Shadow of the Raven Timeline

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Session One: 22nd - 23rd of Ertezeit

  • On the road to the Court of Magnus Von Drachenhoffs, Drachenschloss
  • Hired or invited by Marshal Dunboch
  • Borderman's Watch, a fortified inn
  • Dr. Wilhelm Schreiber, physician hired for Drachenhoffs, met at Borderman's Watch, accompanying to Drachenschloss
  • Burned warpstone in mountains

Session Two: 24th - 30th of Ertezeit

  • Picking up stragglers at the Watch to accompany us:
    • refugee family (Granny Agatha, Adrik, Gretchen, Fredrick and a boy)
    • Lukas Vogt, priest of Sigmar
    • two journeyman (Nat, big dude fighter; Max, scrawny dude)
  • 28th: Stopped by Captain Henrik, tried to tax us by Baron and Drachenwarden
  • 30th: Attacked by goblins, lit up with marsh lights, and murdered with magic darts.

Session Three: 31st - 32nd of Ertezeit

  • 31st: Arrive at the town of Luther's Ferry (couple hundred people), with a sturdy wooden palisade, beside the river.
    • Substantial forest a small ways off.
    • Shanty camp near the village
      • 100+ people, with twin-tailed comet of Sigmar banner hanging there
      • Father Dieter, priest of Sigmar, welcomed refugees
    • Meet Sgt. Ignak, in charge of local defense
    • Lord Kristov Petrovo, lord of Luther's Ferry, late 40s-early 50s
      • Bogdan Petrovo, brother of lord
      • Dusana Petrovo, lord's daughter, early 20s
    • Encounter shrine to the Quindeus (Morr, Manaan, Ulric, Taal, Rhya)
    • Resivia, local forest spirit revered by the people, daughter of Taal and Rhya
    • Hosted meal by Lord Petrov
    • Learned of greenskin warband led by an orc named Mrok, who also have a shaman; volunteered to assist against them
    • Gossip from Camp
      • Montreau: Brittonian encampment, believed to be chaos worshippers, human sacrifice, etc, 100 miles (claimed)
    • Priestess of Morr, wields the magic of Morr, sent here to oversee the shrine of Quindeus
  • 32nd: Awakened by Siegfried who says "They are keeping us busy."
    • Tell the others, and we head into the woods and find it somewhat cultivated, with distinct threads of dhar leading further into the woodlands
    • Wulfhilde manages to get some information about the worship of Resivia, the
      • Moments of joy are rare, seize it when you can
      • Children are sacred
      • The fertility of all is to be embraced
    • Forest is dangerous a mile in
  • 33rd: Set out to deal with the greenskins, accompanied by the Pieter, a hunter; Lukas Vogt; Kristof and Nat + Cenek (big dumb dude)
    • Encounter Ernst Lutherson, a ferryman who gets us across the river.

Session Four: 33rd of Ertezeit

  • 33rd: Once across the river, begin hunting for greenskins.
    • Marching Order:
      • Pieter + Ravandil
      • Siegfried + Cenek
      • Kristof + Lukas
      • Magnus + Wulfhilde
      • Nat
    • Ambushed a patrol of 1 ork, 5 goblins, 10 snotlings; succeeded entirely
    • Found encampment
      • Snuck in while Lukas, Nat and Pieter performed distracting archery
      • Used sounds spell to distract watchers as we progressed
      • Encountered 3 goblins and ork shaman, attacked them, killed shaman and goblins
      • Trying to sneak back out, encounter ork, 2 goblins, 5 snotlings work party

Session Five: 33rd of Ertezeit

  • 33rd: Engage a work party of an orc, 2 goblins, 5 snotlings
    • Cenek was cut down by an orc warlord in plate armor
    • Get back to ferry and into town again, receiving medical treatment.

Session Six: 33rd of Ertezeit

  • 33rd: Get down to river and discover a site where Gretchen's waterskin has been dropped; the site swirls with dhar that seems to lead off in one direction.
    • We follow it along the river to the woods. Siegfried goes back to get Pieter who helps us track through the woods.
    • They return, and we track the dhar and prints to a clearing.
    • In the clearing is a statue of Resivia, with a bloodspattered altar upon which is bound Gretchen.
    • Closing to her, we discover that she is disoriented and strangely horny.
    • We free her and run off, but find that mutants are chasing us. We kill them, and return to the refugee camp.
    • We discover that the lord's brother, Bogdan Petrov is searching for us, and is clearly behind the cult.
    • We flee as night falls, getting out of town with Gretchen and her family, Dr. Shreiber, Sister Nina. We are pursued by a harvester golem that fells Siegfried but Ravandil destroys the hand token that is the means by which it is controlled.
    • We flee some more.

Session Seven: Mid-autumn Throng to 6th of Brauzeith

  • Midautumn Throng to 2nd of Brauzeit: Travel following the muddy road.
  • 3rd: Arrive in Taschgart, a small lumber community with a full palisade and decent population.

Pieter is here.

    • Depart Taschgart and camping that night.
  • 4th: Arrive in Drachenschloss, about an hour before sunset.
    • Large castle, larger than anticipated, with significant magical presence. Occasionally people have slight Blue Wind stutter-effects, and area magic strobes just before the magical displays over the castle.
    • Great hall, Baron Magnus von Drachenhoff
    • At edge of court, a man in his 50s, hunched back, twisted posture, slightly disfigured, dressed in blue with flashes of scarlet
    • Introduced in court
    • Dinner
      • Aldric, Baron's nephew; complete disappointment to his uncle;
      • Isadora von Drachenhoff, baron's daughter
    • After dinner discussion that includes the story of the cult in Luther's Ferry.
  • 5th: Downtime
    • Wulfhilde gets her stillroom and herbery in order and goes shopping for goods.
    • Magnus gets himself familiar with the stables and its hands.
      • Discovers the identity of Lienhart who is a mighty wizard that tried to teach Aldric, without success.
    • Ravandil spends time familiarizing himself with the castle, talking to people about his story.
      • Discovers an unusually sizeable library, including a copy of Of Assonance & Armaments, by the elven poet Mirhinar.
    • Seigfried assigned as Isadora's body guard
    • Alonzo spends day training Aldric
  • 6th: Downtime
    • Wulfhilde crafts 2 healing draughts
    • Magnus goes exploring in town after his day of work, discovers Valancin's Used Goods, a pawn shop run by a follower of Renald
    • Ravandil cleans library, and continues to explore castle; find a number of disused wings and extensive sublevels, including a couple of catacombs and a tapestry depicting a hill on which necromancers have raised undead to fight against an invasion of greenskins
    • Siegfried hangs out with the other guards who tell him things.
      • Boltmyr sucks, on the edge of the Sac, slave rebellions, swamp lions
    • Alonzo hangs around town, looking for gossip, but finding beer.

Session Eight: 7th to 10th of Brauzeit

  • 7th: Downtime
    • Wulfhilde makes 2 healing draughts. (Crafting)
    • Magnus is still getting to know the servants (Gossiping), discover influential person Kajetan, head steward of Castle Drachenschloss, and source of info is Hedvika, head cook for castle and notorious gossip
    • Ravandil continues to explore the castle, finding a ritual chamber located high in the older keep in it own turret, high windows with stained glass, inlaid with elaborate diagrams. Winds of magic are very strong and pure, focused through the castle into the chamber, the architecture smoothes and evens them out, a tinge of darker magic (no sign of recent use)
      • Ritual work: +3
      • All benefits of a Casting Circle
      • Most useful to a necromancer (extra magic die for rituals), this is magic designed to draw upon a source of power
    • Siegfried explores the town. Discovers the Stone Cask, a dwarf-owned tavern frequented by miners and guardsmen.
  • 8th: Downtime
    • Wulfhilde seeks gossip from among the servants, hears that the Drachenhoffs are cursed, has been going on for 20 years. Speaks with Isadora, who tells her about the family who have fallen to the curse.
    • Magus searches the magical emanations of the castle. Hits up Katejan for moustache wax.
    • Ravandil seeks out Aldric searching for info about Lienhart.
    • Seigfried seeks out herbery and got a selection of flowers for Gretchen.
    • Ravandil and Magus speak with Baron von Drachenhoff about a day excursion off to see the wizard.
  • 9th: Downtime
    • Wulfhilde makes 1 herbal infusion.
    • Magnus seeks gossip about the head steward Katejan. Wants things Just So, servants kind of scared of him, doesn't yell, rumored to have slept with a good portion of the female servants of the castle, rep as a lady's man, but won't cross above the salt (turned down by Lady Tatiana Szygorny)
    • Ravandil searches the castle for magical emanations. Old Keep (designed to channel a natural wellspring of magic beneath the castle, dwarven runic work), Middle Keep (also designed to channel and make use of the magic, necromantic style of magic), Outer Curtain (totally mundane)
    • Magnus notices that as Isadora is preparing to go riding, the blue wind is spiraling around her and tries to trigger a curse. It makes the horse go crazy.
    • Mila, servant who has been taking dolls and locks of hair to the warlock
  • 10th: Servant meets with a woman at the Duck & Hound
    • She and Kazimir were hired by someone in (independent town) to enact a curse and assassinate Isadora
    • Alchemical laboratory, trade tools (apothecary), trade tools (herbalism), 5 healing draughts, 6 doses belladonna, 2 doses black lotus poison, 4 doses of spider-spittle, disguise kit, 4 throwing knives, 3 main gauche (good quality), 4 doses of dust or drug that has a green shimmer, letter
    • Grimoire containing details on ritual called "Blinding the Eye of Amul" (entropy curse), grimoire on celestial magic, grimoire of a variety of lores (shadows)

Session Nine: 10th to 29th of Brauzeit (Downtime)

  • Siegfried talks to the priesthood of Morr about his visions. They ask him to record his dreams, but he expresses both a lack of literacy and a concern about revealing the dreams to those other than who they're meant for/involve.
  • Begin searching for a familiar: x weeks, starting 10th of Brauzeit
  • Ravandil goes collecting while practicing his burgeoning skills with the Green Wind. Nearly runs afoul of wolves, but turns into a tree instead.
  • Magnus goes to talk to the steward Kajetan and tries to fucking hypnotize him (lolwhut). Gets gossip out of him, instills some attraction toward Magnus, and find out a variety of other lovely gossip.
  • Alonzo is approached by Aldric, with a copy of Of Assonance & Armaments. The boy seems interested, and Alonzo finally finds a way into his interests.
  • Wulfhilde is approached by Lady Tatiana asking about her medicines and cosmetics. She then closes the door, asking her to make a sleeping draught. She also goes about discovering some secrets
    • What is the most off-limits area of the castle? The catacombs are strictly off-limits; suspect that there are other off-limit areas, which are simply kept concealed by no one being served there.
    • What is the cause of servants leaving the castle? Turnover in the Castle is mostly caused by the baron deciding he distrusts someone and getting rid of them. It occurs on occasion. Some banishments, some relieving of duty, some executions.
    • What are the opinions of local servants toward the new, outland retainers? There is some degree of resentment at being removed from the castle, including some executions.
    • What happened a decade ago involving his wife? In 2510, Lord Marshal Jaroslav Zima (Lord Marshal of the Visizena Province, Lord of Blut Pool, in charge of army) gathered soldiers and mercenaries and attempted to kill and overthrow Baron.
      • Lord Antonin Rochlov led some loyalists along with Leinhart and a group of Imperial Mercenaries, fought off Zima's forces.
      • In the fighting, the Baron's wife Ruzena was killed, along with another half-dozen Von Drachenhoffs. Leinhart was made a permanent advisor and Zima was forced to retreat back to Blut Pool.
      • As a result of the coup, the southern 4/10s of the barony was seized by Zima and continues to be held to this day.
    • Is anyone under suspicion? Baron has no tolerance for deception and the like, and if he suspects anyone even a bit, they are removed. He trusts: Leinhart, own family, Lord Antonin Rochlov (childhood friend), Radovan Petrovich (hunchback, one of most trusted advisors). Frequently removals come after Radovan has spoken with Baron. Radovan acts as chancellor for barony, but does not bear the title.
  • Venture to meet Leinhart.