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* '''12 successes:''' Ghosts whose spiritual integrity is torn apart but not destroyed often come to rest and recover their power within one of their anchors.
* '''12 successes:''' Ghosts whose spiritual integrity is torn apart but not destroyed often come to rest and recover their power within one of their anchors.
* '''15 successes:''' Anchors can be used to summon ghosts. Particularly powerful and ancient ghosts are also capable of creating entirely new anchors by investing part of their spiritual power into locations, objects, and people. The destruction of all a ghosts anchors doesn't always destroy it; in some cases, potent ghosts are instead torn shrieking into a realm known as the Underworld or the Great Below.
* '''15 successes:''' Anchors can be used to summon ghosts. Particularly powerful and ancient ghosts are also capable of creating entirely new anchors by investing part of their spiritual power into locations, objects, and people. The destruction of all a ghosts anchors doesn't always destroy it; in some cases, potent ghosts are instead torn shrieking into a realm known as the Underworld or the Great Below.
** ''Atropopaic Lore: Summoning (•)''
** ''Apotropaic Lore: Summoning (•)''
** ''Underworld (•••)''
** ''Underworld (•••)''

Revision as of 01:14, 16 July 2018

Ghost Lore (Main Topic)

Skill: Occult
Lore concerning very basic information about ghosts and similar entities.

Ghost Lore, Basic

Obscurity: Occult 0 (General Knowledge Test applies)
Progress: 9 successes • 2 rolls

  • 1 success: Simple awareness of the concept - generally lingering spirits of the dead.
  • 2 successes: Pop culture knowledge of ghosts, from folkloric examples and mass media depictions of an afterlife and those that dwell there.
    • Local Hauntings, by Location (0)
  • 4 successes: Reference-level information, including some cultural variations on lingering spirits of the dead.
  • 8 successes: Anthropological studies of death cults, ancestor worship, and spirit remnant folklore.
    • Ghosts who are in the presence of those grieving or otherwise remembering them with potent emotions can gather a type of spiritual power called "essence," with which they can perform supernatural feats. This harvest is called "memoriam."
    • Spirit Lore: Bans (•)
    • Spirit Lore: Influence (••)

Portland Hauntings

Obscurity: Occult 0
Information regarding ghost sightings and hauntings in the Portland area, with an emphasis on those that are recurring and consistent.

Obscurity •


Obscurity: Occult •
Lore concerning the attachments that prevents the spirits of the dead from moving onto their eternal rest or reward.
Progress: 5 successes • 2 rolls

  • 2 successes: An anchor is a thing of emotional significance to which a ghost is connected, acting like a fetter preventing the ghost from shaking off the mortal coil.
  • 4 successes: Anchors are most often locations and objects, although in rare cases they can also be people of tremendous significance.
    • (This now enables the researcher to perform research actions to identify the Anchors of individual ghosts, with some Investigation.)
  • 7 successes: Anchors can be influenced to some degree by ghosts. Those who remain near a ghost's anchors can be likewise conditioned to be "open," making them more susceptible to the ghost's supernatural influences.
    • (Need to research Spirit Lore: Manifestations)
  • 10 successes: Ghosts remain near their anchors in order to hold together their spiritual integrity. When somehow prevented from being near their anchors, ghosts are eventually eroded into non-existence or slumber. Destroying all of a ghost's anchors almost always destroys the ghost.
  • 12 successes: Ghosts whose spiritual integrity is torn apart but not destroyed often come to rest and recover their power within one of their anchors.
  • 15 successes: Anchors can be used to summon ghosts. Particularly powerful and ancient ghosts are also capable of creating entirely new anchors by investing part of their spiritual power into locations, objects, and people. The destruction of all a ghosts anchors doesn't always destroy it; in some cases, potent ghosts are instead torn shrieking into a realm known as the Underworld or the Great Below.
    • Apotropaic Lore: Summoning (•)
    • Underworld (•••)