Blackstaff Tower Description

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Ground Level & Courtyard

  • Courtyard (G1): A simple cobbled courtyard, with a circular path leading all the way around the tower. The gates of Blackstaff Tower are usually held open. The view of the tower from the courtyard is, however, enough to generally keep pranksters and wasters-of-time away: it seems to be a single, seamless structure without windows or doors at all.
    • The Apprentice's Gate: In the back wall of the tower, opposite the main gate, is the so-called "Apprentice's Gate", a section of wall that can be rendered pass-throughable by those attuned to the tower with a touch. The stone of the wall ripples slightly, like a body of water, and then those attuned to the tower may pass through it. It remains solid to all others.
  • Gardens (G2): Khelben is an avid forester, though he doesn't have the change to go ranging as must as he likes. As such, he assuages that urge by spending time in his gardens. Though it does have some food plants and herbals useful in magic, its main purpose is to provide Khelben a way to relax. His apprentices know well better than to disturb him when he is crouched among the plants, which he never tends by magic, but only ever by hand.
  • North Tower (G3): The denizens of this tower use this tower as a small stables, capable of comfortably sheltering up to two horses. Khelben does not maintain any horses, nor does he permit his apprentices to do so here (though he does not care if they stable them elsewhere, of course).
    • Secret Passage: Beneath a trough of hay, there is a cunningly-crafted trap door that leads down into the cellars beneath the tower.
  • East Tower (G4): This small tower is used as a sort of general storage. Mounts brought in by visitors to the tower usually remove their tack and harness and store them here.
  • South Tower (G5): Turned into a meditative retreat, this tower is usually kept fairly dark, with plenty of comfortable throw-pillows and large cushions on the ground. It has a small table with the necessary implements for making a soothing tea, and a selection of fine incenses.
    • Secret Passage: One corner that is kept buried in cushions actually bears a well-hidden trap door down into the cellars here.
  • West Tower (G6): This tower is simple storage, where Khelben keeps his gardening implements.
  • Entry Vestibule (G7): An entry chamber that usually features an apprentice on guard rotation, armed with a couple of wands (a wand of binding and a wand of enemy detection) in case of having to deal with troublesome visitors. Though this apprentice's responsibilities also include welcoming guests who come calling peacefully, it's usually a thankless, dull job - as a result, most of those apprentices catch up on their studies during this time.
    • The Golems in the Cupboards: Along the southern wall is a pair of small alcoves covered by easily-discoverable secret doors (DC 10 Perception, DC 5 Search). If anyone who is not Khelben opens one of these doors, the golems activate in defense of the tower. Those attuned to the tower will not be attacked, but they cannot give the golems commands.
  • Audience Chamber & Dining Hall (G8): A formal chamber where Khelben usually receives his guests for tea or a meal, this chamber doesn't see much activity, in truth. Khelben usually takes meals up in his chambers, and the apprentices' meals are either taken out to them (for those on Guard Rotation) or are brought up to the apprentices' parlor.
  • Kitchens (G9): A simple but full kitchen that makes up for its lack of size and servants with a handful of minor magical amenities, including an ice chest that keeps foods stored in it quite cold. It also has a dumbwaiter that need not be pulled, but animates to raise or lower its contents by the will of a user attuned to the tower.
  • Pantry (G10): X

Apprentices' Level

Attuned to the Tower

There is an ambient magic to Blackstaff Tower itself, which apprentices can attune themselves to. Khelben must grant permission to those who would attune themselves to it, and can revoke that permission by act of will while within the tower, which begins the normal process of de-attunement immediately.

It is a special property of the tower's enchantments that apprentices need not be in constant contact with the tower to remain attuned to it. Most of the benefits gained by this attunement require the apprentice to be in contact with some aspect of the tower in order to use, such as the stones beside the dumbwaiters or the Apprentice's Gate on the walls.

  • Library (A1): X
  • Parlor (A2): X
  • Apprentice & Guest Quarters (A3): X

Master's Level

  • Laboratory (M1): X
  • Spellcasting Chamber (M3): X
  • Components Storage Vault (M4): X
  • Wardrobe (M5): X
  • Khelben's Chamber (M6): X
  • Study (M7): X
  • Rooftop (M8): X


  • Stairwell Landing & Records (C1): X
  • Wine Cellars (C2): X
  • Food Cellars (C3): X
  • Master's Vault Space (C4): X
  • Escape to Palace (C5): X
  • Hideaway (C6): X
  • Tower Passage (C7): X
  • Donjon (C8): X
  • Passage to Sewers (C9): X
  • Passage to Palace (C10): X

Inhabitants of Blackstaff Tower


Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun

Archmage of Waterdeep. Human • Male • Wizard (Noble Background)
Khelben is the most powerful and influential archmage of the Sword Coast, and is widely rumored to be one of the rulers of Waterdeep (though he never has anything to say on the subject). Allied to the Harpers, and instrumental in keeping the Lords’ Alliance (of Silverymoon, Sundabar, Neverwinter, and other “good” cities of the North, with Waterdeep) intact, Khelben is always working to influence this or that occurrence or trend, looking years ahead. He is a forester and a painter, and has tutored many mages of note (including Malchor Harpell, Savengriff, and Nain). Khelben is a tall (6'’), well-muscled, bearded man with a receding hairline, black hair shot through with silver, and a distinguished manner. He is gravely wise, not pompous, and is fully learned in the history, lore, and traditions of magic as practised by humans in the North since the rise from barbarism.

The Apprentices


The Household
