Hypogean Merits

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Many Hypogeans sleep where they can, finding some out-of-the-way area in UnderLondon to fall over when sleep takes them, hiding their belongings here and there to prevent (or at least stymie) thieves and in general live lives of vagabondry.


Those who are sworn into the service of one or more of the Keepers are changed in subtle ways. For the most part, these are minor benefits, social or resources-based in nature. Once 3 dots in a Mantle is reached, all other dots in Mantle automatically drop to 0, as that character becomes an Agent of one of the Keepers, and is awarded their Badge.

  • Mantle •: X
  • Mantle ••: X
  • Mantle •••: X
  • Mantle ••••: X
  • Mantle •••••: X

Status (UnderLondon)

Not all social standing has to do with the Keepers. The Hypogeans are a fiercely independent lot, when they have the power to be, and they respect those who are, as well. Each dot in Status grants a discount to purchasing a specific type of Merit, reducing the cost to New Rating x1 for that Merit. The Merits are: Iron Stamina, Lair, Resources, Unseen Sense or the UnderLondon Dwellers group (Direction Sense, Iron Stomach, Natural Immunity, Toxin Resistance and Tunnel Rat)

  • Status •: You are known in one of UnderLondon's domains, generally the one you spend the most time in.
  • Status ••: You are known in all of UnderLondon's domains. Characters with this rating of Status may now purchase the Mantle Merit.
  • Status •••: You are well-regarded in all of UnderLondon, gaining a +1 to all Social Skill checks. Characters with dots in Mantle cannot go above this rank in Status.
  • Status ••••: You are quite famous in UnderLondon, regarded as a Person of Note and Distinction. You are also, of course, regarded as someone who is not under the thumb of any of the Keepers.
  • Status •••••: You are a legend in UnderLondon - someone whose renown may be based on their leadership ability, their notorious capers, their depraved lusts or their great enlightenment. Not only are you not one of the Keepers' own, they are forced to regard you as a serious power in UnderLondon.