Icons Sea Lords

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The Sea Lords


"The rightful domain of humankind is the sea, and we its masters."
Far away, weeks down the road that extends south from Great Gate into the Frostwood, lies the realms of the Sea Lords. Coastal nobility who claim all of the sea as their own, the Sea Lords are a lineage of canny politicians given to piracy on their enemies. They claim all of humankind as their own, and so any place that has humans living there is bound to have a few who offer their loyalty – in secret, most often – to the Sea Lords.

Usual Location

The Sea Lords themselves are far away in their coastal demesnes, though their agents are everywhere humanity is found.

Relationships with the Sea Lords

  • Positive Relationships (1-3 points): You are well-regarded by the Sea Lords and their agents. You might be a useful informant (1 point), a staunch ally or even faithful citizen of the Sea Domains (2 points), or even hold a position – most likely secret – in the retinue of one of the Sea Lords themselves. This can, of course, mean that others regard you as an enemy, but the Sea Lords reward the service of their own.
  • Conflicted Relationships (1-2 points): Problematic relationships with the Sea Lords are part and parcel of dealing with a group of power-hungry hereditary nobles. Some will like you, and some will not. Most often, this is because you have a useful relationship with one or two of them, and have probably upset others.
  • Negative Relationships (1-2 points): It isn't enough to dislike the Sea Lords or to stymie their efforts occasionally. Plenty of folk do both of those. No, the only way to gain this degree of enmity from the Sea Lords is to Know Too Much. For whatever reason, you have knowledge of the Sea Lords and their plots (possibly through alliance with the enemies of the Sea Lords) and do not hesitate to use that to deal them the occasional set-back or black eye.


  • In ages of old, the Sea Lords were staunch allies with the Great Clans, and some of that regard remains to this day. It is a truism that nobility sticks together, even the nobility of men and elves.
  • Given the amount of travel that happens along the long Sea Road through the Frostwood, it is unsurprising that the Speaker of Spirits and the Frostwood elves have a long-standing alliance with the Sea Lords.
  • More than once, the Thanes have spoken opinions that seem to be echoes of the words spoken in the courts of the Sea Lords, and more than once the Sea Lords have deployed wealth or aid to the Thanes in return.


  • The constant scheming and spying of the Sea Lords have run afoul of the agents of the Aeriemaster on more than one occasion, and something of a shadow war exists between the two factions.
  • The new leaders of dwarvenkind have found the constant interference of the far-off Sea Lords egregious and unwelcome, particularly given how perfidious it seems to be.
  • The precise reasons for the enmity between the Queen of Frost and the Sea Lords is unknown, although pervasive rumors claim it has something to do with the Sea Lord tendencies to lay claim to all ships in the seas, including those that make the transition from the Feywild to mortal realms.