Brothers Aerasume

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The Brothers Aerasume are the acknowledged children of Alustriel of Silverymoon, with an elven father who is rumored to still dwell in the Moonwood nearby. It is generally assumed that it is from he that the surname Aerasume hails, although those who speak Espruar point out that it would be deeply convenient if it were so, as the word Aerasumé means "Silver-Moon of the Evening."

Less-known is the surname "Tanagathor," a name that is assumed to be the true surname of the Aerasume brothers' elven father. Many of the brothers who identify very closely with their fathers' people in the Moonwood take the surname.

The Brothers

Boesild Aerasume
The Oldest
A wizard of great power, Boesild prefers to remain largely to himself, although his face is known as the eldest of Alustriel's sons. (Age: 110 years)
Baerndar Tanagathor
xxx (Age: 88 years)
Uoundeld of Silverymoon
Teacher of Tactical & Strategic Spellcasting
xxx (85 years)
Dolthauvin Aerasume
Wanderer in the Moonwood & Coldwood
xxx (59 years)
Elinthalar Tanagathor & Andelver "Tressymfriend" Tanagathor
Wanderers of the Lurkwood
Twins (55 years)
Methrammar Aerasume
The Shining Guard
xxx (50 years)
Inthylyn of Silverymoon
xxx (40 years)
Lilinthar Aerasume • Naerond Aerasume • Tarthilmor Aerasume
The Aerasume Trinity
Lilinthar is a ranger of the Moonweather clan of elves in the Moonwood; Naerond is a paladin/mage of Mystra aligned with the Knights in Silver; Tarthilmor is in the Spellguard. (22 years)
Raerilarr Aerasume
The Page
xxx (14 years)
The Baby
xxx (9 years)

The Sisters Aerasume

Alustriel is known to have given birth to daughters before, but she prefers to keep them behind the scenes and out of the public eye until they choose to make names for themselves publicly.