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Player's (Mun's) Quote: "I don't have what it takes to make an action game. I think I'm better at telling a story." --Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy

Hiyo! I'm David, but I've gone by a lot of different aliases over the years. Davey-kun (as so stylized) was a nickname a dear old friend of mine (Sarah the Boring, to be precise) bestowed unto me during my infancy on the Internet, when I was a teen. (I needed to say that, finally, since so many people see that as me giving myself a Japanese honorific which is not only appropriative, but incredibly offensive to use a pronoun of status for yourself. Also I'm not a friggin' weeaboo, God dammit, either! >___<) I've had a few different pen-names and other things I've gone by over the years as well. Basically, I was the original Wavey Davey, before some gym bunny twink decided to call himself that and I could no longer use that nickname; it now has branding on it.

I have extensive text-based, online roleplaying experience: canon universe, "real life" roleplay, original universe roleplay, et al. When it comes to D&D, I'm woefully without experience, but that's through no fault of my own. (I was part of an online campaign over 10 years ago, and all we did was basically start the game before the DM decided his own campaign was "boring" and had a couple of psychotic episodes after that, so we all kinda scattered to the four winds. At the time, I didn't know anyone else who played D&D online, so I went back to my other RPs and worked on various Fanfics for the next few years.)

My background consists of so much music, television (western and to a lesser extent, Japanese TV), lots of movies, a lotta creative writing and photography, etc. I also have myriad other schools of interests that I've dabbled in to varying degrees. When it comes to fandom universes, I have a pretty exceptional knowledge about several, including some that I've not even partaken in or really experienced/watched/read/etc. myself.

Enough about me though, I think. If you wanna know more, I'm friendly and won't mind answering questions! :D