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Revision as of 23:47, 31 August 2010

The Twelve Houses of Iridius are named after the first members of that house – the sons born to each of Iridius wives. As time passed, more and more of the local nobility were absorbed into these twelve houses, though there yet remain many houses of lesser nobility, all of whom have sworn oaths of vassalage to one of the Imperial Houses.

Each house is ruled by a Patriarch,

House Aladár

"Fury, like Lightning.'

  • Insignia: The Stormcrow
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Bekény, Gyenos, Termatzu, Vidos.
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Demény

"Wind-swift and Sun-bright."

  • Insignia: The Phoenix of Demény, crimson and gold on a white background. The bird is crowned and clutches a spear.
  • Domain: Idarios, a mountain domain of alpine goat-herder villages, sprinkled with gold mines here and there.
  • Patriarch: Jashos Demény, the Old Firebird. A man of very large proportions, Jashos keeps his blonde beard cut in the style of the mountain folk and he seems ill at ease when dealing with other nobility (easily taken care of by his much more capable wife and eldest son, Gjalos).
  • Vassal Houses: Adony, Csépán, Geréb, Oszlár, Tétény, Varsány, Yamna, Zoltin
  • House Skill: Climb, Diplomacy, Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Survival. Like all Iridian nobility, the Demény possess knowledge of both courtly manners and the customs and history of the land's nobility. Moreover, the Demény know their mountain homes quite well and are skilled mountaineers, with a broad knowledge in how to survive in the inhospitable heights of the mountains.
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

The Demény are a curious lot. Mountain folk with more in common with the people of Idarios than with most other Iridian nobles, the Phoenixes understand the workings of the mountains not only as political entities, but near-living ones.

It is said that the Demény believe that the phoenix of their House insignia is the spirit of the mountains, though those who claim that they worship the phoenixes of their lands are mistaken – the Demény consider themselves to be these phoenixes, they don't worship them. Because of the gold mines scattered through Idarios, the Demény are also quite wealthy.

House Hetény

"Resplendent, We Prevail."

  • Insignia: Griffin
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Csanád, Dormán, Sarolta
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Koppány

"Unwavering Gaze."

  • Insignia: The Pyreserpent
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Abony, Borlobas, Farkas, Megyer, Tarján, Várkony
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Lantos

"Fierce Devotion."

  • Insignia: The Greatwolf
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Acsád, Beriszló, Cziriak, Gál, Harkány, Kárman, Menhar, Piroska, Tunde, Zádo
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Marót

"Like Iron into Steel."

  • Insignia: The Steelcat
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Bendegúz, Dévald, Ibrány, Kardos, Remenyke,
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Radomér

"In Fury, Victory."

  • Insignia: The Greatboar
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Asztrik, Gerzson, Járfás, Kilény, Máli, Odimos, Szalók, Virág
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Szerény

"Fathomless Strength."

  • Insignia: The Kraken
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Bede, Domán, Kadosa, Karácson, Rókus
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Taksony

"My honor, my life."

  • Insignia: The Sun Eagle of Taksony, an eagle in front of the sun, clutching a broken chain.
  • Domain: Kabos, a plainsland made up of plenty of fine farmland and horse ranges.
  • Patriarch: Baraj Taksony, the Father Eagle, an older man well-beloved by the people of Kabos, known for his strong sense of honor and justice.
  • Vassal Houses: Adolár, Kaplony, Kötöny, Szigetj
  • House Skills: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Gather Information, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Ride. Like all Iridian nobility, the Taksony possess knowledge of both courtly manners and the customs and history of the land's nobility. Additionally, though, they are also known as superb horseman and horse breeders, and Taksony are notorious for being able to gain information from the common people of Kabos.
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, Imperial Pyromancy
  • House Equipment: X

House Taksony, the House of the Eagle, rules the domain of Kabos with honor and justice. Through the centuries, they have fought hard to keep hold of their fertile and valuable land and have maintained a strict policy of treating those who live on and work their land with honor and integrity, which has paid off manifold. Every attempt by another House to oust Taksony control of Kabos has failed, often due to the interference of the people of Kabos.

House Ulászló

"Wisdom, as a Blade."

  • Insignia: The Great Owl of Ulászló, a white owl, spread-winged, crowned with an upward-pointing silver crescent, on a black field.
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Agmánd, Gara, Hajna
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Vázsony

"Courtesy in the Wake of Strength."

  • Insignia: The Greatbear
  • Domain: X
  • Patriarch: X
  • Vassal Houses: Ajtony, Bolrobas, Kászon, Kowacz, Szólát, Tihamér, Tzigane, Ubul, Zorán
  • House Skill: X
  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

[paragraph regarding the House]

House Zaránd

"Majesty. Strength. Victory."

  • Insignia: The Dragon of Zaránd, a crimson wyrm coiled around a tall oak tree with stars in the branches, on a green field.
  • Domain: As the current Luminous Imperial House, House Zaránd holds the Flamespires, the seat of the Iridian Empire. Additionally, their ancestral holding is in the domain of Val, a mountainous land with many iron and silver mines.
  • Patriarch: The Luminous Emperor Szygalo IV is technically the head of House Zaránd, but as is traditional, his younger brother Valo Zaránd acts as the house patriarch while Szygalo sits the Luminous Throne.
  • Vassal Houses: Akacsas, Bádog, Bors, Hrvoje, Kerecsen, Kósa, Ompoly, Uros
  • House Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Sense Motive.

Like all Iridian nobility, the Zaránd possess knowledge of both courtly manners and the customs and history of the land's nobility. But their courtly skills go beyond this, for House Zaránd is home to some of the most cunning liars and schemers in all of the Burning Empire. They are masters of all social interaction, from subtle intimidation to bold-faced lying.

  • House Feats: Pyromancer, X
  • House Equipment: X

House Zaránd is highly regarded, though that is primarily because they have held the Luminous Throne for centuries. Before that time, they were known for various acts of treachery, as well as the sheer cut-throated political ideations of its scions.

Now, however, the House of the Dragon has wrapped its coils about the throne of the Luminous Emperor and nothing is going to force them to let go short of full-out war. They are devious and cunning, but the old vileness of House Zaránd has become refined: the Dragons are aware of their preeminent position and simply make use of it at every opportunity, allowing them to play the part of the magnanimous ruler while those around them bow, scrape and watch their words.