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Chapter Two: X

=19th Day of Ascending Wood, RY 766

  • The Dowager with her magpie face dropped her murder weapon and stood tall & still as chaos erupted. The Queen was gibbering, an enraged King barged in, guards crowding in unsure of what to do and then Alabaster Mountain slammed his tetsubo into the ceiling calling for silence. And he received it.
  • The Dowager was taken away by the guards. The King sought a death sentence, but his brother called him aside to speak with him about the rashness of such a decision. While the brothers discussed the matter, Sapphire Veil & Alabaster Mountain visited the Dowager in her cell and found her rather surprisingly forthcoming with her story once she had ascertained their opinions on what had happened. She freely admitted that she had contracted the assassins to kill her grandson. Because he was a failure, he was unfit to rule, spending his time womanizing, drinking & in pursuit of other wasteful vices. It would be a far greater disaster if he were to ascend to the throne as King. She refused to see the family and her nation shamed and sullied by someone so unworthy to sit on the throne. So she took what actions she felt were necessary to ensure the best for her family and her kingdom since no one else was prepared to take actions, especially her soft son the King.
  • Meanwhile back in the manse, Crimson Slate began to prepare to summon an elemental that could heal Aapo. She and Lin began to discuss sorcery, losing themselves in the conversation until Kanji eventually interrupted with a crudely scribbled note and an ink covered paw reminding them about the nearly dead Aapo lying between them. Crimson Slate conjured up a relatively amiable, but dumb, wood mantis named Tsi who immediately went to work on fixing Aapo.
  • Alabaster Mountain and Sapphire Veil sought audience with the King and Queen. While the King still sought an execution, Alabaster Mountain informed him of a block on the writ of execution, an old law the Dowager herself, having done her homework, informed him of. The King could not have her legally executed, only Soaring Father Majesty could make such a call. While father and son argued over legal mandates, Sapphire Veil spoke with the Queen, calming her from her frantic state.
  • As they were leaving the King & Queen, Alabster Mountain and Sapphire Veil were approached by a very worried looking Majordomo. He informed them that somehow word has gotten out about the Dowager and the part she had played in the Prince's murder. He informed them that a mass of angry citizens were gathering at the palace gates demanding her head. Alabaster Mountain appeared atop the palace gate before his people and attempted to calm them down, though he was somewhat less than successful and the people cried even louder for proper judgment, pushing themselves against the gate. Alabaster Mountain pulled for his beloved tetsubo and vaulted from his place high above the people & crashed to the ground, his weapon cracking the stone before the started crowd calling for silence. Justice would be done. Hearing of the upheaval of the citizens, Sapphire Veil, who had grown to respect the Dowager, especially after hearing why she had done what she did, stood outside the Dowager's cell as guardian.
  • Alabaster Mountain summoned and sent Taruzake to find Aapo and the others, but he was unable to pierce the defenses of the manse. Frustrated, but no time to spare, Alabaster Mountain and Sapphire Veil attended a meeting with the Guild Factor, who informed them that things were very grim in the Guild section of the city and that the people wanted the Dowager's blood for her crime and her fear that if they did not get what they sought, it could lead to an unwanted upheaval.
  • Back in the manse, Aapo awoke from a strange dream, that he knew was not a dream, but a memory of his life as Scarlet Morning. He discussed this with Crimson Slate & Lin. Crimson Slate revealed her past life vision as well. They discussed what they had remembered of who they had been and what implications could be involved. Tsi finished its work, having mended the worst of the damage and popped off to wherever wood mantis' dwell. The three Solars departed the manse and made their way back to the palace to find out what all had happened since the chaos they had left behind.
  • Alabaster Mountain and Sapphire Veil were informed that the procession to visit Soaring Father Majesty would continue as planned and that they would depart in two days time. In addition to determining the the King's heir, the fate of the Dowager would be brought forth before their god. The journey would take two weeks to complete.
  • Unknown to the others, Lin visited with some of her people who had come to work in the palace as slaves. She discovered that the Dowager's food was being poisoned by someone, a little at a time so that it would kill her slowly and without an obvious trace. Lin did some investigation and procured an antidote which was to be included in each meal along with the poison, negating its effects. Silly would-be assassin. Lin is smarter than you.

20th Day of Ascending Water, RY 766

  • Early in the morning Sapphire Veil filled Crimson Slate in on what all had happened. They discussed the journey to visit the kingdom's god and Crimson Slate's fear of the Hunt's attention being drawn from Aapo's Solar anima being seen. They decided it would be best if Crimson Slate took someone with her & made haste to visit the god instead of waiting around for the procession. Alabaster Mountain was consulted and spoke with his parents. While the King sought to go, it was finally decided that Crimson Slate & Sapphire Veil would go instead and they left post haste on the back of Crimson Slate's robo-horse, much to Sapphire Veils' dismay.
  • Meanwhile Alabaster Mountain spoke with his mother about his wish not to remain as the ruler of Lionroar. She sought to understand and he informed her that they were being hunted and told her about Mahanaga. About the strange dragonblooded clad in black who came from a storm seeking the scavenger lords and destroyed the city. The Queen, looking grave, told him that she had spoken with the refugees housed in the palace from Mahanaga. And she had heard this story...but it was not scavenger lords the storm riders had said they were seeking. It was... "anathema" finished Alabaster Mountain. And so he told his mother the truth. She stated that he was her son and that she loved him regardless and felt that the tales of the anathema were untrue. If he must leave to find himself, then he must do what he must do.
  • While others attended to heavy matters, Lin decided to take a stroll through the gardens where she came upon Aapo, Ginger & Thorn as he directed them in their daily exercises. Once done, Aapo sent them off with Kanji to play and invited himself to join Lin in the garden for tea. A moment of awkward silence as Lin tried to burn his Guild sash with her eyes until she prompted a conversation with, "So Aapo, how do you manage to live with yourself?". Aapo stared back rather confused at such an odd question.
  • Lin and Aapo continued their chat after a moment of silence, speaking very openly of slaves, war, change, Lin's prophecy, promised lands & Aapo's destiny of war, getting to know each other better and somehow coming out of it liking each other more. Aapo filled Lin in on some of their past journey and she was most particularly intrigued about Potrimpos, wondering if he could be a part of her prophecy. Eventually Alabaster Mountain who had taken to the gardens to read a book Crimson Slate had lent him on sorcery, drew their attention and they joined him, though Lin's eyes barely ever left the book he was holding. Aapo, who had yet to see her eat food, came to the conclusion that she lived off a diet of tea and written words.
  • Crimson Slate and Sapphire Veil wooshed through the countryside leaving a trail of dust, perplexed peasants and the smell of ozone mixed with delicate perfume in their wake. In a matter of hours, again much to the disagreement of Sapphire Veil's delicate posterior, they arrived on the mountain top where Soaring Majesty Father resided and found him there. They joined him in his domain and informed him of all that had happened. The god was very pleased to hear that Alabaster Mountain had exalted and told them that he and the Deacon of Stone, who he had been in his previous life, had been best of friends, though he was a young god and that he never did understand why he had been taken away by the Deliberative. After hearing of the terrible matters that called for decisions that only he could rightfully make, he decided that rather than waiting for them to take their time coming to him, he would instead go to them. A strange shimmer and folding of reality and Crimson Slate, Sapphire Veil and Soaring Majesty Father were standing in the garden next to the other three startled Solars. Lin tried to catch the book Alabaster Mountain had been reading, in case he was so startled it fell out of his hand...which it didn't. Even with a little help from her, just a wee tug. Drat.
  • Soaring Majesty Father was so pleased and honored to be amongst a full & complete circle of Solars. Terrified servants witnessing him bowing low to the others poofed as if they too had the gods powers of travel. Moments later the King, Queen and others in the family were stumbling over themselves to appear before him. He dismissed them, stating that they would be called upon when they were needed. Two very confused looking monarchs and their kin departed and left the god and Solars in the garden. They discussed a few things and Sapphire Veil suggested perhaps the manse would be a better place to meet. Soaring Majesty Father agreed and so they walked openly through the streets amongst the awed citizens who parted before them and followed behind them up until they reached the entrance to the manse. The SECRET entrance to the manse the god was informed. He had found the anathema story so distasteful and when reminded of it he asked of the gathered citizens who had heard of it before and when people had responded he proclaimed that the word anathema would no longer be used, instead they would be addressed as the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. The people were confused and some frightened. And then they were dismissed and practically fled the bridge, or at least far enough to look like they fled as they watched from afar.
  • The god and companions entered the manse and further discussed a variety of matters. He identified the mysterious thingie-mabob at the heart of the structure as a device that once converted essence into an oil to be sacrificed to the Unconquered Sun. He answered a variety of questions to the best of his ability, including Aapo and Crimson Slate's curiosity about the Sidereal exalted from Aapo's memory of the First Age, though he knew very little of them. Alabaster Mountains previous life was also laid out before everyone, though he quickly stated he did not wish to further discuss it, but that his past life's memories were also coming through.
  • While the others discussed current events and past lives, Alabaster Mountain & Soaring Majesty Father stepped off and sealed themselves in a side chamber where they had a private discussion.
  • ...Which resulted in the manse activating and rising above the river for all the world to see. And they did. The other Solars quickly forgot their conversation and started beating on the door, which opened to reveal Alabaster Mountain & Soaring Majesty Father looking quite content with himself. The rise of the manse immediately drew a crowd, including the river god (who quickly retreated once he saw who all was gathered), the dragonblooded priest of Soaring Majesty Father, his acolytes, the city guard and some others. They were allowed to enter, saw who was present, were told all was as it should be & sent away by their god.
  • Soaring Majesty Father left the manse in order to speak with the King, Queen and Dowager regarding her crimes. Aapo, Sapphire Veil & Lin eventually left the manse and soon found that the palace staff and citizens were terrified of them. Aapo managed to snag one and requested that they ease up & act natural. Which the poor terrified servant took as a divine command much to his dismay. Sapphire Veil visited the Dowager and Lin went to check on her crew. Crimson Slate and Alabaster Mountain remained in the manse for the time.
  • Dinner with the royal family was a very awkward and largely silent affair, the scrape and ring of silverware on plates and eating seeming to echo in the room. Eventually Alabaster Mountain suggested that Sapphire Veil should play something. Aapo, remembering the last time she ensorcelled his emotions, took his plate and left the room to eat in the hallway. Sapphire Veil declined and suggested that perhaps the palace minstrel should perform instead.
  • Following dinner, Alabaster Mountain and his parents had a private (albeit Sapphire Veil managed to hide and listen in) meeting with Soaring Majesty Father where they discussed Alabaster Mountains fate, who would be heir and the Dowager's fate. It was decided that the Majordomo would act as Steward over the city in Alabaster Mountains absence and that he would either return with his brother who would be heir or he would fill the role himself in one years time.
  • Next, the Dowager was brought forth for her judgment. Soaring Majesty Father decreed that her mortal life would end, touched her forehead and she was transformed into a goddess. She would exist now as the Eternal Ivory Dowager and it would be her job to insure that only those who are fit would rule. It had been the job of the Kings & Queens in the past, but he had underestimated familial sentiment in the process of weeding out those who fell short of true nobility. As she had done in life, at great risk to herself, she would not do as a god of his court. The family was...less than pleased at this judgment, but they accepted it.
  • With Alabaster Mountains' immediate family situation coming to an end it was agreed that they would all be leaving the next morning. Finally. Crimson Slate & Aapo were preparing to leave the palace in celebration at a dockside bar when Ginger sprung before them. She was also excited about leaving and said that she would go and tell the people of Mahanaga to start getting read... Crimson Slate and Aapo were not exactly planning on taking all the survivors with them. If they did, there probably wouldn't be many survivors after a few months. Ginger didn't quite understand. Crimson & Aapo decided that they'd better go talk with the refugees. They explained that they were not slaves and what opportunities and choices they had before them. In the end, only the two monks wished to go with them. Just as they were about to try and dissuade them, one of the monks suggested that they would be able to act as protectors to the children on the journey. Aapo was sold. The monks would go with them. Problem solved. Time to go drink themselves stupid while Kanji babysat Ginger & Thorn.
  • While Crimson Slate and Aapo headed down to the docks to celebrate, Sapphire Veil and Alabaster Mountain were in the manse. Sapphire Veil urged Alabaster Mountain to leave Loyal Ash behind, using a variety of arguments and then bid him to go tell his servant that he would not be going. Alabaster spoke with Loyal Ash, who insisted that he wished to go. That there was no place for him at the palace without Alabaster. In the end, Alabaster Mountain agreed to let him travel with him. Alabaster Mountain then retired to the manse for the night.
  • Lin was walking back to the palace from her ship when a very sudden blizzard struck the city. Very sudden. And very powerful. At that moment Alabaster Mountain was awoken when his manse-sense alerted him of many powerful dragonblooded had appeared in the city and were storming the palace. He awoke Sapphire Veil and they left the manse at supernatural speed through the icy and almost blinding blizzard, headed towards the other Solars he could sense, grabbing a confused Lin as he passed her by. Within moments the three of them burst into the bar where Aapo and Crimson Slate were drinking and alerted them. The Storm Riders who destroyed Mahanaga had returned. At the moment they stepped out of the bar, they could see all the lights at the palace suddenly winked out.
  • Aapo grabbed Lin & Alabaster Mountain and charm-jumped up the his room's balcony. Setting them down, he crashed through the window, grabbed Ginger, Thorn & Kanji and bounded them towards the safety of Lin's ship far away from the palace battling the urge to rush on into the fight.
  • Crimson Slate and Sapphire Veil were flying courtesy of mecha-horsie towards the palace when they were suddenly attacked by a storm serpent.
  • Quickly concocting a plan of action to distract the dragonblooded so that Alabaster Mountain could reach his gear in the vault, he and Lin jumped up to the third floor prince's suite balcony and found the massive doors had been blown off their hinges. A black clad fiery weapon-wielding dragonblood and two others greeted their arrival. Lin released her essence into the world and shaped it into a fiery inferno which she hurled at them, but they were absorbed by the dragonblood with a sneer. Alabaster Mountain prepared himself for battle just as a flying Aapo was cresting over the balcony railing to land beside them.
  • Crimson Slate and Sapphire Veil were hurling attack after attack at the serpent, but it was too quick and continued to dodge or swipe aside their attacks. Sapphire Veil summoned forth her iconic anima and ran up it's length and dove down upon the creature, delivering a powerful blow to it's head. Though it did not seem to suffer much from the attack, it did seem to annoy it. A moment later, the creature had vanished into the storm, leaving Sapphire Veil to plummet through the blizzard to the city below. Fortunately Crimson Slate and mecha-horsie was there to catch her.
  • Aapo crashed down onto the stone balcony just as Alabaster Mountain hurled one of the massive fallen doors at the storm riders, after taking a moment to reflect upon a very picturesque flash back to his early training days (Aapo & Lyn applauded), but they evaded and regrouped. Three Solars facing three dragon blooded. Lyn summoned forth an essence weapon and joined the fray while Aapo & Alabaster Mountain continued their direct attack, though their foes continued to evade most of their attacks. Alabaster Mountain found himself being slowly strangled by the air aspect using small flying discs that encircled him with bonds of solid air, while Lyn & Aapo focused on the fire-sword wielding dragon blood. Unfortunately this allowed the other fire aspect to slink away to prepare sorceries to use against them. Aapo's opponent found himself unable to penetrate his iron skin on his first attack, took this into consideration and then made another attack that breached Aapo's defenses & wounded him. The dragon aspect then made the fatal mistake of making some smug quip & Aapo summoned forth the Red Dawn to destroy his enemy. One dragon blood down, two to go.

...aaaaand....some more stuff happened. A bit about Alabaster Mountain being strangled to death by spinny flying air discs...and more fighting...and stuff. Your befuddled narrator must have been dozing off at this point or intent on a bowl of food because the details at this point escape me.

  • Meanwhile down in the gardens Crimson Slate & Sapphire Veil landed on a rather banged up flying horse. Crimson Slate sent him away to safety and they entered the palace & quickly found themselves facing off against a number of the storm riders.

...and again the details of the battle get a little foggy. Dragonblood & mortals perish to dramatic spinny fans, sorcery & huge flying sky cutters. And things went badly, because Crimson Slate died. Yes. She died. It really sucked. In the Other Place, Her Mad God forlornly wandered off from the Table to smoke a clove while he contemplated her replacement...

  • Alabaster Mountain, finally freed of the spinning air discs of slow strangulation doom made a run down the hallway in hopes of reaching the armory while his companions held balcony. He didn't make it too far before he was felled. Then suddenly the Eternal Ivory Dowager was standing with Lyn & Aapo with Sapphire Veil at her side and a motionless Crimson Slate at her feet. She insisted that they all depart immediately. The fiery storm rider then drew a crystal from his belt and hurled it at her. They had heard of these crystals. Lyn valiantly threw herself into the path of the crystal, which harmlessly bounded off her chest and shattered on the ground, sparing the goddess a terrible fate. But Aapo & Sapphire Veil had both spied another crystal on his belt; this one glowing. Aapo single mindedly began to go for the crystal, not knowing that within seconds of having seen it, Sapphire Veil had effortlessly snatched it from the man. The Eternal Ivory Dowager again commanded them all to flee & that she would see to Alabaster Mountain who had fallen. Aapo refused to leave without the crystal, so Sapphire Veil informed him, firstly that he was a moron & secondly that she had it. Sapphire Veil drew forth the crystal and hurled it at the wall...but it did not break. The power of the god sealed within the crystal made it nearly invulnerable. Time seemed to stop. The shocked storm rider touched his belt & then wasted no time in lunging after his stolen captive. But Sapphire Veil was quicker and retrieved the crystal. Before the dragon blood had further time to react, Aapo grabbed Lyn, Sapphire Veil and the fallen Crimson Slate in his arms and bounded out of sight of the palace headed towards Lyn's ship. On his second landing and hop in the gardens, they saw massive first age machina land next to them & begin to pursue them. The ship would not be able to outrun their pursuers.
  • Then once again the Eternal Ivory Dowager was before them with Alabaster Mountain. "Give me the crystal", she demanded and Sapphire Veil hesitated only a second before placing it in her hand.

And then the blizzard, the ship, the storm riders and all of Lions Roar was gone.

  • The goddess had used the power within the gem to transport them safely to Del Brannan. But one of them did not wish to be rescued. Aapo demanded to be sent back immediately and her failing to do so he sought to depart immediately and make his own way back. Back to Kanji and his children. The goddess explained to him that the ship had already left without pursuit and was on its way to Del Brannan that very moment.
  • Disgruntled Aapo went to sulk in a corner until his room was prepared and he left them. Alabaster Mountain was conscious again and it was revealed that Crimson Slate was still alive (Mad Gods rejoice!). The goddess had watched the fight while she was invisible and when the blow that should have killed Crimson Slate had felled her, the goddess had used her powers to minimalize the damage to her body, just barely keeping her out of deaths hands. Lyn immediately set to work doing what she could to heal her companions. It was soon explained by Alabaster Mountains cousin, the lord of Del Brannan, that the goddess had quickly taken him and the royal family with her to the safety of his home following the capture of Soaring Majesty Father. Who as it turned out, was the deity trapped within the crystal they had rescued. He would be given some time to cool down within the crystal, so that when he was released back in his sanctuary he would be able to be reasoned with and not rush back only to be captured again.

23rd Day of Ascending Water, RY 766

  • They each passed the next few days in different ways. Alabaster Mountain touched base with his family and then began to make his way around the palace and city, spreading Taruzake's rice wine and how to make it to the people. Crimson Slate rested and contemplated everything that had just happened to her. Sapphire Veil studied those around her, mapping out the dynamics of this household and the city & spending time with Alabaster Mountian's cousin. Lyn found the library and spent her time quietly reading while she awaited the safe return of her ship and her people. Aapo had his meals delivered to his room and never set foot outside his door. The Eternal Ivory Dowager returned to her lords sanctuary and freed him from his crystal imprisonment. She later carried word back to the Solars that the storm riders had soon left Lions Roar following their escape, though their whereabouts were once again unknown.
  • Three days had passed when suddenly Aapo, who had not been seen in that time, poked his head into Lyn's bedroom door and informed her that her ship would soon be docking. Since the day Aapo had exalted, he had never been far enough from Kanji to have lost his connection. The past three days had been an endless waking nightmare for him as he tried to endure the massive void he felt in the center of his being added to his worry for Ginger & Thorn. And wondering what exactly his exaltation had made him into...not what he'd originally expected. Then that sense of Kanji suddenly returned. He was distant, but he was there and coming closer. The ship had finally come near Del Brannan.
  • The Solars all went to the docks and found more upon Lyn's ship than they had expected. As Aapo hurtled himself onto the ship & grabbed up Ginger, Thorn & Kanji and Lyn was reunited with her people, others stepped off the ship. Crimson Slate's mecha-horse, the two monks from Mahanaga who had wished to go with them to protect the children, Loyal Ash who was picked up by Alabaster Mountain and squeezed nearly blue, and Grace. The last stepped off the ship so timidly and presented herself to her master, preparing for the slap that would come. But it never happened. Sapphire Veil coolly examined her servant and accepted her back. Later, back in the privacy of her room, she told Grace that she felt she had been mistreating her in the past, that that would now change as Grace was ready for the next step in her training. Grace, restraining her mixture of terror and elation, humbly thanked her master and then guarded the door to the room from intruders so that her lady could rest. Crimson Slate's mount informed her of what had come to pass after their escape. He had released her horse from the stables and watched as it galloped off back towards its homeland. He then found the monks, Loyal Ash and Grace and delivered them all to Lyn's ship that had already left.
  • We love mecha-horsie. Even if this poor befuddled narrator cannot remember his name to save his life.
  • Terrible things had happened. But at least it was a morning full of happy reunions.