Castes of Ravimarga

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  • Outcaste: Someone who grew up wholly separated from the "civilized" orders of life, usually as scavengers, filth-tenders, or barbarians.
  • Underworlder: Someone who grew up in the mean streets and criminal underworld. Such an individual likely came from one of the other castes, but quickly turned to crime to make their way.
  • Laborer: Someone who grew up as part of the vast laborer caste, providing largely unskilled labor and often dwelling near the line of poverty.
  • Wright: Someone who grew up as part of the wright caste, straddling the line between grunt laborer work and high-brow savant work.
  • Savant: Someone who grew up as part of the savant caste, engaging in intellectual and bureaucratic work.
  • Noble: Someone who grew up as part of the nobility.



CASTE Characters

  • Starting Wealth: x
  • Caste Focuses: x
  • Caste Contacts: x
  • Caste Ability: x