Jedi Council: Dantooine Enclave

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The Outer Rim world of Dantooine has hosted a Jedi Enclave for several decades. Founded by the vaunted Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, the Dantooine Enclave served as a training ground for the most promising of students. Following the death of Master Baas at the hands of his fallen Padawan Exar Kun, leadership of the Enclave was passed to a small collection of Jedi Masters of the High Council. Currently the Enclave Council consists of:

Jedi Master Vrook Lamar, a Human Male - known for his staunch conservatism and deep reluctance of allowing Padawans on dangerous assignments.
Jedi Master Vandar Tokare, a Male member of "Yoda's Species" - the oldest of Masters on Dantooine, Tokare served for over two centuries on Ossus. Master Tokare is well regarded for his wise insights into the will of the Force.
Jedi Master Zhar Lestin, a Male Twi'lek - A Jedi Instructor who trained students on Coruscant during the early construction of the Jedi Temple. Jedi Master Bala Nisi, a Human Female -