Dark Powers

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In the deepest corners of the Shadowfell there dwell restless and uneasy powers aligned to the darkness of that terrible plane. Even the wisest sages of the natural world know little of these Dark Powers, and the denizens of the Shadowfell do not speak of them, lest they draw their attention (and wrath). What little is known is that these entities often command the obedience of undead horrors of all stripes, and that they have little power or influence in the natural world save through those undead, or the few dark-pact warlocks who call on their profane names.

Known Powers

  • The Raven Queen: The queen over Gauntpeak, imbricate with Liminal. Her followers all seem to be greatly loyal to her, loving her sovereignty and person fiercely. Her domain is filled with ravens, who are said to act as her eyes and ears throughout her domain, the Ravenmarches.