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(New page: * The Duel Arcane, or ''Certamen'' as it has been called since Roman times, is a means of battling another mage without the danger and hubris of calling down magic to destroy the other. * ...)
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Latest revision as of 15:09, 2 October 2010

  • The Duel Arcane, or Certamen as it has been called since Roman times, is a means of battling another mage without the danger and hubris of calling down magic to destroy the other.
  • The Duel Arcane is part of the Lex Magica, and held forth as the best means of resolving conflicts that cannot be carried through peacefully.

The Challenge

  • A mage that challenges another must do so formally.
  • Challenger informs the challenged of the nature of the dispute and the demands involved.
    • The Challenged must cede the point (thus ending the conflict peacefully) or take up the challenge.
    • If accepted, the Challenged may also make a requirement of the Challenger if he wins. Of course, if he insists on something the Challenger will not or can not accede to, it is considered as good as a refusal.
  • A mage who challenges one of greater power is honor-bound to fight that opponent.
  • A mage who is challenged to fight by a much more powerful opponent may find a champion, however.
  • In many instances, the Duel Arcane is the last resort before open warfare, and the declaration of Nemesis in Consilium. Turning down the Duel Arcane is often the first prelude in an extended violent conflict between magi.

Contest of Wills

  • Once both sides are agreed, a contest of wills ensues.
  • Each mage makes a formal declaration of the nature of their conflict, often peppered with contempt for their opponent, demands for justice and similar posturing.
  • The mage with the highest Initiative rolls either Presence + Intimidation - opponent's Composure or Manipulation + Subterfuge - opponent's Composure.
  • The one with the most successes gains a +1 to all die rolls during the Duel Arcane.
    • If the winner gains an Exceptional Success (scoring five or more successes above his opponent's roll), this modifier is increased to +2.
    • If they tie, neither gains any modifier.
  • Once this outcome is determined, either may choose to cede the Contest then and there. Otherwise, the Duel continues.

Squaring the Circle

  • A mage (often one acting as "referee") casts the Prime spell "Squaring the Circle."
  • This creates a Mana-charged areas where the Supernal knowledge of the opponents combines with their conflicting wills to create a fantastic scene of magical conflict visible to those with Mage Sight.

Sword & Shield

  • The contestants choose two of their Arcana: one as their Sword (or //Gladius//) and the other as their Shield (or //Aegis//).
    • They may not choose one Arcanum as both Sword and Shield.
  • In formal duels, the Challenged chooses his Sword while the Challenger chooses his Shield, and vice versa.
  • Sword Arcana: The Arcana chosen as the Sword manifests to Mage Sight as various manifestations of violence within the themes of that Arcanum.
  • Shield Arcana: The Arcana chosen as the Shield manifests to Mage Sight as various manifestations of defense within the themes of that Arcanum.

The Contest

  • Once Sword and Shield are formed, the Contest begins.
  • The loser of the Contest of Wills strikes first.
  • Attacks consist of a Gnosis + Sword Arcanum - defender's Shield Arcanum.
    • Each success on this roll causes the defender to lose one point of Willpower.
    • A defender may forego his attack to double the rating of his Shield Arcanum for the purpose of subtracting its rating from the attacker's attack pool.


  • The combat continues until one side either runs out of Willpower, slumping to the ground in exhaustion, or until one side cedes the conflict.
  • The loser is expected to do so gracefully, and to uphold his condition.
  • The winner is also expected to do so gracefully, permitting his opponent to leave peacefully and not pressing his advantage.
  • The resolution that comes from the Duel is expected to resolve the matter fully and completely - it should not be brought back up in any capacity once it is finished.

Duels to the Death

  • Duel Arcane may continue past the point of all Willpower loss. Successes after that point inflict Health damage.
  • Duels to the death are very rare, and only over important and bitter situations.