Dragon-Blooded of Varangia

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The Satrap's Household

Traditionally, the Satrap's household consists of the Satrap and her Four Advisors. Though the ideal is to have at least three of the Advisors be Terrestrial Exalts, and all of them be from different Houses, it isn't always possible to manage. Two of the Advisors are Dragon-Blooded (of Houses V'neef and Sesus), and the other two are patricians of Houses Cathak and Tepet.

  • V'neef Qatia (Air Aspect • Satrap's Palace, Yane): A young Varangian woman, Qatia Exalted at the age of twelve, and was quickly brought by the Wizarat to the Satrap. House V'neef formally adopted the young woman, and sponsored her entry into the Spiral Academy, where she excelled. With her graduation, it was simple enough to see that she was placed in the Foreign Office and assigned to the household of the Satrap of Varangia, to take advantage of the young woman's origins for the benefit of the Satrap. Here, she serves as advisor and one of the Satrap's Advisors.
  • Sesus Paulin (Wood Aspect • Satrap's Palace, Yane): Gregarious and handsome, Sesus Paulin is one of the Advisors and often the Satrap's preferred messenger and emissary. He has an excellent speaking voice, and he is an adept hand with flattery. The life of the party, Sesus Paulin is something of a carouser, sampling the beauty of the Varang people when he explores the nightlife of Yane, usually leaving Karia, his patrician wife and their two toddlers at home.

The Thirty-Fourth Legion

One of the V'neef Legions, the Thirty-Fourth is assigned to defend Imperial holdings (and by that, it is understood to mean V'neef Holdings) primarily in the Varang City-States, with a small group of them stationed in Harbourhead, to secure House V'neef holdings there as well.

The Thirty-Fourth is not quite at full strength for a Legion, consisting of 8 dragons (500 men apiece) instead of the traditional 10. Its general, six dragonlords and two winglords are Dragon-Blooded, with the rest of its officers being mortals. The Thirty-Fourth has the distinction of being quite well-equipped, however, thanks to deep V'neef coffers.

The Thirty-Fourth has garrisons in Kriss (3 dragons), Yane (2 dragons), Talt (2 dragons), and a final unofficial garrison in Harborhead for its final dragon.

  • General V'neef Marilus (Earth Aspect • Imperial Garrison, Kriss, Varang City-States): The general of the V'neef Legion in the South, Marilus was a Lost Egg who took the Coin upon his graduation from Pasiap's Stair thirty years ago. He'd already drawn the attention of V'neef, and she played his patron from behind the scenes. In short order, he found his way into the V'neef Legion and rose quickly in the ranks, despite attempts to sabotage his career by the then-general, a Sesus man. Once he had the experience he needed under his belt - experience that V'neef made sure to provide by sending them to guard V'neef holdings in the South - V'neef quickly sent the old general packing, and gave Marilus the title, and a formal adoption into the House, as well.
  • Dragonlord Cathak Emris (Fire Aspect • Imperial Garrison, Yane, Varang City-States): Emris was with the Thirty-Fourth from before the V'neef took patronage of it, and survived the purge that followed. His loyalties are clear: his Legion, the Throne and then the various Houses to which he is now affiliated. He does hope to manage a decent marriage with House V'neef to assist in his elevation, of course. Indeed, his elders have sent glowing letters of recommendation and inquiry into the possibility of marriage with one of the Satrap's own daughters.

Immaculate Order

  • Mnemon Arnis (Earth Aspect • Wanders the Varang City-States): A wandering monk of the Immaculate Order, Mnemon Arnis is quite the missionary. He believes that it is the responsibility of the Empire to instill respect and reverence of the Immaculate Philosophy into the Varang people, rather than their current lackadaisical approach to such efforts.

Other Dragon-Blooded