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|CharacterName=Anna Figueroa "Fig"
|CharacterName=Anna Figueroa "Fig"
|Attributes=Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2;<br> Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2;<br> Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
|Attributes=Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2;<br> Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3;<br> Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
|Skills= '''Mental:''' Computer 1, Crafts (Automotive) 2, Investigation (Crime Scenes) 3, Politics 1<br>
|Skills= '''Mental:''' Crafts (Automotive) 2, Investigation (Crime Scenes) 3, Medicine 1, Politics 1<br>
'''Physical:''' Athletics 2, Brawl (Claws) 3, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 1, Stealth (In Plain Sight) 3<br>
'''Physical:''' Athletics 2, Brawl (Claws) 3, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Stealth (In Plain Sight) 3, Weaponry 1<br>
'''Social:''' Empathy (Lies) 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2
'''Social:''' Empathy (Lies) 2, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1, Streetwise 1
|Merits= Totem (Wapato Island Pack) 1, Totem (Shield-of-Law) 1, Language (First Tongue), Professional Training (Police Detective) 3, Resources 1, Tactical Shifting 3, Flanking 2, Covert Operative 1
|Health=8 (+2 Dalu Form, +4 Gauru Form, +3 Urshal Form
|Morality='''Rating:''' 7
|Essence=8 max
|Merits=Totem (Standing Guardian of the Land) 1, Totem (Shield-of-Law) 1, Language (First Tongue) 1, Professional Training (Police Detective) 3, Resources 1, Lodge Connections 3, Flanking 2, Covert Operative 1, Anchored (Spirit Touchstone) 1, Defensive Combat 1
|FeralWolfType=<span style="color:darkblue">'''Freki'''</span><br>'''''The Destroyer Wolf:''''' The wolf who is blood-thirsty and bestial becomes Destroyer Wolf as an Alpha, understanding his original desperate aggression as an expression of the concept of utter destruction given physical form. The Alphas of Destroyer Wolf - who is also called ''Fenrisulf'' - are called ''Blood Talons'', and their rage is to be feared. Blood Talons seems to always smell of blood to wolves and other animals, and their eyes take on a terrible blood-red gleam.<br>
• ''Affinity Instinct:'' Rage. The Bloody Savage exists only to rend and tear and let flow as much blood as it can.<br>
• ''Feeding the Wolf:'' You regain a point of Essence and a Feral Die when you take an action that leads to unnecessary destruction.<br>
• ''Alpha Condition:'' Gain a Primal Beat when you kill an enemy that threatens you or yours.
|FeralTriggers=Predator, Territorial, Safety, Fury (+1)
|Conditions='''Swooning:''' xxx {{Condition-Swooning}}<br>{{Condition-Alpha}}
''Uram da takus —
The wolf must hunt
Imru nu fir imru —
The people do not murder the people
Sih sehe mak; Mak ne sih —
The low honor the high; The high respect the low
Ni daha — Respect your prey
Born: November 24, 1992
Nu hu uzu eren —
Do not eat the flesh of man or wolf
Nu bath githul —
The herd must not know
Uratha safal thil lu'u —
The Uratha shall cleave to the human
Henry grew up in Raleigh, NC where his parents and sister remain.  After graduating high school he moved to College Station, TX and attended the Texas A&M University on a partial rugby scholarship for two years while working at Home Depot.  When he was offered a full scholarship by the University of Astoria's new rugby team he did not hesitate in accepting and made the move to Oregon.<br>
Kul kisura udmeda — Honor Your Territory in All Things
Henry works part time as a waiter at the Wet Dog Cafe.  He is a member and resident of the ATO fraternity house.  His major is in mass communications with a minor in philosophy.  When he's not attending to school, sports or at the gym, he is either hanging out with friends or can be found nestled in his bean bag playing video games or watching anime.  In addition to rugby and wrestling, Henry also plays tennis, rides a Harley, knows how to repair it himself and plays the saxophone.  He has a cat named R2.<br>
Henry came out as gay during his first year of college.  Other than a few dates and casual encounters he hasn't ever been in a relationship.<br>
Henry is intent on enjoying his college years to the fullest, but while he loves to socialize and party, he is dedicated and passionate about rugby and by extension his schoolwork that he is required to maintain in order to continue playing on the team.<br>
Some of who Henry was changed when he was transformed into a werewolf.  And a great deal more after his violent death followed by his resurrection and conscription into the service of a god.
-The Oath of the Moon''
* Um...isn't he dead?.  <span style="color:#0000ff">''Must be someone else.''</span>  No.  I'm pretty sure that guy's supposed to be, like really dead. <span style="color:#0000ff">''Shh.  Just don't make eye contact and maybe he'll go away.''</span>
* '''Virtue:''' Valorous<br>Some things need doing, even if the odds are not in your favor, they still need doing and you don't have time to sit around and hope someone else comes around to do it for you. Scary or not, if people need you, they need you now. This has gotten me in trouble a number of times, even landed me in the hospital once, but it's ALWAYS been worth it.
* '''Blood:''' The Warden: You protect. Territory, packmates, loci. Whatever a Warden swore to protect, you'll sooner walk over their cold, dead body before you harm it. Your character regains a point of Willpower whenever she puts the object of her protection above her well-being or comfort. She regains all spent Willpower whenever she preemptively hunts would be aggressors, or uses Kuruth to ward off the danger to those she protects.
* '''Vice:''' Poor Anger Management<br>I try to be a patient man and I always want to do good, be the upstanding citizen and do the right thing. I try and hide it, but it's so easy for people or situations to just push me too far and all I really want to do is smash something or punch someone. My hand may be sore, and I hate to admit it, but I always feel better when something or someone is broken or bleeding. I generally try and channel that energy into more productive things, which is how I got into rugby and wrestling.  After four broken mobile phones, three suspensions due to fights, a restraining order and a wrecked car (his looked worse), my shrink suggested I find a more productive means for channeling my anger. It works on most days.
* '''Bone:''' The Mediator: You feel the need to step in and sort out other people's problems. You gain satisfaction in bringing estranged parties together to mutually acceptable agreements. Recover a point of willpower when you put yourself on the line to resolve a dispute. Recover all willpower when you abandon the hunt or go against your pack to sort out other people's shit.
* '''Aspirations:'''
* Hunt prey that break the Samhain Accord
* Protect my father and keep his location secret
* Investigate homicide cases that are possibly tied to the supernatural
* To remain strong despite all challenges
* To be bound, leashed, or imprisoned
==Werewolf Traits==
'''Renown:''' Wisdom 1, Cunning 2
'''Primal Urge:''' 1
'''Essence:''' Max 10
'''Irraka:''' Irraka are stalkers, assassins, spies, and thieves. They Changed under the new moon. They move through the shadows, striking quickly and *Hunter’s Aspect - Blissful. The prey has no idea that anyone is coming for him. He greets the cool night air with a smile, perhaps indulges in chemical or carnal pleasures, and never glances at the shadowy form inching its way closer to his exposed throat.
*Gifts - Evasion, New Moon, Stealth
*Auspice Skills - Larceny, Stealth, Subterfuge
*Auspice Renown - Cunning
*Auspice Benefit - Closer Than You Thought: Under the dark moon, the prey cannot judge distance or threat. The Irraka can make use of the inherent uncertainty of the new moon. Once per chapter, the Irraka can become suddenly closer to a target. Mechanically, this can be expressed in one of the following manners: 1.The Irraka can move her initiative rating to within one point of a target’s, either one above or one below, depending where she is in the initiative relative to the target. She can’t change make her Initiative result higher or lower than the target’s if it isn’t already. 2. She can move close enough to use her teeth and claws against one opponent who isn’t attacking her. 3. She can subtract –2 from the number of Doors needed in Social maneuvering.
'''Iron Masters:''' Iron Masters are like water. They flow. They adapt. They deal with the context of a given situation, and versatility is their greatest weapon.  
*Gifts - Knowledge, Shaping, Technology
*Tribal Renown - Cunning
*Gatherings: Iron Master gatherings range from rigorously-formal board meetings to casual coffee shop powwows. The main purpose of these swap meets is to trade favors and information, and to share stories about the new and exciting things members have seen. Tribe members keep each other up to date on the latest political maneuvering that might impact each other’s territories, trade useful new rites and fetishes, and sometimes plan out large-scale sociological or ecological experiments.
'''Lodge of the Shield:''' The Lodge of the Shield are wolves-in-wolves-clothing. They are nightmarish predators stalking among the enforcers of law and order, intertwined with yet apart from the apparatus of the state within which they hunt. It is a mistake to think of a Shield-Bearer as simply a werewolf who is a police officer; adherents of this Lodge are cultists, and ones dedicated to pursuing their prey among those who enforce the edicts of authority and their victims alike. Neither super-max cell nor ostentatious police commissioner's office are out of the reach of the Lodge's talons. As many cops are put on the mortuary slab by Shield-Bearers as are drug traffickers and murderers. They do not obey human notions of innocence or guilt. The Law-Shredders stand above mere mortal dictates.
*Totem - Shield-of-Law
**Blessing - Blessing: Whenever a Lodge member wins a grapple roll, they can spend a Willpower point to pick an additional move to apply.
**Aspiration - To be bound, leashed, or imprisoned.
**Ban - When bound or captured, a Lodge member cannot attempt to physically free themselves for a full day, but must submit to their leashing.
*Sacred Hunt - The Lodge Sacred Hunt grants your character the ability to wield law enforcement as another tool on the hunt. When interacting with an officer or agent of law enforcement, justice, or the imprisonment or punishment of criminals, the Uratha can spend Essence to shift the target's Impression of them by one step per point spent, and can do the same to shift the target's Impression of the hunt's prey in the other direction.
*Tools - The Lodge of the Shield has access to the Lodge Armoury, Lodge Connections, Lodge Stronghold, and Hive Mirror (Fetish •••) merits
*Secrets of the Shield-Bearers
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• Some Lodge members believe in 'true' laws, elements of justice innate to the world beyond human aspirations. Attempts to test such notions involve seeing how a given tenet resonates with the Shadow - punishing violators and seeing how the world symbolically and fundamentally responds, then recording the results in search of any coherent patterns.
• Adherents collect the badges of their dead comrades and offer them to a ghostly gestalt that imprisons dead shades. Cultists in city mortuaries delicately fillet dead bodies with the care of a gourmet, excising bones for later consumption. Horrific crime scenes and decades-long careers in brutal criminality forge ghosts that are more dangerous than a killer ever was in life. A painful treaty with the Lodge of Death gains the Shield-Breakers access to the Pale Hounds' wisdom and knowledge on such matters; many of the Leashed chafe at the special considerations the Lodge demands they give to the Barghests in return for little scraps of forbidden lore.
• The Lodge maintains old pacts with groaning, bloated spirits of prisons and incarceration. If a Lodge member kills a prisoner within the cell that the prisoner is legally, legitimately contained within, then paints the prisoner's blood in warding glyphs on the walls, other spirits become intensely averse to entering the warded space for a night and a day.
• Some Lodge members have learned a strange rite to 'tag' criminals by biting chunks of their ears off through police brutality or 'random dog attacks'. The gristle from the bite is deposited in a preparation of blood and bone dust from a human who died in prison; should the tagged criminal take an action that breaks the law, the gobbet of flesh bubbles and cooks in its elixir before dissolving away.
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• The Lodge judges its own most viciously of all. An adherent who steps out of line faces a gathering of fellow cultists to pass sentence; those judged worthy of death do not face a quick execution. Such condemned are taken to the spirit prison in LA, chained beside the totem with spines of silver pressed into their flesh; as they rage, scream, and die, their fury and Essence is drained into Shield-Of-Law, aiding it in its transformation. Recently, high-ranking Lodge members have started examining the lower strata of the cult much more vigorously in search of those who have defied the Lodge's tenets
• Adherents are encouraged to chain and bind themselves in secure locations at least once a month under the full moon, not out of an expectation that they will suffer Death Rage but because it is a symbolic recognition of the urges they are seeking to control that are, nonetheless, an innate part of their nature. Most Lodge members treat this as a chance for meditation, isolation, or sometimes visionary experiences under the effect of drugs and chemicals acquired from law enforcement operations.
• Human police members of the cult are held at arms' length, but the Lodge maintains a significant commitment of resources to maintaining the 'lodges' and fraternities to which these humans belong, encouraging them to feel special and more enlightened than their fellow officers. The Lodge ruthlessly exploits its human cultists, and rarely even creates Claimed to further its agenda.
* Miranda, Sasha, Gabe, Harris, Volk...Miranda, Sasha, Gabe, Harris, Volk...
'''Wapato Island Pack:'''
* Reclaim a semblance of his old life
* Jace...
*Totem: Standing Guardian of the Land
* Freki's task/get Sparky back
The Pack is headed by a trinity of 3 elected wolves: a matriarch, a patriarch, and a warden.  There is no implied relationship between any of the 3 heads of the Pack. The Matriarch leads the the Sacred Hunt.  The Warden is in charge of guarding and protecting the Pack.  The Patriarch represents the Totem beyond Sauvie Island.  Many of the Pack members live and work on the Standing Stone Farm on Sauvie Island, but that is not required for Pack membership. The Pack is medium sized and fairly well established, with membership just over 20, consisting of about 3/4 Uratha and the rest Wolf-Blooded and 2-3 humans.
==Merit Details==
'''Professional Training (Police Detective) 3: '''I have training as a police detective, which offers distinct advantages.
- Asset Skills: Empathy, Investigation
*'''Networking: ''' I've built connections within my chosen field.
- Contacts: Portland Police, Portland City Government
*'''Continuing Education: '''With the repeated efforts in my field, I tend toward greater successes. When making a roll with my Asset Skills, I benefit from the 9-again quality.
*'''Breadth of Knowledge: '''I've picked up a number of particular bits of information and skills unique to my work. Choose a third Asset Skill, and take two Specialties in your character’s Asset Skills.
- Additional Asset Skill: Stealth
- Additional Specialties: Lies, Crime Scenes
*'''On the Job Training: ''' With the resources at my disposal, I have access to extensive educational tools and mentorship. Whenever I purchase a new Asset Skill dot, I take a Beat.
- Additional Dot in an Asset Skill: Empathy
*'''The Routine: ''' With such extensive experience in my field, my Asset Skills have been honed to a fine edge, and I'm almost guaranteed at least a marginal success. Before rolling, spend a Willpower point to apply the rote action quality to an Asset Skill. This allows me to reroll all the failed dice on the first roll.
'''Resources 1: ''' One dot is a little spending money here and there. Two is a comfortable, middle class wage. Three is a nicer, upper middle class life. Four is moderately wealthy. Five is filthy rich. Every item has an Availability rating. Once per chapter, your character can procure an item at her Resources level or lower, without issue. An item one Availability above her Resources reduces her effective Resources by one dot for a full month, since she has to rapidly liquidate funds.
'''Lodge Connections 3: ''' I can access the substantial support network of the Lodge of the Shield. Once per session, I may benefit from any of the following merits of a dot rating up to my rating in Lodge Connections: Allies, Mentor, Resources, or Retainer.
'''Flanking 2: ''' I can support another character by poking at an enemy’s flanks. I grab, bite, or otherwise restrain an opponent, setting it up for an opportune strike from a teammate. Any time I makes a successful attack I can choose to apply successes as a penalty to the victim’s Initiative and Defense for the turn instead of causing damage.
'''Covert Operative 1: ''' I am trained in getting the jump on my opponents. I creep up on unsuspecting enemies from the shadows and neutralize them before anyone realizes anything’s happening. When I ambush an opponent, the victim loses the 10-again quality on their roll to notice the attack. Even if they successfully notices me, I act at +3 Initiative in the first turn.
'''Anchored (Spiritual Touchstone) 1: ''' I have a stronger association with my Spiritual Touchstone. When calling upon that Touchstone to resist a breaking point, take +3 bonus dice. Drawback: The strength of this association means neglecting the other half. When calling upon the opposite Touchstone, take only +1 die.
'''Defensive Combat 1: '''I am trained in avoiding damage in combat. Use Brawl to calculate Defense, rather than Athletics.  
'''Totem 1: ''' Standing Guardian of the Land. Totem for the Wapato Island Pack
'''Totem 1: ''' Shield-of-Law. Totem associated with the Lodge of the Shield
'''Language 1: ''' First Tongue
==Moon Gifts==
'''New Moon's Gift 1:'''
*Eviscerate -
Cost: 1 Essence Action: Reflexive
The Irraka may activate this Facet as part of a Brawl or Weaponry attack against an unaware or surprised opponent, turning her attack into a rote action.
'''New Moon's Gift 2:'''
*Slip Away -
Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene
Any character who perceives or interacts with the Irraka while this Facet is active finds it extremely hard to remember her presence. If the Irraka takes no memorable actions toward the individual — she was only a face in a crowd, or a dog in the alley, or the other half of a brief conversation — he simply dismisses any recollection. If the Irraka was memorable — she started a fight, asked extremely strange questions, or engaged in an obviously suspicious activity — or if the witness is prompted to examine his memories closely, he suffers a penalty to any dice pools to remember her equal to the Irraka’s Cunning Renown, even if the witness has an otherwise perfect memory. The witness will not simply forget that he had a fight while guarding a building, but he may forget the details of his opponent or recall only a blur.
==Shadow Gifts==
'''Shadow Pelt (Cunning):'''
Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene
This Facet calls the shadows themselves to mask the hunter’s presence. When this Facet is activated, the Uratha may treat a number of Stealth rolls equal to his Cunning Renown as Rote Actions.
'''Iron Slave (Wisdom):'''
Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene
This Facet forces even snarling beasts of iron and gears to heel and to bear the Uratha’s spirit. This Facet can be used on a single mechanical vehicle or other piece of significant engineering (such as a crane, production line, or similar) that the Uratha can see.
*Dice Pool - Wits + Crafts + Wisdom
*Roll Results -
Dramatic Failure: The Uratha gains the Ban Condition. She wishes to venerate machines of the type targeted, and will try to lay offerings to their spirits or paint them with glyphs that honor them.
Failure: The Facet fails.
Success: The Uratha immerses her senses into the machine, and is able to perceive its surroundings. She can allow the machine or vehicle to continue its operation as normal, or can directly take control of it. While riding the machine, she has only the vaguest perception with her own senses and appears to be in a daze or sleeping. Returning to her own senses takes an instant action and ends the Facet. Should the vehicle or machine be destroyed while the Uratha is riding it, she is ejected back into her own body and treats it as a breaking
point towards Spirit. If the Uratha dies while she is riding, the fragment of her spirit becomes subsumed into the machine and may create a unique and bizarre Claimed.
Exceptional Success: The Uratha remains fully aware of her own surroundings.
==Breaking Points==
I had found one before. It worked for me.  Back then.  I don't feel it now.  It feels like whimsy and nothing in my life feels whimsical anymore. Just broken and a struggle against doom.<br>
* '''Flesh Touchstone:''' Father - Joseph Figueroa. +1 to any rolls to resist Harmony loss
* '''Spirit Touchstone:''' Locus - Kelly Point Park (Confluence of Willamette and Columbia Rivers). +3 to any rolls for breaking points toward humanity.
===Breaking Points===
===Breaking Points===
* Failing to safeguard his wards from the supernatural world
* Being alone/stranded
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* Loss of something/someone important from losing control
'''Toward Flesh:'''
*Defiling a locus.
*Refusing to participate in Siskur-Dah.
*Staying out of the Hisil for a week.
*Using a silver weapon against another werewolf.
*Violating the Oath of the Moon. (Forsaken only, –2)
*Staying out of the Hisil for a month. (–3)
'''Harmony 3 or lower'''
*Allowing a spirit safe passage into the physical world.
*Eating processed food.
*Mating with a human.
*Staying out of the Hisil for a day.
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'''Toward Spirit:'''
*Killing a human or wolf.
*Staying in the Hisil for a week.
*Hunting humans or wolves for food (–2)
*Killing a packmate. (–2)
*Eating human or wolf flesh for Essence (–3)
*Staying in the Hisil for a month. (–3)
'''Harmony 8 or more'''
*Inflicting Lunacy on a loved one.
*Leading the Siskur-Dah.
*Spending more than two days away from your pack.
*Staying in the Hisil for a full day.
==Werewolf Forms==
*[[Werewolf Forms#Hishu)|Hishu (Human Form)]]
*[[Werewolf Forms#Dalu|Dalu (Near-Human Form)]]
*[[Werewolf Forms#Gauru|Gauru (Full Werewolf Form)]]
*[[Werewolf Forms#Urshul|Urshul (Near-Wolf Form)]]
*[[Werewolf Forms#Urhan|Urhan (Wolf Form)]]
'''Sacred Hunt 2:''' The Sacred Hunt, the Siskur-Dah, is the most holy of all rites. Many werewolves believe that it draws upon the laws of the hunt that the Wolf-Mother herself personified.
*Symbols: The hunt, prey, claws or weapons, blood
*Sample Rite: Blood Talon ritemasters commonly use a circling dance of participants, with the Urathas’ claws marked with blood or ash. The ritemaster wears a mask representing the intended prey, and what follows is a mock-hunt around the dancing circle as the ritemaster seeks to break free. (Dexterity + Athletics)
*Action: Extended (10 successes; each roll represents 1 minute)
*Success: The rite binds hunters and prey into the Siskur-Dah. All werewolves present are cast as the hunters. The ritemaster must indicate the intended prey during the rite, which can be an individual or a group, but they do not need to be identified with precise details or names. The rite has three effects: All participating werewolves gain the Siskur-Dah Condition. If the Uratha bring down a spirit that is the prey of this rite, they may divide its remaining Essence amongst themselves as they see fit; this can be used to destroy a spirit by draining all its Essence and discorporating it, but doing so is usually a breaking point toward Spirit and is seen as disrespectful if done without good reason. If the Uratha chase down spirit-prey that knows the symbols of a rite or can carve the secret of a Gift, any Uratha hunter present can expend the necessary Experiences to be marked with the Gift or learn the rite from the spirit. If this is done, the hunters do not get any Essence if they then bring the spirit down, and doing so is a breaking point toward Spirit.
* '''Possessions:'''  
* '''Possessions:'''  
**''Carried:'' wallet, keys, pocket knife, smartphone, wireless headphones, sometimes a backpack with papers, supplies, textbooks and his tablet.
**''Carried:'' Kevlar Vest (Armor 1/3)
**''Home:'' laptop, a plethora of console systems, television, cat (R2) & furniture.
* '''Weapons:''' A small, rather unalarming pocket knife.
* '''Weapons:'''
**Glock 22 semiautomatic pistol (light pistol, +1 damage, long range)
**Polymer PR-24 baton (baton, +1 damage, close range)
**Pepper Spray (+0 damage, close range)
* '''Other Notes:''' X
* '''Other Notes:''' X
==Merit Details==
* '''Iron Stamina:''' In contact sports, you gotta be able to take a few beatings and keep on going.
A description of your characters day to day life.
* '''Resources:''' Part time waiter at the Wet Dog Cafe.
* '''Money:''' xxx
* '''Grappling Styles & Choke Hold:''' It used to be a sport.  Now it's for when I do not wish to kill.
* '''Clothing & Jewelry:''' xxx
* '''Berserk Figting Style:''' For when it's time to kill, you allow the might of your Wolf and the fervor of the All Father to wash over you.
* '''Communication:''' xxx
* '''Pack:'''  We will never have normal human lives againOur old families are beyond our reach and safer when kept apart from usOther packs are either our allies or our rivals, but not our friends or familyOur wolf and our pack is all the have now.
* '''Food:''' xxx
* '''Allies - "Clean-Up Crew" (3):''' My Aunt Bethany and Uncles Boss and Carl make a business out of cleaning up peoples messes and fixing problemsGiven my tendency to rack up just that sort of grocery list of disasters, Bethany has offered to assist me in taking care of some of the more delicate mattersAlso, Uncle Boss has offered to loan me use of his booth babes for future parties. Yay?
* '''Housing:''' xxx
* '''Days:''' xxx
* '''Evenings:''' xxx
'''Age:''' 34
'''Hair Color:''' Black
'''Eye Color:''' Brown
'''Skin Color:''' Brown
'''Ethnicity:''' African American
She was always Annabelle to her wife. Anna and Valerie had been together for 5 and were well on their way to building a life together.  They had even made it through a year of owning a home and living together in the Woodlawn neighborhood.  But the last 6 months in that home had definitely been the hardest. That was the 6 months that brought new next door neighbors.  Megan and Paul Brockman were a young couple who had recently been married. It was obvious right from the start that something was off.  The bruises on Megan, her black eye, her downcast eyes, her meek demeanor, Paul's quickness to anger, and stern voice.  And there were the overheard bits of conversation when Anna and Val would hear him snap at her, or shout her name in anger, and sometimes what possibly sounded like a painful cry.  There was a time when Val promised Anna that if she heard it again she was going to march over there and put an end to it.  Anna told her it wasn't their place to get involved.  The great irony is that Anna Figueroa was a trained Police Detective, the one with the skills to put an end to injustice, and, presumably, a desire to see justice done.  But Anna also had a hesitancy.  As a lesbian woman of color she felt her place in the Portland Police Department was tentative, and she worried about bringing too much attention to herself by inserting herself into other people's issues.  Val, on the other hand, was the strong one.  As a welder by trade, not only was she stocky and strong in body, but Val never seemed to be afraid of anything.  She was always crusading for what was right, speaking out for those who couldn't speak out for themselves.  Val was the hero.  Maybe she was a little too much of a hero that night of the new moon.
The sky was pitch black.  It was the middle of Summer and and the windows were wide open, trying to catch even the slightest breeze that might linger into the home.
"God damn bitch!" Paul's voice popped angrily and clearly, and then a harsh sound that was obviously a hit.
The inhale of breath and crying, and "No, no, Paul, no!  Please!!"
Val's eyes were steel. "That's it. No more."  
And Val was up and out the doorAnna jumped up and was immediately behind her, following and pleading for this not to happen.  It was too late.  Val, didn't knock or waitShe was through the front door of the Brockmans' home and inside the house with a speed that betrayed the stockiness of her body.  Paul was standing over Megan, who was down on the floor with her arms raised defensively, wild fear in her eyes. 
"You leave her alone, asshole!" Val yelled.
Paul turned and yelled back. "Stay out of this, you stupid dyke!" But Val was already charging ahead, and Paul's fist was rising up to meet her.
In that instant, Anna's tentativeness went away, and all her police training kicked in.  She felt her body surge forward with the urge to protect her family... and something more.  In that moment she felt a primal instinct to protect her pack, her territory, and she felt rage rise and the will to stand and fight against another predatorShe felt that rage burning in her chest and temples until it consumed her... and when she awoke all she could smell was blood.
Even now she had a hard time coming to terms with what had happened that night.  Paul and Megan were dead.  So was Val.  There were those in the Department, particularly those who were members of the Lodge of the Shield who had seen her change coming and were ready.  They sent Detective Everett Wolcott, a Wolf-Blooded, to her to help her through.  He explained what had happened, who she was.  A werewolf.  That was hard to deal with.  What was impossible to comprehend was that she had killed 3 people.  Val.  Her wife.  The woman she loved more than anything.  It was incomprehensible.
Everett and the members of the Lodge arranged to have the horrible scene classified as a home break-in gone bad.  Paul Brockman had made some enemies.  It wasn't hard to suggest that someone had broken into their home to take revenge.  Val and Anna had gone over to their home to try and help them, but ended up victims of violence themselves.  Only Anna survived.
Everett was made Anna's new partnerHe introduced her to The Wapato Island Pack, taught her the First Tongue, taught her how to hunt, and inducted her into the Lodge of the Shield. Eventually, he even handed his spot on the Samhain Accord Council over to her, a responsibility she has only reluctantly accepted.
==Friends and Family==
==Friends and Family==
*Joseph Figueroa: Father
*Val Warner-Figueroa: Wife (deceased)
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| [[Image:henry_mom.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Melissa Haddock Mulgrew'''<br>''The Mom''<br>Melissa works in customer support at an AT&T call center.  She reads a great deal and has always allowed Chris and I to pretty much do whatever we want to do as long as we don't get into serious trouble and leave her alone when she gets home from work.  Her older sister, our Aunt Mary is frequently over with a bottle of bourbon for them to share and cackle like mad witches on the back deck.  My mother believes that everyone should go see a psychiatrist on a regular basis, some of us more than others, such as myself.  Our entire family has been going to see her college friend, Dr. Kate, since before I was born.  While the rest of the family still go to see her, due to an "incident" during one of my visits, I'm no longer allowed within a certain distance of her office.<br>I don't know what's become of my family since my death.  I don't know how to approach them and keep them protected from the world I live in.
| [[Image:henry_dad.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Ronald "Ron" Muldrew'''<br>''The Dad''<br>Ron, or Dad as he likes us to call him, is an environmental remediation specialist for BP Global (whatever that means) and is usually only home for about one week every two or three months.  When he is home, he usually watches the news and reads about tennis.  His sister, my aunt Bethany, is the one who got me into comics and Star Wars.  She lives in LA with her two husbands and owns several comic shops.  Their daughter Kat and I used to endure summer camp together as kids.  Dad and our family shrink, Dr. Kate had an affair when I was younger.  She wrote a book about it and my mom seemed content to let it slide so long as she got some of the royalties.  <br>I don't know what's become of my family since my death.  I don't know how to approach them and keep them protected from the world I live in.
| [[Image:henry_sis.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Christina Mulgrew'''<br>''The Sister''<br>Chris is my vegan, lesbian band and drama geek little sister.  She is still in high school and has dreams that frequently shift between Hollywood and politics.  She likes to threaten me with plans of attending college wherever I am.  Chris and I don't always get along, we argue and spend most of our exchanged words in insults, but we do love each other.<br>Given recent events here in Astoria, I plan to do everything in my power to assure that she DOES NOT attend college here.  I'm not going to tell her that though.  That would just solidify her determination to do just that.  I need to start complaining to her about all the conservative, white Christians in Astoria.<br>I don't know what's become of my family since my death.  I don't know how to approach them and keep them protected from the world I live in.
| [[Image:henry_r2.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''R2-D2'''<br>''The Cat''<br>R2 is my friend, my cuddle-buddy, my listener, my constant companion and a soothing presence in my often not-so soothing life.  When my orange tabby, C3-PO died several years ago, R2 was my Mom's attempt to quell my discontent.  As much as I wanted to yell at her that she can't just replace my cat, R2 was actually exactly who I needed.  My new shrink says cats are psychic.  I believe her.  I'm glad he's gotten over the entire being terrified of me being a werewolf thing.  I don't like the idea of a world where my baby was always afraid of me.  <br>Renee adopted and has taken care of R2 since my death.  They have become very attached and I see no need to separate them, but I retain visitation rights. 
| [[Image:Bosswife.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Bethany Boss'''<br>''The Awesome Aunt''<br>Auntie B is my Dad's younger sister.  She's a spontaneous, high energy woman with more charm, grace and personality than a swimming pool full of British aristocracy and flaunts six times the scandal.  She and Mom were loathe at first sight, each representing everything the other found to be detestable.  Auntie B is a modern day power executive flower child.  She loves art, literature, freedom of expression, sex, mind altering drugs and everything related to James Dean or the Beatles (Paul McCartney recognizes her as his biggest fan and also has a restraining order against her - she keeps the lock of hair in her purse).  Auntie B has two massive husbands, Boss and Carl, who look like a hitman and a thug, but are actually pretty awesome and dedicated to family.  They own a number of comic shops around the country that she runs from their HQ in LA and employ professional cosplay models that work at conventions around the country.  Their daughter Kat is likely the most intelligent person I've ever met.  She and I used to endure summer camp together every year.  Auntie B has always considered it her job to fill in where my Mom fails as a parent, which from her perspective is most of the time.<br>I've always known my aunt and uncles were not normal - but now I'm positive they're "not normal".  Two days after my return to the realm of the living, payphones kept ringing when I'd pass by.  I finally answered one, it was my uncle.  He welcomed me back to the living and told me that if there was ever anything he could help out with, to give him a call - that he was in the business of making messy matters disappear, just not to mention anything about it to Kat and to give his aunt a call once his cellphone arrived at his new PO box tomorrow.  He said they loved me and not to die again.  I....what? 
| [[Image:henry_sparky.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Sparky'''<br>''The Bloody Savage (Feral Wolf)''<br>I lost my feral wolf, who I called Sparky, when I died.  I'm not sure what happens to that part of my spirit.  Did he die, pass on to some wolfy heaven, or is he roaming the spirit realm, eating rabbit spirits?  In his place, there is Freki.  Cold, determined, focused and very dangerous.  He doesn't suit me.  We struggle to share this skin and spirit.  It's a temporary arrangement, but it's clear he wants to be in control in order to see to his master's goal.  I do as well.  I feel his need.  I also know that I will be freed of him when we do.  Then what happens?  Does a new spirit move in?  Does Sparky come back?  Will I be...empty or become something like what Thomas became?
===The Pack===
===The Pack===
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Wapato Island Pack
| [[Image:Renee-mcdonnall.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Renee "Snips" McDonnell'''<br>I wish I could convince her to move somewhere far, far away from here.  Somewhere safe.  But she knows too much about the hidden world now, she'll always see it now, and it will take notice of her perception of them.  Better she be surrounded by her pack, so we can keep her safe.  I'm grateful for Jerome.  He will help me keep her safe. 
| [[Image:StellaJalo.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Mama J'''<br>She will never be able to escape her wolf.  But I hope she can find some peace away from here with her family and keep them safe from the forces that seem ill bent on doing us wrong.
| [[Image:Jace-evans.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Jace'''<br>Jace remains an enigma to me, or at least my feelings for him are.  I feel drawn to him in way that I cannot explain.  But he also infuriates me.  Fire or ice.  The fake masks he insists on wearing.  Why can't he just be who he is and stop clinging to the layered facades that he thinks is necessary to keep everyone at bay or under his control.
| [[Image:Warner_Pelt.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Warner'''<br>Warner isn't just a boy scout.  Warner is a bad ass paladin.  And of us all, he seems best suited at keeping his humanity and his wolf in check.  He still seems like Warner, where the rest of us havent' figured out how to figure out how to be ourselves in this new world.  I'm a little nervous around him now.  Every time I close my eyes to sleep, I relive my last moment, when I died in his arms.
| [[Image:litchfield.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Doctor Lichfield'''<br>I have nothing but the utmost respect and trust in Elaine.  She's the brightest and most astute of us all.  She's a little obsessive and quirky, but she has the best interest for the pack at heart.  I'm a little sad for the changes she has undergone of late.  I've been watching from the sidelines since I've come back, and while she seems more balanced now that she's merged with her flock, she also seems to have lost too much of who she was. 
| [[Image:ThomasMichaelCraig.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Thomas'''<br>Thomas was so capable and skilled, he seemed well equipped to deal with the supernatural world he'd found himself immersed in.  So well that I think we all forgot he was still just human.  And because of our lack of vigilance, we didn't protect him.  Because of that, he has suffered and lost some part of himself to an alien entity that none of us could start to understand.  He left.  I don't know the details, but I don't blame him.
| [[Image:NeenaCosgrove.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Neena'''<br>She wasn't ever really on my radar.  I didn't know she was "werewolf royalty".  From watching her, she seems to be all in, though..if not a tad bit touched in the head at times and she has less control of her wolf than I generally do.
| [[Image:Reese-tavis.jpg|none|150px]]|| '''Reese Tavis'''<br>Reese was on the wrong side.  When it was truly important, he choose the right side and to do the right thing.  I'm willing to give him another chance as the pack has done.  But if he harms or causes harm those under my protection, I will eat his still beating heart.  I've watched him with Jace since I came back.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.
*Allison McCann - Matriarch of the Pack
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*Michael Guerra - Patriarch of the Pack
| [[Image:Danny-marin.jpg|left|150px]]|| '''Danny Marin'''<br>I liked him.  We all did.  He felt left out, because we pushed him away to keep him safe.  For his sake, I hope he never speaks to any of us again.
*Melody Sukphranee - Warden of the Pack
*Everett Wolcott - Partner, Member of Lodge of the Shield, Member of the Pack
A description of your characters day to day life.
* '''Downtime Condition:''' ''[[Template:Condition-Athletic|Athletic]]''. I workout and jog every day.
* '''Money:''' I'm pretty much a vagabond right now.
* '''Clothing & Jewelry:''' Gym shorts, shirt and flipflops - clothes that are easily removed or not a terrible loss if destroyed.  I have a Sagittarius sign tattoo on my left forearm, a Star Wars themed full arm tattoo sleeve on my right arm, as well as a handful of smaller Star Wars related designs scattered about my body.  And some pretty gnarly claw marks on my neck, chest, abdomen and right thigh.  Gifts brought back from the afterlife so that I may remember Volk's pack.
* '''Housing:''' I am homeless.
* '''Transportation:''' Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Lo - FLSTFB
* '''Communication:''' My uncle sent me a new cellphone as a resurrection day gift...  I generally prefer text messages when I can't just speak to someone directly. 
* '''Food:''' Coffee, protein shakes, beer, pizza and beef jerky.  Although real food is preferable when in the company of others.
* '''Days:''' Lately?  Rise early, eat, workout, mediate, lurk about my old haunts and stalk my old friends, eat, jog, meditate...wait, sleep.
* '''Evenings:''' More of the same.
* '''Classes:''' None (currently deceased).
|Earned='''• 6/11:''' 2 beats<br>'''• 6/18:''' 2 beats<br>'''• 6/25:''' 2 beats<br>'''
|Purchases= Lodge Connections 3

Latest revision as of 21:46, 30 July 2018

Anna Figueroa "Fig"
Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2;
Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3;
Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
Mental: Crafts (Automotive) 2, Investigation (Crime Scenes) 3, Medicine 1, Politics 1

Physical: Athletics 2, Brawl (Claws) 3, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Stealth (In Plain Sight) 3, Weaponry 1
Social: Empathy (Lies) 2, Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1, Streetwise 1

Totem (Standing Guardian of the Land) 1, Totem (Shield-of-Law) 1, Language (First Tongue) 1, Professional Training (Police Detective) 3, Resources 1, Lodge Connections 3, Flanking 2, Covert Operative 1, Anchored (Spirit Touchstone) 1, Defensive Combat 1
Health: 9, Willpower: 5, Size: 5, Speed: 11, Defense: 6 (Armor: 1/3), Initiative: 6
Rating: 7
Current Conditions
End condition to gain a point of Willpower and reduce exceptional success from 5 succ to 3 when taking an action pertaining to inspiration.
Possible Sources: Exceptional Success: Crafts, Expression; Inspiring Merit, mental powers
Resolution: You spend inspiration to spur yourself to greater success, resolving the Condition as described above.

Uram da takus — The wolf must hunt

Imru nu fir imru — The people do not murder the people

Sih sehe mak; Mak ne sih — The low honor the high; The high respect the low

Ni daha — Respect your prey

Nu hu uzu eren — Do not eat the flesh of man or wolf

Nu bath githul — The herd must not know

Uratha safal thil lu'u — The Uratha shall cleave to the human

Kul kisura udmeda — Honor Your Territory in All Things

-The Oath of the Moon


  • Blood: The Warden: You protect. Territory, packmates, loci. Whatever a Warden swore to protect, you'll sooner walk over their cold, dead body before you harm it. Your character regains a point of Willpower whenever she puts the object of her protection above her well-being or comfort. She regains all spent Willpower whenever she preemptively hunts would be aggressors, or uses Kuruth to ward off the danger to those she protects.
  • Bone: The Mediator: You feel the need to step in and sort out other people's problems. You gain satisfaction in bringing estranged parties together to mutually acceptable agreements. Recover a point of willpower when you put yourself on the line to resolve a dispute. Recover all willpower when you abandon the hunt or go against your pack to sort out other people's shit.
  • Aspirations:
  • Hunt prey that break the Samhain Accord
  • Protect my father and keep his location secret
  • Investigate homicide cases that are possibly tied to the supernatural
  • To remain strong despite all challenges
  • To be bound, leashed, or imprisoned

Werewolf Traits

Renown: Wisdom 1, Cunning 2

Primal Urge: 1

Essence: Max 10


Irraka: Irraka are stalkers, assassins, spies, and thieves. They Changed under the new moon. They move through the shadows, striking quickly and *Hunter’s Aspect - Blissful. The prey has no idea that anyone is coming for him. He greets the cool night air with a smile, perhaps indulges in chemical or carnal pleasures, and never glances at the shadowy form inching its way closer to his exposed throat.

  • Gifts - Evasion, New Moon, Stealth
  • Auspice Skills - Larceny, Stealth, Subterfuge
  • Auspice Renown - Cunning
  • Auspice Benefit - Closer Than You Thought: Under the dark moon, the prey cannot judge distance or threat. The Irraka can make use of the inherent uncertainty of the new moon. Once per chapter, the Irraka can become suddenly closer to a target. Mechanically, this can be expressed in one of the following manners: 1.The Irraka can move her initiative rating to within one point of a target’s, either one above or one below, depending where she is in the initiative relative to the target. She can’t change make her Initiative result higher or lower than the target’s if it isn’t already. 2. She can move close enough to use her teeth and claws against one opponent who isn’t attacking her. 3. She can subtract –2 from the number of Doors needed in Social maneuvering.


Iron Masters: Iron Masters are like water. They flow. They adapt. They deal with the context of a given situation, and versatility is their greatest weapon.

  • Gifts - Knowledge, Shaping, Technology
  • Tribal Renown - Cunning
  • Gatherings: Iron Master gatherings range from rigorously-formal board meetings to casual coffee shop powwows. The main purpose of these swap meets is to trade favors and information, and to share stories about the new and exciting things members have seen. Tribe members keep each other up to date on the latest political maneuvering that might impact each other’s territories, trade useful new rites and fetishes, and sometimes plan out large-scale sociological or ecological experiments.


Lodge of the Shield: The Lodge of the Shield are wolves-in-wolves-clothing. They are nightmarish predators stalking among the enforcers of law and order, intertwined with yet apart from the apparatus of the state within which they hunt. It is a mistake to think of a Shield-Bearer as simply a werewolf who is a police officer; adherents of this Lodge are cultists, and ones dedicated to pursuing their prey among those who enforce the edicts of authority and their victims alike. Neither super-max cell nor ostentatious police commissioner's office are out of the reach of the Lodge's talons. As many cops are put on the mortuary slab by Shield-Bearers as are drug traffickers and murderers. They do not obey human notions of innocence or guilt. The Law-Shredders stand above mere mortal dictates.

  • Totem - Shield-of-Law
    • Blessing - Blessing: Whenever a Lodge member wins a grapple roll, they can spend a Willpower point to pick an additional move to apply.
    • Aspiration - To be bound, leashed, or imprisoned.
    • Ban - When bound or captured, a Lodge member cannot attempt to physically free themselves for a full day, but must submit to their leashing.
  • Sacred Hunt - The Lodge Sacred Hunt grants your character the ability to wield law enforcement as another tool on the hunt. When interacting with an officer or agent of law enforcement, justice, or the imprisonment or punishment of criminals, the Uratha can spend Essence to shift the target's Impression of them by one step per point spent, and can do the same to shift the target's Impression of the hunt's prey in the other direction.
  • Tools - The Lodge of the Shield has access to the Lodge Armoury, Lodge Connections, Lodge Stronghold, and Hive Mirror (Fetish •••) merits
  • Secrets of the Shield-Bearers

• Some Lodge members believe in 'true' laws, elements of justice innate to the world beyond human aspirations. Attempts to test such notions involve seeing how a given tenet resonates with the Shadow - punishing violators and seeing how the world symbolically and fundamentally responds, then recording the results in search of any coherent patterns.

• Adherents collect the badges of their dead comrades and offer them to a ghostly gestalt that imprisons dead shades. Cultists in city mortuaries delicately fillet dead bodies with the care of a gourmet, excising bones for later consumption. Horrific crime scenes and decades-long careers in brutal criminality forge ghosts that are more dangerous than a killer ever was in life. A painful treaty with the Lodge of Death gains the Shield-Breakers access to the Pale Hounds' wisdom and knowledge on such matters; many of the Leashed chafe at the special considerations the Lodge demands they give to the Barghests in return for little scraps of forbidden lore.

• The Lodge maintains old pacts with groaning, bloated spirits of prisons and incarceration. If a Lodge member kills a prisoner within the cell that the prisoner is legally, legitimately contained within, then paints the prisoner's blood in warding glyphs on the walls, other spirits become intensely averse to entering the warded space for a night and a day.

• Some Lodge members have learned a strange rite to 'tag' criminals by biting chunks of their ears off through police brutality or 'random dog attacks'. The gristle from the bite is deposited in a preparation of blood and bone dust from a human who died in prison; should the tagged criminal take an action that breaks the law, the gobbet of flesh bubbles and cooks in its elixir before dissolving away.

• The Lodge judges its own most viciously of all. An adherent who steps out of line faces a gathering of fellow cultists to pass sentence; those judged worthy of death do not face a quick execution. Such condemned are taken to the spirit prison in LA, chained beside the totem with spines of silver pressed into their flesh; as they rage, scream, and die, their fury and Essence is drained into Shield-Of-Law, aiding it in its transformation. Recently, high-ranking Lodge members have started examining the lower strata of the cult much more vigorously in search of those who have defied the Lodge's tenets • Adherents are encouraged to chain and bind themselves in secure locations at least once a month under the full moon, not out of an expectation that they will suffer Death Rage but because it is a symbolic recognition of the urges they are seeking to control that are, nonetheless, an innate part of their nature. Most Lodge members treat this as a chance for meditation, isolation, or sometimes visionary experiences under the effect of drugs and chemicals acquired from law enforcement operations.

• Human police members of the cult are held at arms' length, but the Lodge maintains a significant commitment of resources to maintaining the 'lodges' and fraternities to which these humans belong, encouraging them to feel special and more enlightened than their fellow officers. The Lodge ruthlessly exploits its human cultists, and rarely even creates Claimed to further its agenda.


Wapato Island Pack:

  • Totem: Standing Guardian of the Land

The Pack is headed by a trinity of 3 elected wolves: a matriarch, a patriarch, and a warden. There is no implied relationship between any of the 3 heads of the Pack. The Matriarch leads the the Sacred Hunt. The Warden is in charge of guarding and protecting the Pack. The Patriarch represents the Totem beyond Sauvie Island. Many of the Pack members live and work on the Standing Stone Farm on Sauvie Island, but that is not required for Pack membership. The Pack is medium sized and fairly well established, with membership just over 20, consisting of about 3/4 Uratha and the rest Wolf-Blooded and 2-3 humans.

Merit Details

Professional Training (Police Detective) 3: I have training as a police detective, which offers distinct advantages.

- Asset Skills: Empathy, Investigation

  • Networking: I've built connections within my chosen field.

- Contacts: Portland Police, Portland City Government

  • Continuing Education: With the repeated efforts in my field, I tend toward greater successes. When making a roll with my Asset Skills, I benefit from the 9-again quality.
  • Breadth of Knowledge: I've picked up a number of particular bits of information and skills unique to my work. Choose a third Asset Skill, and take two Specialties in your character’s Asset Skills.

- Additional Asset Skill: Stealth

- Additional Specialties: Lies, Crime Scenes

  • On the Job Training: With the resources at my disposal, I have access to extensive educational tools and mentorship. Whenever I purchase a new Asset Skill dot, I take a Beat.

- Additional Dot in an Asset Skill: Empathy

  • The Routine: With such extensive experience in my field, my Asset Skills have been honed to a fine edge, and I'm almost guaranteed at least a marginal success. Before rolling, spend a Willpower point to apply the rote action quality to an Asset Skill. This allows me to reroll all the failed dice on the first roll.

Resources 1: One dot is a little spending money here and there. Two is a comfortable, middle class wage. Three is a nicer, upper middle class life. Four is moderately wealthy. Five is filthy rich. Every item has an Availability rating. Once per chapter, your character can procure an item at her Resources level or lower, without issue. An item one Availability above her Resources reduces her effective Resources by one dot for a full month, since she has to rapidly liquidate funds.

Lodge Connections 3: I can access the substantial support network of the Lodge of the Shield. Once per session, I may benefit from any of the following merits of a dot rating up to my rating in Lodge Connections: Allies, Mentor, Resources, or Retainer.

Flanking 2: I can support another character by poking at an enemy’s flanks. I grab, bite, or otherwise restrain an opponent, setting it up for an opportune strike from a teammate. Any time I makes a successful attack I can choose to apply successes as a penalty to the victim’s Initiative and Defense for the turn instead of causing damage.

Covert Operative 1: I am trained in getting the jump on my opponents. I creep up on unsuspecting enemies from the shadows and neutralize them before anyone realizes anything’s happening. When I ambush an opponent, the victim loses the 10-again quality on their roll to notice the attack. Even if they successfully notices me, I act at +3 Initiative in the first turn.

Anchored (Spiritual Touchstone) 1: I have a stronger association with my Spiritual Touchstone. When calling upon that Touchstone to resist a breaking point, take +3 bonus dice. Drawback: The strength of this association means neglecting the other half. When calling upon the opposite Touchstone, take only +1 die.

Defensive Combat 1: I am trained in avoiding damage in combat. Use Brawl to calculate Defense, rather than Athletics.

Totem 1: Standing Guardian of the Land. Totem for the Wapato Island Pack

Totem 1: Shield-of-Law. Totem associated with the Lodge of the Shield

Language 1: First Tongue

Moon Gifts

New Moon's Gift 1:

  • Eviscerate -

Cost: 1 Essence Action: Reflexive

The Irraka may activate this Facet as part of a Brawl or Weaponry attack against an unaware or surprised opponent, turning her attack into a rote action.

New Moon's Gift 2:

  • Slip Away -

Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene

Any character who perceives or interacts with the Irraka while this Facet is active finds it extremely hard to remember her presence. If the Irraka takes no memorable actions toward the individual — she was only a face in a crowd, or a dog in the alley, or the other half of a brief conversation — he simply dismisses any recollection. If the Irraka was memorable — she started a fight, asked extremely strange questions, or engaged in an obviously suspicious activity — or if the witness is prompted to examine his memories closely, he suffers a penalty to any dice pools to remember her equal to the Irraka’s Cunning Renown, even if the witness has an otherwise perfect memory. The witness will not simply forget that he had a fight while guarding a building, but he may forget the details of his opponent or recall only a blur.

Shadow Gifts

Shadow Pelt (Cunning):

Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene

This Facet calls the shadows themselves to mask the hunter’s presence. When this Facet is activated, the Uratha may treat a number of Stealth rolls equal to his Cunning Renown as Rote Actions.

Iron Slave (Wisdom):

Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 Scene

This Facet forces even snarling beasts of iron and gears to heel and to bear the Uratha’s spirit. This Facet can be used on a single mechanical vehicle or other piece of significant engineering (such as a crane, production line, or similar) that the Uratha can see.

  • Dice Pool - Wits + Crafts + Wisdom
  • Roll Results -

Dramatic Failure: The Uratha gains the Ban Condition. She wishes to venerate machines of the type targeted, and will try to lay offerings to their spirits or paint them with glyphs that honor them.

Failure: The Facet fails.

Success: The Uratha immerses her senses into the machine, and is able to perceive its surroundings. She can allow the machine or vehicle to continue its operation as normal, or can directly take control of it. While riding the machine, she has only the vaguest perception with her own senses and appears to be in a daze or sleeping. Returning to her own senses takes an instant action and ends the Facet. Should the vehicle or machine be destroyed while the Uratha is riding it, she is ejected back into her own body and treats it as a breaking point towards Spirit. If the Uratha dies while she is riding, the fragment of her spirit becomes subsumed into the machine and may create a unique and bizarre Claimed.

Exceptional Success: The Uratha remains fully aware of her own surroundings.

Breaking Points


  • Flesh Touchstone: Father - Joseph Figueroa. +1 to any rolls to resist Harmony loss
  • Spirit Touchstone: Locus - Kelly Point Park (Confluence of Willamette and Columbia Rivers). +3 to any rolls for breaking points toward humanity.

Breaking Points

Toward Flesh:

  • Defiling a locus.
  • Refusing to participate in Siskur-Dah.
  • Staying out of the Hisil for a week.
  • Using a silver weapon against another werewolf.
  • Violating the Oath of the Moon. (Forsaken only, –2)
  • Staying out of the Hisil for a month. (–3)

Harmony 3 or lower

  • Allowing a spirit safe passage into the physical world.
  • Eating processed food.
  • Mating with a human.
  • Staying out of the Hisil for a day.

Toward Spirit:

  • Killing a human or wolf.
  • Staying in the Hisil for a week.
  • Hunting humans or wolves for food (–2)
  • Killing a packmate. (–2)
  • Eating human or wolf flesh for Essence (–3)
  • Staying in the Hisil for a month. (–3)

Harmony 8 or more

  • Inflicting Lunacy on a loved one.
  • Leading the Siskur-Dah.
  • Spending more than two days away from your pack.
  • Staying in the Hisil for a full day.

Werewolf Forms


Sacred Hunt 2: The Sacred Hunt, the Siskur-Dah, is the most holy of all rites. Many werewolves believe that it draws upon the laws of the hunt that the Wolf-Mother herself personified.

  • Symbols: The hunt, prey, claws or weapons, blood
  • Sample Rite: Blood Talon ritemasters commonly use a circling dance of participants, with the Urathas’ claws marked with blood or ash. The ritemaster wears a mask representing the intended prey, and what follows is a mock-hunt around the dancing circle as the ritemaster seeks to break free. (Dexterity + Athletics)
  • Action: Extended (10 successes; each roll represents 1 minute)
  • Success: The rite binds hunters and prey into the Siskur-Dah. All werewolves present are cast as the hunters. The ritemaster must indicate the intended prey during the rite, which can be an individual or a group, but they do not need to be identified with precise details or names. The rite has three effects: All participating werewolves gain the Siskur-Dah Condition. If the Uratha bring down a spirit that is the prey of this rite, they may divide its remaining Essence amongst themselves as they see fit; this can be used to destroy a spirit by draining all its Essence and discorporating it, but doing so is usually a breaking point toward Spirit and is seen as disrespectful if done without good reason. If the Uratha chase down spirit-prey that knows the symbols of a rite or can carve the secret of a Gift, any Uratha hunter present can expend the necessary Experiences to be marked with the Gift or learn the rite from the spirit. If this is done, the hunters do not get any Essence if they then bring the spirit down, and doing so is a breaking point toward Spirit.


  • Possessions:
    • Carried: Kevlar Vest (Armor 1/3)
    • Home:xxx
  • Weapons:
    • Glock 22 semiautomatic pistol (light pistol, +1 damage, long range)
    • Polymer PR-24 baton (baton, +1 damage, close range)
    • Pepper Spray (+0 damage, close range)
  • Other Notes: X


A description of your characters day to day life.

  • Money: xxx
  • Clothing & Jewelry: xxx
  • Communication: xxx
  • Food: xxx
  • Housing: xxx
  • Days: xxx
  • Evenings: xxx


Age: 34 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Brown Ethnicity: African American Gender:Female

She was always Annabelle to her wife. Anna and Valerie had been together for 5 and were well on their way to building a life together. They had even made it through a year of owning a home and living together in the Woodlawn neighborhood. But the last 6 months in that home had definitely been the hardest. That was the 6 months that brought new next door neighbors. Megan and Paul Brockman were a young couple who had recently been married. It was obvious right from the start that something was off. The bruises on Megan, her black eye, her downcast eyes, her meek demeanor, Paul's quickness to anger, and stern voice. And there were the overheard bits of conversation when Anna and Val would hear him snap at her, or shout her name in anger, and sometimes what possibly sounded like a painful cry. There was a time when Val promised Anna that if she heard it again she was going to march over there and put an end to it. Anna told her it wasn't their place to get involved. The great irony is that Anna Figueroa was a trained Police Detective, the one with the skills to put an end to injustice, and, presumably, a desire to see justice done. But Anna also had a hesitancy. As a lesbian woman of color she felt her place in the Portland Police Department was tentative, and she worried about bringing too much attention to herself by inserting herself into other people's issues. Val, on the other hand, was the strong one. As a welder by trade, not only was she stocky and strong in body, but Val never seemed to be afraid of anything. She was always crusading for what was right, speaking out for those who couldn't speak out for themselves. Val was the hero. Maybe she was a little too much of a hero that night of the new moon.

The sky was pitch black. It was the middle of Summer and and the windows were wide open, trying to catch even the slightest breeze that might linger into the home.

"God damn bitch!" Paul's voice popped angrily and clearly, and then a harsh sound that was obviously a hit.

The inhale of breath and crying, and "No, no, Paul, no! Please!!"

Val's eyes were steel. "That's it. No more."

And Val was up and out the door. Anna jumped up and was immediately behind her, following and pleading for this not to happen. It was too late. Val, didn't knock or wait. She was through the front door of the Brockmans' home and inside the house with a speed that betrayed the stockiness of her body. Paul was standing over Megan, who was down on the floor with her arms raised defensively, wild fear in her eyes.

"You leave her alone, asshole!" Val yelled.

Paul turned and yelled back. "Stay out of this, you stupid dyke!" But Val was already charging ahead, and Paul's fist was rising up to meet her.

In that instant, Anna's tentativeness went away, and all her police training kicked in. She felt her body surge forward with the urge to protect her family... and something more. In that moment she felt a primal instinct to protect her pack, her territory, and she felt rage rise and the will to stand and fight against another predator. She felt that rage burning in her chest and temples until it consumed her... and when she awoke all she could smell was blood.

Even now she had a hard time coming to terms with what had happened that night. Paul and Megan were dead. So was Val. There were those in the Department, particularly those who were members of the Lodge of the Shield who had seen her change coming and were ready. They sent Detective Everett Wolcott, a Wolf-Blooded, to her to help her through. He explained what had happened, who she was. A werewolf. That was hard to deal with. What was impossible to comprehend was that she had killed 3 people. Val. Her wife. The woman she loved more than anything. It was incomprehensible.

Everett and the members of the Lodge arranged to have the horrible scene classified as a home break-in gone bad. Paul Brockman had made some enemies. It wasn't hard to suggest that someone had broken into their home to take revenge. Val and Anna had gone over to their home to try and help them, but ended up victims of violence themselves. Only Anna survived.

Everett was made Anna's new partner. He introduced her to The Wapato Island Pack, taught her the First Tongue, taught her how to hunt, and inducted her into the Lodge of the Shield. Eventually, he even handed his spot on the Samhain Accord Council over to her, a responsibility she has only reluctantly accepted.


Friends and Family

  • Joseph Figueroa: Father
  • Val Warner-Figueroa: Wife (deceased)

The Pack

Wapato Island Pack

  • Allison McCann - Matriarch of the Pack
  • Michael Guerra - Patriarch of the Pack
  • Melody Sukphranee - Warden of the Pack
  • Everett Wolcott - Partner, Member of Lodge of the Shield, Member of the Pack


Character Experiences
Current Beats: 1
Unspent Experiences: 0
Spent Experiences: 1
Experiences Earned
• 6/11: 2 beats
• 6/18: 2 beats
• 6/25: 2 beats
Lodge Connections 3