Harper Charm
Animal Friend
Animals regard you as though they have been rendered friendly per the charm animals and plants spell. This effect lasts for 10 days once activated, and then vanishes.
You comprehend any written word as though you knew the language and context in which it is written. This ability lasts for 3 days once activated, and then vanishes.
As an action, a creature you can see has a glamor placed upon them. Within 10 minutes after this glamor has bee placed, they gain the charmed condition for one hour, directed toward the first creature they see after the glamor is placed. If the creature is of a species and gender they are normally attracted to, they regard them as their true love. You may use this ability three times before the charm vanishes.
When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Once you've used this ability three times, it vanishes.
Lunar Sight
You can cast moonbeam without using a spell slot. Once you use this ability, it vanishes.
Mielikki's Grace
You assist nature all around you, casting plant growth without using a spell slot. As an additional effect, all plants in the area are cleansed of all blight, magical or otherwise. Any fires are extinguished as well. Once you've used this ability three times, it vanishes.
As an action, you cause oozes and plants within 30 feet to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + yoru Wisdom modifier). On a failure, any affected creatures that have a CR equal to or less than half your level are destroyed outright. Otherwise, affected creatures take 5d4 necrotic damage. Once you've used this ability three times, it vanishes.
Mystra's Recall
You may recover a spell slot of no higher than half your level, up to a maximum of 5th level. Once you've used this ability three times, it vanishes.
Touch of Knowledge
As a reaction to having to make an Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion skill check, the minimum you can roll is 20 + your proficiency + your relevant ability modifier. Once you've used this trait three times, it vanishes.
Words of Encouragement
You can cast bless without using a spell slot. This iteration of the spell requires you to sing, and if you cannot, then your Concentration is lost. Once you've used this ability three times, it vanishes.