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After Story Five: Rivergard Feast

From Lord Emeryk Graben, to Lady Isalaine Graben

Dearest Mother-

I send you greetings from King's Landing. Please don't be too upset at me for not writing sooner. As you can imagine, helping Lord Renly's household get set up here is a full-time endeavor, and I'm forced to spend my time getting to know the city and those who live here over sitting in my cramped quarters writing letters.

I'll have to be brief. The city really is as wonderful as I've heard, and the Red Keep is even moreso. There is plenty to keep me busy here besides my duties - some of the best knights Westeros has to offer can be found here. I've had the pleasure of meeting Ser Barristan Selmy, who is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. And even at his age, I've watched him best six fine knights at once! He truly is a marvel. He also treats me kindly; the other knights say he has some left over affection for those of Valyrian blood. Whatever the cause, he is a good man and worthy knight.

Which brings me to a concern. Though father and Ser Ulwyck did their best, I do wish that they'd instilled in us a bit stronger affinity for the knightly traditions. I never thought they were terribly important (indeed, I remember being dismissive of Brice thinking of them as such), but now that I'm here, in the world, among others, I can see how naive that view was. You know I respect Ser Ulwyck's skill at arms and loyalty to father, but it might be time to start looking towards a master-at-arms who can train the boys of Marrowmont in skill at riding, mother, and at wielding the lance.

Those are my thoughts at the moment. Please forgive my brevity, and know that I love you. Give Minisa, Alysa and Lyle my love as well.

I remain,
Your Son,
Lord Emeryk Graben of Marrowmont

From Lord Garland Kraedmyr, to Lady Isalaine Graben

To the Lady Isalaine of House Graben,

I am writing to confirm the arrival of your party to Gryphmont mid-month. We always celebrate the Silver Festival at the height of the full moon, and with the knowledge it us upon us, I write to say that I hope that we can look forward to hosting you and your House among us as we celebrate. If there is anything we can do help facilitate your journey or stay here, please do not hesitate to ask.

~Garland Kraedmyr of Grypmont

As scribed by the hand of Maester Ambrosine

From Lady Aldia Velt, to Lady Isalaine Graben

Blessed Lady Isalaine~

I shall be brief, as I know you are busy tending to the running of your household. While we were both deeply concerned about recent events which led to the severe injury of my son, Ser Quayle, he was very clear to write to us to tell us of the quick thinking and tremendous skill of your maester.

Please communicate to him our deepest thanks and affection, and know that should you, your House or your maester have aught of need from House Velt, it shall be yours, should it be within our power to do so. Your compassion did not just save a knight of Lord Swann's household, but the heir of Owlkeep as well. We do not forget such debts.

May the Seven keep you and yours,
Lady Aldia Velt

From Lord Fenkirk Willum, to Lady Isalaine Graben

To Lady Isalaine Graben
Lady of House Graben and Regent of Marrowmont
My Lady -

I hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health. In recent days, I received a message from Lord Tytos Blackwood, asking to open a discussion on the possibility of marrying his daughter Amara to my son, Brice. He mentioned to me that your House hosted his heir and eldest daughter as they established one of their renowned bowyers in your household; congratulations on such an acquisition, by the way - it is to be envied.

He mentioned to me that Amara and Brice seemed to have formed a connection of some sort, and that his daughter has interest. If Brice is truly interested, and was not simply being cordial, I should very much like to see this marriage occur between them. House Blackwood is an old and revered House of the Riverlands, and though they do not hold to the Seven (a concern mostly to my wife, in truth), they would make tremendous allies for our House.

To that end, I am writing to you, my Lady for two reasons. The first is to issue my thanks - were it not for your efforts, Brice would not have met her. Secondly, however, I write to ask a favor. Should we manage to make such marriage a reality, I would humbly ask that we be allowed to host the wedding ceremony itself.

I know he is your ward, and you or your duly chosen representatives should be permitted to come along with whatever military forces you feel are appropriate to see that he returns with you. Despite being your ward, however, I would like to honor my firstborn and heir with a proper celebration, worthy of the union. It would permit the marriage to occur in a manner befitting my House's legacy, and would also divest you of the responsibility of paying for the union yourself.

I eagerly and gratefully await your response. Aldia sends her love, as do the twins.

~Lord Fenkirk Willum Lord of Threeswords

Writ by the hand of Maester Heire.

From Ser Alwyn Wachstrom, to Lady Isalaine Graben


From Ser Garth Hightower, to Minisa Graben


From Ser Courtnay Penrose, to Minisa Graben


From Amara Blackwood, to Ser Brice Willum

Marked Private

From Lord Fenkirk Willum, to Ser Brice Willum

To Ser Brice Willum
Steward of House Graben and Heir of House Willum
My Son -

I have received an interesting missive from Lord Tytos Blackwood. He indicates that you and his daughter met in recent days, and seemed to have formed a bond of affection. In his brusque fashion, he has asked to open negotiations for a marriage between you and his Amara.

He does seem to require that this be done in a rapid fashion, however, asking to resolve the question in a matter of weeks, if possible. Is there something about your interactions with Amara that I should know about? I should very much hate to be surprised during these negotiations.

I am proud of you for taking our previous conversation seriously. In all honesty, your insistence on finding a bride of high status was wiser than my insistence on a Graben wife - in thirty years, no one will remember the handful of years you spent in Marrowmont, but our descendants will benefit from a union with such a renowned House as the Blackwoods for generations to come.

~Lord Fenkirk Willum

From Lady Adia Willum, to Ser Brice Willum


From Maester Luwin, to Maester Tolbric
