V'neef Atufu
Aspect: Wood; Concept: Wandering Justice, Drunken Baby-Maker; Age: 37
Motivation: ; Intimacies: X
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 5, Cha 4, Man 1, App 2, Per 2, Int 3, Wits 5
Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 2, Craft (Wood) 4 (Wine-making +2), Dodge 3, Integrity 3, Linguistics 1 (High Realm; Flametongue), Lore 2, Martial Arts 5 (Drug Paraphinalia +3, Firewands +2), Medicine 2, Melee 1, Occult 3 (Alchemy +3), Performance 4 (Story-Telling +2), Presence 2, Resistance 3, Ride 2, Sail 2, Socialize 4, War 1
Backgrounds: Artifact 4, Backing 2 (The Magistracy), Connections 1 (Cloister of Wisdom), Connections 1 (The Magistracy), Face 1, Manse 1, Resources 2, Thaumaturgy 1; Dragon-Blooded: Breeding 5
Excellencies: Essence Overwhelming: Martial Arts, Resistance, Socialize
Martial Arts Charms
- Golden Exhalation: One Eye Follows The Bird
- Orgiastic Fugitive: Clarity of Mind Moment, Saturnalia Memorium Kick, Orgiastic Fugative Form, Drunken Monk Loses His Sash, Two-Fisted Merrymaker, I Wasn't There Understanding, Drunken Monk Finds His Sandal, Unhealthy Miasma Stance
Resistance Charms
- Ox-Body Technique, Strength of Stone Technique, Impervious Skin of Stone
Socialize Charms
- Sweeten The Tap, Warm Faced Seduction Method
Essence: 3; Personal: 13; Peripheral: 34; Anima Power: 5m; Immune to Poisons, Poison others
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 4, Valor 2; Willpower: 5
Athletics Measurements: Vertical Jump: X yds; Horizontal Jump: X yds; Move: 4 yds; Dash: X yds.; Lift: X lbs.
Possessions: 2 Perfect Quality Flamepieces, Drinking Gourd, Doses of Bright Morning, Fire Tree Blossoms, Orange Berries, Qat, Marijuana, Opium, Other yet-undetermined drugs
- Artifacts: Green Jade Brestplate, Blue Jade Perfected Kata Bracers Bracers, 2 Green Jade Wristshadow Pipes, Green Jade God-Kicking Boots
- Hearthstones: Merrymaker's Jade (Wood 2, regenerate 1 bashing health level from intoxicants every 5 ticks); Vintner's Stone (Water 2, transforms up to [Essence] liters of water or other potable liquid into wine once per day)
Combat: Join Battle: 5; Dodge DV: 5; Soak: 9B/9L ([Green Jade Breastplate: +4B/+6L, Mob 0, Fat 0, Hard 2B/2L])
- Punch: Spd 5, Rate 2[4]; Acc 11[14] (+2[+5]), Dam 3L[6L] (+0L[+3L]), PDV 6[7] (+2[+5])
- Kick: Spd 5, Rate 2[4]; Acc 10[13] (+1[+4]), Dam 11L[14L] (+8L[+11L]), PDV 4[6] (–1[+2])
- Clinch: Spd 6, Rate 1[3]; Acc 9[12] (+0[+3]), Dam 3L[6L] (+0L[+3L]), PDV —
- Wristshadow Pipes: Spd 4, Rate 3[5]; Acc 13[16] (+1[+4]), Dam 8L[11L] (+5L[+8L]), PDV 8[9] (+3[+6])
- Perfect Flamepiece: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc 14 (+3), Dam 9L, Range 8, PDV -
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Inc.
Tactics: X prefers to approach combat in the following way:
- Pre-Combat: X
- Join Battle: X
- First Action: X
- Second Action: X
- Third Action: X
- [Contingency]: X
Social Combat: Join Debate: X; Mental Dodge DV: X; Hide Motivation: X
- Presence: Spd 4, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
- Performance: Spd 6, Rate 1; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
- Investigation: Spd 5, Rate 2; Acc X/X, PDV X/X
War of Ages: Magnitude: X, Drill: X, Might: X; Armor XB/XL, Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Inc; Morale: X; Move: X (Unordered), X (Skirmish), X (Relaxed)
- Spd X, Rate X; Acc X (+X), Dam XBL (+XBL), WDV X (+X), Range X
- Episode One: X