Lazy Dragon

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The Lazy Dragon
Lion Street, Old Temple, Castle Ward
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Ace Greystone, owner (hm)
Remis Davenport, the innkeep (hm)
Roy, cook (hm)
Aberforth, cook's assistant (hm)
Yanis, barback and bouncer (hm)
Aeva, chambermaid (hm)
Olga, server (hm)
Chandra, server (hm)


Remis Davenport
A young man who would like to own his own inn someday, Remis is very eager to do well. He already has plans to leverage this position into entry into the Fellowship of Innkeepers one day, and from there to running his own inn. For the moment, though, the young man is organized, clever, and good with the books.
Aberforth Findlewhile
Cook's Assistant
A great rotund walrus of a man, Aberforth was hired to act as Roy's assistant in the kitchen, tending to the more menial work while the master chef tends to the important elements. He is also the inn's cook when Roy isn't available, and picks up a little extra coin here and there helping Roy with big event meals. He is awed and stutters nervously around the halfling chef, clearly wanting to make a good impression.
Barback and Bouncer
A young man that Ace found working as a dockhand, Yanis likes his new work much better. Handy with a belaying pin and his bare knuckles, Yanis is very capable of rousting a few drunkards here and there.
Aeva Erudanai
The inn's dedicated chambermaid, Aeva is a hardworking woman. She arrives at the inn first thing in the morning, to give the kitchens and taproom a good cleaning, and then scrubs out the jakes. By midday, she is cleaning rooms that have been vacated, starting with the commons room, and finishes her work by nightfall. She is a quiet woman, bending her head to her work and collecting her coin, with very rarely anything to say.
Olga Three-teeth
"The crone of the Lazy Dragon" is a no-nonsense server, seeing that everyone gets what they've got coming to them, and that they've paid what they owe. Shirkers will find themselves with a very big problem, indeed - she got her surname not from a lack of teeth herself, but for the most teeth she's knocked from a man's head before ("and I'm always looking to improve me score," she is fond of chortling). She takes great pride in tending to the hearth of the taproom herself, considering the merrily burning fire within her personal domain.
A pretty young server, Chandra is a fast and merry worker - though gods help the poor damned fool that tries to help himself to a handful of any part of her body without an invitation. She's quick with the blade at her belt, and isn't afraid to introduce its edge to any patron that gets out of control. Overall, though, she is well-loved for her feisty attitude and her incredible singing voice.