DnD5 Wizard Runethane

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The Runethane wizard delves deep into the oft-elemental power within ancient dwarven rune magics, runic sigils that evoke what dwarrowfolk call the Deep Power. xxx

Runic Lore

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd, you develop spells quickly that invoke the runic Deep Power of dwarrow-lore. Immediately add the spells guidance and message to your known cantrips, and choose one of the following first-level spells to add to your spellbook: comprehend languages or absorb elements (XGE)

Then, at the following levels, choose one of the indicated spells to add to your spellbook. This happens automatically, as though it were a spell gained through the class feature "Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher."

  • 3rd level: magic weapon or earthbind (XGE)
  • 5th level: glyph of warding or magic circle
  • 7th level: Mordenkainen's private sanctum or elemental bane (XGE)
  • 9th level: teleportation circle or stone shape
  • 11th level: guards and wards or investiture of stone (XGE)
  • 13th level: sequester or symbol
  • 15th level: power word stun or mighty fortress (XGE)
  • 17th level: power word kill or invulnerability (XGE)

These spells are all considered to be wizard spells, but only for runethane wizards.


Starting at 2nd level, xxx

Circle of Runes

Starting at 6th level, you may cast a Concentration duration spell in such a way that it etches itself into the surface on which you stand. You must be standing on stone, wood, or some other hard surface, and cast a spell that targets yourself with a Concentration duration. This causes the magic to burn a circle of runes at your feet. For the duration of the spell, you may maintain Concentration on this spell in addition to any others (including needing to make Concentration saves on both spells as long as you maintain them). If you move from the spot in which you cast the Circle of Runes, leaving the circle, the spell ends.

The Circle of Runes is a circle five feet across when cast normally, but by using a spell slot higher in level than needed to cast the spell, you can cause the Circle to be wider. Add five feet to the total width across for each spell level above. Thus, casting a spell with a spell slot one level higher creates a circle ten feet across, two levels higher for fifteen feet across, and so on.


Beginning at 10th level, xxx


Starting at 14th level, xxx