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The elite dragonborn legions of the adhalmagus are called the Dekza, whose name simply means "Legions" in Draconic. The Dekza are divided into x legions, each by the color of the dragonborn within them. They bear names associated with that color - and the type of breath weapon the dragonborn wield - are scattered throughout the Empire, according to their necessary purpose. Each of the Legions has a home province, and answers to the sorcerer-king of that province, save the Dekza Aurix, who are the Imperial Legion.

Dekza Vutha (Black Legion)

Home Province: Greatlake Province x

Dekza Ulhar (Blue Legion)

Home Province: Rainshire Province x

Dekza Auraj (Brass Legion)

Home Province: Morningshire Province x

Dekza Aujir (Bronze Legion)

Home Province: Dragonbone Province x

Dekza Rach (Copper Legion)

Home Province: Everfields Province x

Dekza Aurix (Gold Legion)

Home Province: None (Imperial) x

Dekza Auchak (Green Legion)

Home Province: Elmheights Province x

Dekza Charir (Red Legion)

Home Province: Irondelve Province x

Dekza Orn (Silver Legion)

Home Province: Starwave Province x

Dekza Aussir (White Legion)

Home Province: Icewood Province x