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| [[Image:Vigil-class-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Vigil-class Corvette'''<br>''Kuat Drive Yards''<br>The Kuat Drive Yards corvette is used for patrolling trade routes, deployed as scoutcraft, served as escort for cruisers, and operates as a long cruiser hunting pirates and smugglers.<br>• ''Weapons:'' Twin light turbolaser turrets (3), twi heavy laser cannon turrets (3), medium tractor beam emitter.
| [[Image:Vigil-class-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Vigil-class Corvette'''<br>''Kuat Drive Yards''<br>The Kuat Drive Yards corvette is used for patrolling trade routes, deployed as scoutcraft, served as escort for cruisers, and operates as a long cruiser hunting pirates and smugglers.<br>• ''Weapons:'' Twin light turbolaser turrets (3), twi heavy laser cannon turrets (3), medium tractor beam emitter.
| [[Image:Imperial-customs-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Imperial Customs Frigate'''<br>''Rendili StarDrive''<br>Rendili StarDrive's light frigate was the backbone of the Imperial Customs service. Systems with an Imperial Customs branch generally had at least one of these vessels, and more important systems had several. While it was not capable of taking on large warships, these ships were more than adequate for taking on most freighters or starfighters. For boarding operations, the corvette carried a stormtrooper platoon.
| [[Image:Imperial-customs-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Imperial Customs Corvette'''<br>''Rendili StarDrive''<br>Rendili StarDrive's light corvette is the backbone of the Imperial Customs service. Systems with an Imperial Customs branch generally have at least one of these vessels, and more important systems have several. While it is not capable of taking on large warships, these ships are more than adequate for taking on most freighters or starfighters. For boarding operations, the corvette carries a stormtrooper platoon.
|-style="background: gainsboro"
|-style="background: gainsboro"
| [[Image:Raider-class-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Raider-class Corvette'''<br>''Kuat Drive Yards''<br>Rejected for frontline warship duty, the ''Raider'' is most often used as a patrol craft, often operating in pairs with escort frigates like the Victory- or Gladiator-class Star Destroyer<br>• ''Weapons:'' Twin light turbolasers (1), Twin heavy laser cannons (6), ion cannon (1).
| [[Image:Raider-class-corvette.jpg|center|150px]] || '''Raider-class Corvette'''<br>''Kuat Drive Yards''<br>Rejected for frontline warship duty, the ''Raider'' is most often used as a patrol craft, often operating in pairs with escort frigates like the Victory- or Gladiator-class Star Destroyer<br>• ''Weapons:'' Twin light turbolasers (1), Twin heavy laser cannons (6), ion cannon (1).

Revision as of 13:01, 3 June 2018

Imperial Navy Formation & Deployments

The following are the classes of naval formation.

Oversector Group

Commander: High Admiral or Sector Moff. • Scale: An Imperial Oversector
Oversector groups are made up of multiple fleets, usually totaling an average of 2500 individual vessels or so. Such groupings are the sum totality of Imperial naval forces within a given expanse of space, and include at least 24 Star Destroyers.

  • There are twenty total Oversector Groups.


Commander: Admiral, sometimes given the title of Commodore. • Scale: A standard Sector.
A fleet is made up of multiple Systems Forces, with individual ships numbering around four hundred vessels, on average. A fleet's purpose is usually operating within a single sector.

  • Superiority Fleet: 4-6 Systems Forces, including six Star Destroyers. A Superiority Fleet is assigned to low-threat sectors.
  • Assault Fleet: 2 Transport Forces • 2 Escort Forces. These fleets are tasked with bringing troopers to hostile sectors.
  • Bombard Fleet: 2 System Bombard Forces • 2 Escort Forces. Assigned to HTLV (High Threat, Low Value) sectors where the forces may annihilate opposition without concern for maintaining local populations or infrastructure.
  • Support Fleet: 5 Support Forces. These fleets oversee the logistics resupply of Imperial fleets and sites.
  • Deepdock Fleet: 1 Escort Force • 3 Support Force • 2 Shipyards. The Deepdock facilities are where most Imperial vessels are transferred to when damaged. Each of these shipyards not only has over a hundred repair bays, but they are also equipped with hyperdrive engines to allow the entire shipyard to escape should they be compromised.

Systems Force

Commander: Systems Admiral, given the title of Commodore. • Scale: Multiple star systems.
A systems force is given wardenship over several star systems, deploying individual squadrons to those systems as the need presents itself. A systems force is made up of multiple squadrons, typically averaging around ninety ships in all.

  • Superiority Force: 3 Battle Squadrons • 1 Light Squadron. Superiority forces are designated as the means by which the Empire maintains its superiority in a given collection of systems. These are in place for those systems aligned with the Empire quite solidly.
  • Escort Force: 2 Heavy Squadrons • 2 Light Squadrons. Escort squadrons are assigned to the protection of important Imperial assets.
  • Transport Force: 2 Troop Squadrons • 1 Heavy Squadron • 1 Light Squadron. A transport force is assigned to areas where the Empire expects that infantry are going to be required, ready to deploy Army troopers and Stormtroopers.
  • System Bombard: 3 Bombard Squadrons • 1 Light Squadrons. Systems in active pacification by the Empire play host to these systems forces.
  • Force Technical Services: 8 transports • 2 armed escort frigates. Though every Line has its own active technical personnel aboard, when the Empire's operations call for a higher population of engineers and techs, one of the "auxiliary systems forces" is called in, made up mostly of technical personnel whose skills are put to whatever task is required of them.
  • Support Force: 100+ cargo vessels. Specialized systems forces whose primary purpose is the resupplying of Imperial depots, outposts, and bases. If the sites are tactically important, this force may be escorted by an Escort Force.


Commander: Admiral. • Scale: A single star system.
A squadron is the standard unit assigned to a single star system.

  • Light Squadron: 1 Skirmish Line • 1 Reconnaissance Line. Light squadrons are assigned to low-threat systems.
  • Heavy Squadron: 2 Heavy Attack Lines. Heavy squadrons are assigned to systems with suspected enemy activity.
    • Heavy Squadron (Flushing): If the Empire shifts to operations intended to pinpoint or root out opposition, one Heavy Attack Line is replaced by a Reconnaissance Line.
    • Heavy Squadron (Offensive): One an enemy has been pinpointed and the squadron goes on the offensive, it may be changed to up to 3 Heavy Attack Lines and 1 Skirmish Line until the enemy is dealt with.
  • Battle Squadron: 2 Attack Lines • 1 Pursuit Line • 1 Star Destroyer. Battle squadrons are used as forward offense against known enemy systems.
  • Bombard Squadron: 1 Skirmish Line • 1 Pursuit Line. Used to penetrate planetary shields and quell uprisings on rebellious worlds, the Bombard squadron also frequently includes the use of torpedo spheres, a type of Imperial superweapon.


Commander: Captain. The captain of a single vessel is given the designation "Captain of the Line" along with command of the ships in his Line. • Scale: Part of a Squadron.
This is the smallest organzational unit used for space combat, and is traditionally made up of four ships. Many Lines - particularly those established with specific purposes in mind - exceed this number, depending on the needs of their mission. There are seven types of Lines deployed:

  • Attack Line: 3 heavy cruisers or 6-8 light cruisers. A Line intended to attack the enemy. A Star Destroyer Line often has an Attack Line attached to it; in such instance, the Attack Line's job is the harrying of enemy flanks.
  • Heavy Attack Line: 4-8 medium cruisers. As an Attack Line, but intended for heavier conflict. May include a Victory-class Star Destroyer.
  • Star Destroyer Line: 1 Star Destoyer. When deployed, Star Destroyers are considered a Line in and of themselves.
  • Skirmish Line: 4-20 corvettes. Made up of corvettes or similarly-armed gunboats, Skirmish Lines engage starfighters and frigates, and provide backup for TIE fighters.
  • Pursuit Line: 4-10 light cruisers or frigates. A Line composes of ships with enough speed to give pursuit to fleeing ships.
  • Troop Line: 2 assault transports, 2 medium cruisers. Troop Lines are used to ferry Imperial Army and Stormtrooper Corps troops onto active battlefields.
  • Recon Line: 2-4 light cruisers. The vessels of a Recon Line are always fitted with superior surveillance and communications technology. They have standing instructions to avoid direct combat.

TIE Fighters

  • Wing: A TIE Wing is made up of six TIE Squadrons. A wing is usually assigned to a single Star Destroyer, or divided among other smaller vessels.
  • Squadron: A TIE Squadron is made up of a dozen TIE fighters. These are usually homogenous, though commanders may sometimes build temporary TIE Squadrons out of differing vessels for specific missions.

Imperial Ships

Super Star Destroyer

Executor-class Super Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
The massive supreme flagships of the Imperial Navy, it is unknown exactly how many Super Star Destroyers exist. The first of their number–the Executor, for which the class is named–is the flagship of the Emperor's hand, Darth Vader, and the Emperor's own flagship is another Executor-class named the Eclipse. Their complement of troops is usually two wings (144) of TIE fighters, 30 AT-ATs, 40 AT-STs, 2 prefabricated garrison bases, 200 assault and support craft of various types, over 250,000 crew, and 38,000 troops ready for deployment, with enough consumables for 6 years of operation without resupply.
Weapons: (2000) turbolaser cannons, fire-linked in clusters of 8, (2000) heavy turbolaser cannons, fire-linked in clusters of 8, (250) assault concussion missile tubes, (250) heavy ion cannons, (40) heavy tractor beam emitters, (500) point defense laser cannons

Star Destroyers

The Star Destroyer is the primary capital warship of the Empire. Its triangular shape is a refinement of the Acclamator, Venator, and Victory Star Destroyer designs. In addition, its sharp silhouette has become a symbol of Imperial power.

Assertor-class Command Dreadnought Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
A massive warship intended as a combination command vessel and mobile weapons platform, used for conventional fleet operations and Sector Command duties. Easily the largest of the Star Destroyers (second only to the Executor), the Assertor has easily enough firepower to destroy a planet under sustained bombardment.
Weapons: (40) quad heavy turbolaser batteries, (30) quad battleship ion cannon batteries, (10) heavy turbolasers, (30) quad light turbolaser batteries, (20) twin battleship ion cannons, (20) medium ion cannons, (60) turret-mounted quad laser cannons, (90) concussion missile launchers, (20) heavy tractor beam emitters
Praetor II-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
Nearly five times the length of the Imperial class Star Destroyers, the Praetor II is almost always exclusively used as command vessels for sector fleets, rarely leaving their berths except in times of dire need or in the case of full fleet engagement somewhere in their sphere of influence.
Weapons: (60) turret-mounted quad heavy turbolaser batteries, (40) turret-mounted twin medium turbolaser batteries, (10) twin long-ranged battleship ion cannon batteries, (30) turret-mounted twin battleship ion cannons, (10) hull-mounted heavy tractor beam emitters
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
A piercing weapon stabbing from the blackness, the 1600 meter Imperial Star Destroyer is the pride of the Imperial Navy. Manufactured at Kuat Drive Yards, these vessels patrol Imperial space in numbers exceeding the tens of thousands. An ISD requires a crew of nearly 37,000 men. Each vessel has enough capacity to carry twenty AT-ATs and many smaller walkers, as well as the dropships needed to deliver them planetside. An ISD can also transport up to 9700 ground troops.
• Weapons: The weapons of an Imperial Star Destroyer are infamous, capable of reducing a planetary surface to molten slag: six heavy turbolaser turrets and two heavy ion cannon turrets make up the ship's main battery, with smaller turbolasers along the ship's hull for a screen of defense against starfighters. Ion cannons and tractor beam projectors offer further protection.
• Drive: A solar ionization reactor powers three ion engines and four supplemental thrusters, allowing it to move remarkably fast at sublight speeds. Its hyperdrive is a fairly standard one.
Victory-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards/Rendili StarDrive
The precursor to the Imperial Star Destroyer, the VSD was launched into service during the height of the Clone Wars. The 900 meter long Victory I and II models are formidable warships still used as support for ISDs. It is also common in the Rim to see VSDs employed hunting pirates and smugglers. A VSD crew numbers between 5000 and 6000, and they are often used as transports for up to 2000 troopers. Unlike larger star destroyers, a VSD operates well inside of planetary atmospheres.
Weapons: VSD weaponry includes ten quad turbolaser batteries, forty double turbolaser batteries, eighty concussion missile tubes, and ten tractor beam projectors.
Drive: The VSD's hyperdrive is a very fast model, allowing it to cross the galaxy in half the time of a ISD. Its sublights are noticeably slower, however.
Gladiator-class Star Destroyer
Kuat Drive Yards
Smallest of the true Star Destroyers, the Gladiator-class is 600 meters in length and requires a crew of 1255. Utilized most often on Outer Rim missions where they are often used to pacify entire systems for up to two years without reinforcement, Gladiators have a complement of 1200 troops (2 battalions), five AT-ST walkers and the shuttlecraft necessary to deploy them.
• Weapons: 12 dual turret-mounted light turbolasers, turret-mounted medium lasers (3 port, 3 starboard, 4 aft), 10 assault concussion missile launchers, medium tractor beams (4 forward, 2 port, 2 starboard)
• Drive: The fastest of the Star Destroyers, with a hyperdrive equivalent to that of the VSD, perfect for a vessel expected to chase pirates and rebels in the Outer Rim.


Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser
Rendili StarDrive
A workforce cruiser that sees heavy space combat and planetary occupation tasks, the Dreadnought-class cruisers are quite old now, and being shifted into roles of less importance.
Weapons: (10) medium dreadnought turbolaser batteries, (20) light dreadnought quad turbolasers, (10) heavy laser cannons.
Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser
Sienar Fleet Systems
Assigned as escorts and light battleships, as well as solitary hunters on the prowl for Alliance ships and to maintain order in distant regions of the Empire.
• Weapons: (15) medium turbolasers, (10) quad light turbolaser batteries, (30) point defense laser cannons, (3) heavy tractor beam emitters


Dedicated primarily as the means by which large numbers of other ships are brought to a destination or into a battle, carriers are large ships with plenty of space for starfighters and similar small, dangerous vessels.

Secutor-class Battle Carrier
Kuat Drive Yards
Very nearly a star destroyer class vessel, the Secutor is a carrier, primarily delivering a payload of starfighters to the front line of an engagement. It carries two wings (144) TIE-series starfighters, as well as walkers, small craft, and 14,000 troops: sufficient to subjugate a planet.
Ton-Falk-class Escort Carrier
Kuat Drive Yards
A smaller carrier than the Secutor, the Ton-Falk carries a full wing (72) of TIE fighters, along with six shuttles. Poorly armed with a warhead delivery system and 10 dual laser cannons, the Ton-Falk usually holds a rear position relative to the conflict, allowing it to deploy starfighters from safety.
Quasar Fire-class Escort Carrier
SoroSuub Corporation
The smallest of the Imperial carriers, the Quasar Fire-class carrier transports 48 starfighters at any one time, along with a complement of shuttles and landing craft.

Corvettes & Frigates

Employed for workhorse tasks, or for skirmish and light warfare backup, the corvettes and frigates employed by the Imperial Navy are usually either serving as gunboats or as transports.

IR-3F-class Light Frigate
Sienar Fleet Systems
Originally deployed during the days of the Old Republic, IR-3Fs are short ranged patrol craft used for intrasystem picket and customs duty in the modern Imperial Navy.
Weapons: (4) turbolaser cannon turrets or (4) firelinked heavy laser cannons
Imperial Customs Frigate
Rendili StarDrive
Used to police space lanes and star ports, dealing with pirates and smugglers. These are the "police vehicles" most frequently deployed by Imperial Customs, usually operating alone or in pairs, or acting as support for Imperial Custom IR-3F light frigates.
Lancer-class Frigate
Kuat Drive Yards
Only really in use in the Outer Rim as an interdiction and anti-pirate vessel, the Lancer is an excellent anti-starfighter vessel. Unfortunately, it doesn't tend to hold its own again vessels of equal size, making it of little purpose to Imperial strategies, who'd usually rather just fill in spaces with expendable TIEs to deal with enemy starfighters.
Weapons: (20) turret-mounted quad laser cannons (4 dorsal, 4 ventral, 4 port, 4 starboard, 4 forward)
Vigil-class Corvette
Kuat Drive Yards
The Kuat Drive Yards corvette is used for patrolling trade routes, deployed as scoutcraft, served as escort for cruisers, and operates as a long cruiser hunting pirates and smugglers.
Weapons: Twin light turbolaser turrets (3), twi heavy laser cannon turrets (3), medium tractor beam emitter.
Imperial Customs Corvette
Rendili StarDrive
Rendili StarDrive's light corvette is the backbone of the Imperial Customs service. Systems with an Imperial Customs branch generally have at least one of these vessels, and more important systems have several. While it is not capable of taking on large warships, these ships are more than adequate for taking on most freighters or starfighters. For boarding operations, the corvette carries a stormtrooper platoon.
Raider-class Corvette
Kuat Drive Yards
Rejected for frontline warship duty, the Raider is most often used as a patrol craft, often operating in pairs with escort frigates like the Victory- or Gladiator-class Star Destroyer
Weapons: Twin light turbolasers (1), Twin heavy laser cannons (6), ion cannon (1).
EF76 Nebulon B Frigate
Kuat Drive Yards
One of the first new vessels developed for the use of the Imperial Navy, they are usually assigned to tasks beneath Star Destroyers, such as convoy escort, scouting, and picket duties. Much to Imperial chagrin, more than a few of these vessels have made it into Rebel hands.
• Weapons: (12) retractable turret-mounted medium turbolasers, (12) retractable turret-mounted light laser cannons, (3) heavy tractor beam emitters.
Surveyor-class Reconnaissance Frigate
Kuat Drive Yards
Small, fast, frigate-sized vessels intended for reconnaissance and long-range exploration. It is fitted with both powerful sensor suites and passive stealth technology, allowing them to remain largely undetected as they gather information.
• Weapons: (6) Turret-mounted light turbolasers, (4) turret-mounted medium turbolasers, (6) turret-mounted twin light laser cannons, (4) medium ion cannons, (2) heavy tractor beam emitters

Transports & Shuttles

Sentinel-class Landing Transport
Sienar Fleet Systems
Similar in design to the Lambda-class shuttle, the heavier Sentinel is used to transport troops into active war zones, often remaining behind to provide aerial combat support if necessary. Sentinels can carry fifty-four troopers with speeder bikes and heavy equipment, and by reconfiguring the cargo compartment, it can carry up to an additional twelve AT-ST scout walkers. The standard crew is a pilot, a copilot/sensor officer, and three gunners.
Weapons: Eight laser cannons, two concussion missile launchers, retractable ion cannon, and two rotating repeating blasters.
Y-85 Titan-class Dropship
INCOM Corporation
These dropships deliver walker armored vehicles from warships to the surface of planets, carrying up to four AT-ATs and four AT-STs at a time, clamped to the ceiling of the hold by cranes which allow them to be deployed quickly from floor hatches, usually with personnel already in them. Its heavy armor allows it to withstand sustained enemy fire during its delivery.
Weapons: Two forward facing twin laser cannons.
Gozanti-class Transport
Corellian Engineering Corporation/Gallofree Yards, Inc.
A Gozanti-class transport allows for the transport of TIE fighters, AT-DP walkers, and stormtroopers between fleets and planetary garrisons. It can carry up to four TIEs mounted beneath its wings, and act as a dropship for troopers and walkers in active battle zones.
Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
Sienar Fleet Systems
The Imperial Navy's most common hyperspace-capable shuttle and general-purpose light craft, frequently used as an officers' transport. Its armored hull and deflector shields protect the shuttle's occupants: up to twenty passengers, with a standard crew of pilot, copilot, navigator, communications officers, gunner, and engineer.
Weapons: Two forward mounted double blaster cannons, one rear mounted double blaster cannon, two forward mounted double laser cannons.
Star Galleon-class Armed Transport
Kuat Drive Yards
A massive, plodding, humpbacked vessel, the Star Galleon is used by the Imperial Navy's Logistics Corps for long-haul heavy cargo, and for high-value cargos without needing escort vessels.
Weapons: (10) retractable medium turbolasers, concussion missile launcher
VT-49 Decimator-class Assault Ship
Kuat Drive Yards
Used for long-range recon, picket duty, and ground/shipboard assaults. Frequently employed by Imperial Customs and the Imperial Security Bureau.
Weapons: (2) turret-mounted quad laser cannons, concussion missile launchers
Kappa-class Shuttle
Republic Sienar Systems
An older Sienar Systems shuttle, largely replaced by the Lambda. Still used in backwater or low-importance Imperial facilities.
Weapons: turret-mounted heavy blaster cannon, (2) wing-mounted autoblasters

Kappa-class Shuttle: older Sienar systems shuttle, largely replaced by the Lambda. Still used in backwater or low-importance Imperial facilities.

Patrol Boats

PB-950 Patrol Boat
Corellian Engineering Corporation
A small patrol boat frequently used for Imperial Customs and in local system defense forces.


The preferred iconic Imperial starfighters are the TIE series, produced for the Empire by Sienar Systems. These fighters are named for the twin (T) ion (I) engines (E) that propel them, and are recognizable by the solar panel arrays mounted on either side of a central cockpit. These "wings" draw power from signature solar arrays to feed the solar ionization reactors that power them, producing a distinctive "screaming" sound in atmospheres (and replicated by the sensor arrays in ships that face them). Most TIEs do not have shields, hyperdrives, or life support. TIE pilots wear life-support suits that they have trained in extensively, and they are trained to avoid getting hit, most often through wild careening spins along their forward axis.

TIE/LN Starfighter
Sienar Fleet Systems
A nimble, responsive craft with tremendous handling and neither armor nor shields, the TIE fighter is essentially a pilot, sitting atop a weapons array with an engine at his back. TIE fighters attack in large numbers, swarming other vessels to make up for deficiencies in firepower or defensive strength. Because they have no hyperdrive, TIE fighters must always be deployed from somewhere, and it is usually short range deployment - a garrison or fleet vehicle.
TIE/SA Tactical Bomber
Sienar Fleet Systems
With its signature bent wings and double-pod design, TIE bombers are very distinctive. One pod houses a cockpit (more of a cylinder than the standard orb), but the other cylindrical pod is purely filled with ordnance and the machinery needed to deploy it. Most used in surface assaults and offensive operations against capital ships, they are slower and less maneuverable than the TIE/LN, but can engage enemy starfighters from greater distances through the use of homing missiles. While they do mount the typical TIE twin laser cannons, the ordnance pods can carry a variety of warheads. Typical payloads include sixteen concussion missiles, twelve proton torpedoes, eight proton rockets, six space mines, four proton bombs, or sixty-four thermal detonators. The bomber's sensor package is built to resist jamming.
Variants: The design of the bomber has seen other applications, including the replacement of the warhead bay with a cargo bay for passengers. Another similar design loads the pod with stormtroopers, and attaches docking clamps and a hull cutter along the underside of the pod, allowing the vessel to cut a passage for a boarding party of stormtroopers against other ships.
TIE/IN Interceptor
Sienar Fleet Systems
The Interceptors forward-thrusting dagger-shaped solar arrays are quite distinctive, and mount laser cannons on each wingtip. Designed to outrun and outmaneuver other starfighters, the TIE/IN's ion engine is top of the line, providing it with breathtaking speed and maneuverability.