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|Harmony=2 (Harmony Refinement: Leash the Beast (Fury))
|Harmony=2 (Harmony Refinement: Leash the Beast (Fury))
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** Being held down with cologne-like odors present
** Being held down with cologne-like odors present
** Seeing a child in distress who is alone  
** Seeing a child in distress who is alone  
* '''Possessions:''' High end electronics including a laptop and tablet, designer everything, a brand new cherry red Ducati Superbike, and Henry Mulgrew's Harley and lightsaber keychain.
* '''Possessions:''' High end electronics including a laptop and tablet, designer everything, a brand new cherry red Ducati Superbike, and Henry Mulgrew's Harley and lightsaber keychain.

Revision as of 01:22, 30 September 2015

Jason "Jace" Evans
Jace Evans Faux Alpha Abs.jpg
Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 2;
Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3;
Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Mental: Academics 2, Computer 2 (Internet)

Physical: Athletics 2, Brawl 3 (Boxing), Drive 1, Larceny 2, Weaponry 1
Social: Empathy 1, Expression 1 (Acting), Intimidation 2, Persuasion 2, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3 (Misdirection)

Mental: None

Physical: None
Social: Allies 1, Contacts 2 (Drug Culture, Internet Sex Trade), Resources 2, Striking Looks 1
Fighting: Improvised Weaponry 1, Fighting Finesse (Boxing) 2
Supernatural: Pack 1 (Astoria Pack. Packbound to: Warner Pelt, Thomas Michael Craig, Davis Monk, Stella Jalo, Elaine Litchfield, Reese Tavis, Desmond Lancaster)

Health: 7, Willpower: 4, Size: 5, Speed: 11, Defense: 6 (Armor: None), Initiative: 6
Werewolf Traits
Harmony: 2 (Harmony Refinement: Leash the Beast (Fury)), Primal Urge: 1, Essence: 6 (max)
Refinements: {{{Enhancements}}}
Pack Tactics: Can Opener
Gifts: Gifts of Change: ???
Rites: None
Werewolf Abilities
Essence: 1E to increase Physical stat by +1 for one scene
Regeneration: 1B per turn, 1Ess to heal 1L; Lethal heals at 15min interval; +Primal Urge to all healing rolls
Senses: +Primal Urge to perception; low light, hearing sensitivity (factor of 10), scent, tracking
Feral Wolf
The Aspiring Alpha: The alpha must be in control. He demands obedience from those who are weaker than he, and seeks to challenge anyone and everyone who is in any kind of authority over him, real or perceived, using violence if they will not submit.

Affinity Instinct: Territorial. The would-be Alpha has to demonstrate that he can defend his pack and their territory.
Feeding the Wolf: You regain a point of Essence and a Feral Die when you exert your clear authority over someone else, taking control where you're not "supposed to."
Triggers: Predator, Territorial (+1), Safety, Fury (-1)

Current Conditions
Embarrassing Secret
A secret; could turn into Notoriety if revealed.
Possible Sources: Any action that has to be kept secret for fear of ostracism.
Resolution: The character’s secret is made public, or the character does whatever is necessary to make sure it never comes to light.
Swooning: Davis Monk, Carmen Anderson
Wild about someone; -2 to any roll that adversely affects them; they gain +2 on Social rolls against you, and treat your impression as one level higher.
Possible Sources: Exceptional Success: Persuasion, Subterfuge; mental powers, having another help you fulfill your Vice.
Resolution: Your character does something for his love interest that puts him in danger, or he opts to fail a roll to resist a Social action by the specified character. Alternately, if the target of your interest does something to badly damage that interest, you may resolve this Condition as well.

|Morality=Rating: 5 (+0 Breaking Point Tests)
Personal Breaking Points
• Passing responsibility off to someone's detriment
• Injuring someone who is threatening his status
• Seeing sexual assault
• Being held down with cologne-like odors present
• Seeing a child in distress who is alone


Born: June 11, 1991

Jace transferred to the University of Astoria last year from DePaul University in Chicago. He had been a freshman in DePaul's Driehaus College of Business, but an interest in green industry, especially renewable energy technology, drew him to the emerging scene in Astoria. He continues to pursue a business degree but also dabbles in environmental and marine engineering.

His looks and somewhat aloof allure quickly made him a fixture in the school's party scene, and it didn't hurt that he always had money, drugs, and alcohol to share when he saw fit. It became clear to many, however, that Jace came from a background of privilege, and no one seemed to meet his standards for anything more than passing acquaintance. By the end of his first year, Jace made few friends and yet everyone knew him.

A few have noted that Jace puts much stock in his possessions, and his dorm room is filled with high end electronics and designer furniture and clothing. He intends to replace his aging silver blue Mustang with a cherry red Ducati Superbike this year. After spending the summer in Astoria to fit a few extra classes in, Jace realized that he has outgrown his dorm room, so he is also on the hunt for an off campus apartment.

Outside of classes and partying, Jace spends a lot of time at the gym honing his physique. He was on the swim team in high school and continues to hit the pool, though he no longer competes. He also boxes, but not with much dedication. Jace finds the ocean comforting, and he sometimes goes crabbing with a few other interested students and faculty members, a group organized by the Dean of Students Tessa Edmonton on her boat The Rain Maid.



  • Virtue: Generosity: Although he has had little practice in virtue, Jace finds fulfillment in giving freely to others the things he covets. He is especially drawn to those who have little of their own and come from poverty-stricken backgrounds, which he takes great pains to hide.
  • Vice: Superiority: When things really aren't going well, Jace's surest source of solace lies in affirming that he is a person deserving of a status above others. Often, he acts this out through sexual domination, choosing someone he previously rejected to now receive their much desired night. They receive instead a night of sexual humiliation, verbal abuse, and degradation so that they learn they should never have presumed they could have him in the first place.
  • Aspirations:
    • Become a member of the Vault
    • Remove Harris Clayton from Volk's influence
    • Recruit more cam boys
    • Have his relationship with Reese outed to the pack (Josh)
    • Be accepted into the Cult of the Gibbous Moon
    • Be accepted into the Lodge of the Bull
  • Breaking Points:
    • Passing responsibility off to someone's detriment
    • Injuring someone who is threatening his status
    • Seeing sexual assault
    • Being held down with cologne-like odors present
    • Seeing a child in distress who is alone




  • Possessions: High end electronics including a laptop and tablet, designer everything, a brand new cherry red Ducati Superbike, and Henry Mulgrew's Harley and lightsaber keychain.
  • Weapons: Looks, fists, and scorn
  • Other Notes:

Merit Details

Friends and Family


Family seems to be a sore spot. All Jace ever says when pressed is that he intends to make a name for himself, leading many to believe he may be estranged from a wealthy family of note.

Abe Evans
The New Dawn
Cameron O'Reilly
The Foster Brother


Thomas Michael Craig
The Party Buddy
Jace bumped into Thomas at a party during Freshman orientation while sharing a joint. He inexplicably took a shine to Thomas, showing more than his usual amount of warmth. They run in many of the same social circles, and Jace is always certain to greet Thomas with a few party favors and kind words.
Warner Pelt2.jpg
Warner Pelt
The Fallen Boy Scout
Jace initially thought Warner was a total chump, but he's developed a protective attitude toward the boy scout. Jace recognizes that they are both dealing with Henry Mulgrew's death, but Jace has so far resisted pushing into Warner's affairs. Still, he worries that Warner might be more heavily weighted by the tragedy than he can admit.
Dane Ryerman
The Dealer
Jace made it a point to find one of the best drug dealers in Astoria when he arrived in town, which led him to Dane. The man had other, longer term customers, so Jace ensured his priority by offering a little more than money in return. Some oral here and there, even the occasional overnight, keeps Jace flush with recreational substances. Of course, knowing his fellow students' scorn toward the old hippie, Jace demands discretion in their exchanges. Still, he himself has a soft spot for the man, who represents a reprieve from the constant maintenance of his image at school.
Melissa "Sissy" Thompson
The Former FWB
Melissa spent the better part of last year trailing Jace at parties, but he ignored her. However, after a disastrous Chemistry midterm in the spring, Jace finally gave into her advances to work out some of his frustration. She surprised him by being a far more willing participant in her own degradation than expected, and Jace has seen her several times since. She confided that her childhood nickname was Sissy, which Jace gleefully started using in their encounters, and she has adopted its use more broadly since. Sissy respected Jace's requirements for their relationship and is apparently not bothered that Jace has moved on to other hook ups, so he is rewarding her by supporting her ambitions to enter the UofA's high society.
Harris Clayton
Former Study Partner
A sophomore that Jace met last year, Harris was a bright student that Jace recruited for JayCannon.com and to help him study. Harris was bitten during the Bonfire Party and kidnapped into Volk's pack. Jace intends to get him back from Volk somehow.
Jace Wolf.jpg
Jace's Wolf
Jace is proud of his wolf because his side eye is almost as good as Jace's.


Lysa Amber Godfrey
Veterinary Medicine Major (Sophomore)
The quiet one of Aedia's former group, Lysa is actually a clever and very likeable young woman. She is a good planner and coordinator of people who loves animals (and they love her right back). Though she had a reputation of having an unfortunately low self-esteem and a tendency to get "white girl drunk," Lysa has approached the Winter Term of school with a strong attitude and a winner's bravado. Jace has tagged her as a rising star in college society, so he's steadily bringing her into his orbit as he climbs the social ladder.
Carter Smythe
Engineering Major (Sophomore); Cross Country, Rugby, Wrestling (Captain), ATO
Jace once intended to make the late Henry Mulgrew the king of ATO, but now he's decided that Carter will make a suitable replacement to fashion into a power player in the frat scene and part of Jace's inner circle.

Potential Romantic Interests And The People Actually Getting The D

Davis Monk
The Boyfriend
Jace was attracted to Davis when he met him, but it was seeing him in action at the Bonfire party that really turned Jace on. Jace has never been keen on the idea of actually dating men, but his deepening connection with Davis can't be denied. He's starting to present Davis publicly as his boyfriend along with a little image polishing for the Marine veteran.
Reese Tavis
The Chew Toy
Reese has recently fallen under Jace's influence, taking up Sissy Thompson's role as Jace's sexual servitor. That he is also a werewolf is a bonus allowing Jace to experiment with the more bestial side of weresex. They both share a bond with fallen Henry Mulgrew, which strengthens their ties with each other. However, Jace has no intention of developing any deeper intimacy with Reese beyond packmate with benefits.
Tessa Edmonton
The Sugar Momma
Dean Tessa Edmonton helped Jace transfer to the University of Astoria, and they were involved sexually until Jace revealed the supernatural world to her. Tessa is more important to him than he openly admits because she's the first person he's ever felt he can rely on, and any glimmer of hope that there are good people in the world started with her. Since then, he's started believing in others, especially Davis Monk and the late Henry Mulgrew, but his estrangement from Tessa still deeply pains him.
Carmen Anderson
Helloooo Nurse
Jace doesn't know Carmen, really, but the bit of moxy she's displayed in defying the Monks on Davis's behalf caught his attention. Her involvement in Davis's affairs also makes his strong initial attraction awkward. Hopefully, once Davis is away from Warrenton, Jace won't ever see Carmen again.
Henry Mulgrew
The Lab Partner and Hookup
Jace may not be able to admit it, but he harbored far deeper feelings toward Henry than he ever had for anyone else. That specter hasn't passed yet.
Aedia Randall
The Sorority Princess
There's no point in regretting what's passed with the dead, but Jace has a lingering curiosity about Aedia the Alpha, the side of his fallen paramour he never knew.

Jay Cannon Boys

Zev Caldwell porn alias Johnny Brick
Former Coast Guard
Zev was the first recruit in the new lineup for JayCannon.com. He's former Coast Guard and an aspiring electrician, but he's making more money through the website than anywhere else. Jace will make sure the money keeps rolling in for Zev to keep him around until the Jay Cannon roster is more solid.
Clyde Griffon.jpg
Clyde Griffon porn alias Griff Kidd
Portland Burnout, Hipster Twink
Once a weekend go go boy in Portland, Clyde moved to Astoria to "take a break from it all" after his relationship with a sugar daddy went sour. He's pursuing an unfocused interest in craft brewing now and is all too happy to collect an easy paycheck from JayCannon.com to fund it. As Griff Kidd, Clyde fulfills the needs of Jay Cannon customers looking for a younger, fresher face. Jace is happy to have a cam boy who doesn't care about the seedier aspects of camming and is motivated by fast money.
Darnell 01.jpg
Darnell Wilson porn alias Danny Truth
Porn Activist
Darnell put himself forward to Zane Connley when he learned about recruitment for JayCannon.com. An internet blogger, he has argued for sex positive portrayals of gay men in media and felt called to step up to the plate when the opportunity arose. He also supports himself as a traveling reiki practitioner along the coast based out of Astoria.
Tommy Halloran porn alias Tommy Hightower
Jay Cannon Dropout
A good-looking townie in his early twenties who once worked for JayCannon.com. An anonymous blackmailer drove Tommy away from the business, but Jace has seen him at a few parties lately and is considering trying to rehire him.
Zane Connley
Marketing Major (Sophomore); member of GSA
Zane claimed to be working for JayCannon.com to gain access to the Vault. Jace was not happy when Zane revealed this, but because Zane promised to help market the site and deliver several new cam boys, Jace has let it go for now. He has suspicions that Zane may have been Tommy's blackmailer, however, so the young drag queen isn't in the clear yet. Jace has been careful to present a mix of promised violence and sensuality to keep him under control.



A description of your characters day to day life.

  • Downtime Condition: None
  • Money: Jace always has plenty of cash on hand for a college student, a never ending supply to most students' eyes.
  • Clothing & Jewelry: Jace favors skinny jeans, leather pants, Ed Hardy or plain but expensive white t-shirts, designer tank tops, tight v necks (when he bothers to wear a shirt at all), baseball caps, and sunglasses in a broader range of circumstances than necessary. It's also usually evident that he wears fashion briefs.
  • Communication: Text, chat, e-mail, all non-committal.
  • Food: No carbs, lots of protein and veggies
  • Housing: Youngs River Lofts: A lavish three story loft that Dean Tessa Edmonton gifted to Jace, but he passes it off as an allowance from his parents. It is a much more convenient location for Jay Cannon performances than Jace's old dorm room. Davis Monk is often found watching Netflix here.
  • Days: Classes and pack training. Jace has adjusted his old schedule to allow for more pack-oriented activities. He now starts his day with an early morning jogging patrol of the Astoria territory partnered with the more athletically inclined of the Astoria pack, typically Vanya Simonson, Reese Tavis, Warner Pelt, or Elaine Litchfield. In addition to classes, he trains with the UofA's boxing team, though he doesn't compete. On days off from boxing, he trains with Davis Monk in hunter and military techniques.
    • Fall 2012 Classes: BUS 301 - Prescriptive Business Analytics, ECON 303 - Financial Management, MARENG 231 - Wave and Fluid Mechanics, MGMT 301 - Organizational Behavior, PHYS 101 - Physics Fundamentals
  • Evenings: If there are any worthwhile parties at night, Jace is likely to be there. He's a regular at the Crossroads, where everyone goes to put in face time. Jace spends as much time as he can studying, but he also has to devote a few hours a night performing for and maintaining JayCannon.com. He covers this activity by pretending to hate being interrupted while studying.


Character Experiences
Current Beats: 4
Unspent Experiences: 1
Spent Experiences: 17
Experiences Earned
• June 25th: 2 beats
• July 9th: 5 beats
• July 23rd: 4 beats
• August 6th: 7 beats
• August 20th: 4 beats
• September 3rd: 4 beats
• September 17th: 7 beats
• October 1st: 5 beats
• October 29th: 4 beats
• November 12th: 4 beats
• November 26th: 5 beats
• December 10th: 4 beats
• January 7th: 4 beats
• January 22nd: 4 beats
• Between Sessions: 2 beats
• February 4th: 3 beats
• February 18th: 4 beats
• March 4th: 4 beats
• Between sessions: 1 exp
• March 18th: 1 exp, 2 beats
• April 15th: 3 beats
• May 13th: 2 beats
Strength 3, Athletics 2, Pack 1, Finesse (Brawl) 2, Wits 4, Brawl (Boxing), Harmony 1, Brawl 3
Primal Experiences
• Current Primal Beats: 3
• Unspent Primal Experiences: 0
• Spent: 0