity is mounted atop Blackforge Citadel on the east side of Cal Beron. It is the King's favorite "toy".
  • Cal Beron lies directly between the regions that have fallen to the hobgoblins, but it is itself a mightly fortress located between two rivers and has a direct railroad and a major river connecting it to the rest of the dwarven kingdom and Zalcoryn to the north, making it nearly impossible to successfully lay siege to.
  • Most of the war Legions currently operate out of Cal Beron:
    • Legions: Steel, Bear, Storm (archers), Axewives, Hammer, Flame (machines), Prism (casters)


Stronghold & Gate to the Dumathoin Road

  • Governed by House Irontooth
  • Access to Stone Road
  • Beras is a strong military outpost with a surrounding fishing village behind a wall. Being so close to Gahn they have had to weather numerous attacks from hobgoblins, but sturdy walls and advanced armaments have allowed them to hold them off, though they have lost the surrounding farmsteads. Beras guards one of the few surviving Deepways, wide underground roads that used to unite the entire vaalar realm before most were destroyed by the Wrath. Because of this, they cannot allow the outpost to fall to invaders.



  • Governed by House Glitterbeard
  • Access to Iron Road
    • Cotha is actually built all around the Iron Crossroads.
  • The Glitterbeard Estate is perched atop the main train station hub at the heart of the city
  • A great deal of wealth travels through Cotha and rivals Otwar as the largest trading hub in Nakaltia
  • The main temple to Vergadain is located in Cotha.
  • The underground subdivision of the city is called Lower Cotha.


Port Town

  • Governed by House Goldknuckle
  • Access to Iron Road
  • Gnomes do not receive the best treatment in Otwar. It's well known that Lord Halmur is racist towards them and those that live here do so under a great scrutiny and prejudice than in other regions of Nakaltia.
  • The town is fitted with the long piers that allow the massive ziggurat pyramid ships of the Darshinians to dock and do a frequent trade with Darshiniath, exporting Nakaltian goods and importing an assortment of rare and exotic goods from that distant land.
  • Otwar was built on the site of the ruins of the pre-Wrath town of Karri. A few remnants of ancient Carlitian structures are still present.
    • There is an ancient temple to the god Poseidon located in Otwar, frequented by those threxen that still follow the old faith and visiting Darshinians.



  • Governed by House Stonecaller
  • Access to Iron Road
  • There is a particularly large slyth neighborhood in Ross.
  • Ross has ships and trades with the villages of Beknor and Talnar on the other side of Lake Rulgir
  • Ross would be a pleasant and picturesque little fishing and farming village if it wasn't for the terrifying ogre-made sculptures that line the main avenues and are centerpieces of otherwise charming water parks and floral gardens. Monstrous visages, scenes of slaughter and carnage immortalized in black iron and towering armored images of their war god are found throughout the various parks and gardens that Lady Alsendar, a huge fan of ogre "art", has commissioned through the years.
  • Ross is home to a great many goat and sheep herders that take their herds out into the surrounding low mountains to graze.

Gol Dragga


  • Gol Dragga is the ruins of the upper portions of a massive dwarven city, prior to the Wrath it was likely the largest city in all the world, rivaling even Kovannah, though most of the lower levels beneath the mountain were destroyed or flayed open and flooded as they were left exposed on the ocean floor when the continent was dragged across the world.
  • Gol Dragga is considered to be the cradle of dwarven civilization, where their ancestors, the goltiri and the gods had lived and created the dwarven race.
  • Most perished in the city. Unlike other dwarven cities, Gol Dragga had no gates to the surface. Only those who escaped into Dumathoin's Road and managed to find routes that had not collapsed (or worse) managed to escape the fall of Gol Dragga.
  • King Malren Stormcrown and his family perished in the Wrath. Survivors say that it was as if the earth itself had reached up and rendered Heartstone Keep in half, then the cavern behind it cracked open and filled the exposed structure with lava, as someone would fill a cup with drink.
  • Lava flowed through the city and filled Dumathoin's Road, cutting off all access to the ancient city.
  • Attempts to dig through the hardened solidified lava flows proved extremely slow, difficult and very dangerous. Eventually the project was abandoned.

Beknor and Talnar


  • Located on the southeastern shore of Rulgir Lake
  • Two villages connected by a well-traveled road
  • These villages are built around and upon once grand structures, which are all that remain of the once expansive human empire of Carlton from before the Wrath.
  • The Carlitians as they still call themselves (rather than Threxen) still teach their young of the legendary cities of

ivory towers and streets paved with gold that had been robbed from them by hiklos and wizards.

  • They faithfully worship the Olympian gods as their ancestors did and maintain ancient temples to these gods.
    • They are very defiant, and often aggressive, towards Domshal clergy that visit and attempt to convert them.
    • They tell a tale that a few generations ago the Dominion sent warriors and priests intent to force them to bow to their invader gods - the people say that the statues of their gods in the ancient temples became possessed by the gods themselves and drove the invaders away.



  • Most people know that there are "peaceful lizardfolk" living somewhere in the north.
  • Lord Bearking says he's met them. They kept saying some gibberish at him, all hisses and slobbering. An embarrased priest of Dugmaren translated what he spat out in imitation, "Please leave us alone and forget you ever found us."

Tarik Keep


  • Tarik Keep was a dwarven stronghold at the center of numerous farmsteads, but the keep was assaulted by hobgoblins and the farmsteads sacked and burned. Explosives and alchemical fire was used by the retreating dwarves to render the keep useless to the invaders.
  • The keep is now a towering, skeletal ruin at the center of one of the larger legion footholds in Nakaltia (the other being the Blood Keep in Gahn).



  • Gahn it the town that surrounds the Blood Keep, the HQ of the Nakaltia hobgoblins where the Commander of the Blood Legion operates from. A large temple to Nomog-Geaya is built here. The Cult of Khorne has also been on the rise, but the priests of Nomog-Geaya strive to snuff it out, believing that Khorne will only lead them all to destruction and madness.
  • The hobgoblins of Gahn hunt and enslave kobolds in the region, forcing them to work as slaves, infiltrators and mechanics in the field.
  • There are a few golthyr in the ranks - they make excellent cannon fodder.



  • A major farmstead village west of Medevin.
  • Romul is periodically raided by hobgoblins from Gahn, but are generally left unscathed. It's clear that allowing them to persist is a calculated resource that the hobgoblins make use of.
    • The raiders make a point to only raid when Ulgo traders are absent as they are frequently in the company of hired thugs from Krive Del.
  • Road to Ulgo
  • River travel to Medevin
  • The Cult of Thunnara is based out of Romul, popular here where the population is a mixture of humans from Beknor and Talnar and vaalar.
    • Her acolytes are farmers and spiritual guides that tend to the dead and perform both marriage rituals, midwifery and oversee funeral rites.


Trading Port

  • Ulgo is a small trading port surrounded by farmland.
  • Ulgo has a few ships and trades with Moge and Okraga in Krive Del, Belle on Kacey Isle and Lenk in Salista Hoventesh. They then transport these rare goods to Medevin to sell. While small, Ulgo is considerably prosperous. This would make them a target of Gahn except that they use some of that prosperity to hire guardians from Krive Del.
  • Road to Romul with whom they trade with regularly.



  • Considered the "new Thriken", the city population is majority gnome, though plenty of dwarves and threxen also live here amongst a smattering of others, including a larger than average population of hoven for Nakaltia.
  • Medevin is governed by Lord Who, the first gnomish lord of Nakaltia, raised and recognized by the King (note - lord, not Great Lord - that would cause riots).